To create a new project go to the File | New Project… menu item.  This will open the New Project dialog.  In the New Project dialog box, you can select Java with Ant under Categories, and Java Application under Projects.

Hit next, and then give the Project a name. In this example the project is named ‘ExampleProject’. After naming it the application can set to where its saved to. This is useful as projects can all be saved in the same location, making them easy to find in one directory. Once a name and location are given to the project a name and a location on your computer, hit finish.

Add JANOS Runtime

Now that the project is created, the JANOS Runtime library needs to be added to the project so its classes can be used in the application. To do this, go up to the file drop-down and select ‘Project Properties’. 

In the Project Properties dialog box, select the Sources option under the Category section. For the Java Platform, use a version of Java 8 as a default platform. 

Next, select the Libraries option under the Category section. Under to the compile tab, select the plus icon next to Classpath and select ‘Add Library’. Then select the JANOS Runtime Library. 

Give JANOS Runtime precedence

In order to ensure that the classes stored in the JANOS Class Library take precedence over any that might be also present in the JDK, you can do this by going to the compiling section of your projects properties and in the additional compiler options entering:

-bootclasspath “${file.reference.JanosClasses.jar}”

This will insure that the JanosClasses.jar file is searched before any other library. As of the time of this writing we do not know of a way to prevent the Java Compiler from referencing the installed platform libraries.

Debug Information

Debugging information is extremely useful if some error arises.  The debug information in the Stack Trace will pinpoint exactly where the bug lies in your code.  The stack trace will show you the call stack containing source file names along with line numbers.  You can enable debug information in the Project Properties dialog.

Next > Running an Application

JNIORs can connect with other devices via Ethernet connections. Defining a port and IP, the JNIOR can listen or send to a device with those Ethernet settings using the IO and Net classes of the JANOS Runtime library. Receiving data uses a DataInputStream and sending data uses a DataOutputStream. 


Below is a very short example, that shows a quick reference to the IO class to create a socket to open a DataOutputStream. Once that is open I can send a message to an external device. The socket only requires the IP address and the port number. In this example the IP is and the port is 9222. Once the DataOutputStream is created using the socket, I send a string out it. I use a TCP server I created that listens on that IP and port number to see if it receives the data sent.

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I put the built jar file of this example application into the JNIOR’s flash folder and ran it from the Web UI’s console tab. After it has successfully run, I check my TCP server and see that the information was successfully received.


Another example of Ethernet control uses a UDP connection versus a TCP connection. Another example is below, using the Datagram Socket and Packet classes from the package. This creates a UDP connection from the JNIOR to any UDP server listening and sends it a string. 

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Just like before, I put the built jar file of this example application into the JNIOR’s flash folder and ran it from the Web UI’s console tab. After it has successfully run, I check a UDP server I created  and see that the information was successfully received.

Applications can log information they are generating into a .log file to view. This feature can be crucial to some users, letting them be able to monitor data that constantly needs supervision. Log files can roll over as well, which happens when a log file runs out of space. When this occurs, a new empty file with the same name is created to log more data, while the old file that has no more space gets a .bat extension added to the end of the file name. This allows for data to be retained longer before being overwritten. 

To use logging in a software application on the JNIOR, you will need to use the JANOS class of the JANOS runtime library. With it you can define a log file name and what you want to log to it. If the log file exists at the location you specify, it will add what enter to it. If the log file doesn’t exist, it will create the log file, and then log what you enter to it. Below is a short example of creating/adding to a log file that exists in the temp folder of the JNIOR.

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I put the built jar file of this example application into the JNIOR’s flash folder and ran it from the Web UI’s console tab. As you can see after running it, going to the temp directory of the JNIOR shows the loggingExample.log file.

Series 4 JNIORs have a varying amount of inputs and outputs depending on what model you have. The 410 has 8 inputs and 8 outputs, the 412 and 412DMX have 4 inputs and 12 outputs, and the 414 has 12 inputs and 4 outputs. Each relay contact rating is 1A @ 24VDC and the voltage source must be in the range of 5 – 30V AC or DC. The JNIOR uses a 2-piece terminal connector system for all power and I/O wiring connections allowing for easy installation and/or removal of the JNIOR.

Controlling Relay Outputs

When controlling the JNIOR’s I/O, the JANOS class can be used to get/manipulate their statuses. In the following example the JANOS class is used to pulse outputs, get the output states mask, check the status of an output, and check an outputs usage meter.

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I put the built jar file of this example application into the JNIOR’s flash folder and ran it from the Web UI’s console tab. As you can see it displays different data about the outputs at the time of the application running.

Getting Outputs from the IO Log

Another way to interact with the I/O on the JNIOR is via the Iolog Monitor. The Iolog Monitor is an object that can be checked for I/O events that have occurred on the JNIOR. There is the IoEvent class and Iolog class. An IoEvent is when an input or output state changed on the JNIOR, and the Iolog is an object that contains all the IoEvents from a certain timestamp. The example below pulses an output, and then shows how the Iolog has recorded that output pulse as an IoEvent.

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I put the built jar file of this example application into the JNIOR’s flash folder and ran it from the Web UI’s console tab. As you can see it recorded the output change where output 8 turned on and again when it turned back off.

Excluding the 412DMX, each JNIOR model has a COM port (labelled RS-232) and an AUX port (labelled AUX Serial). Both are DB-9F Female 9-pin D-sub connectors. The AUX port has 4 active signals and the COM port 2. The pin assignments are as follows:

2 >> RS232 TX / RS485 TX-
3 << RS232 RX / RS485 RX-
5    GND
7 << RS232 RTS / RS485 RX+
8 >> RS232 CTS / RS485 TX+

Each port provides at least a 3-wire RS-232 interface. A 3-wire connection contains only the Transmit (Tx), Receive (Rx) and Signal Ground (GND) circuits. The  COM port is used for diagnostics, but the AUX port on the 410 is RS-485 capable. These ports can be taken over to send and receive messages from these ports.

Creating a Serial Connection

When creating applications to control a serial port, the Comm and IO classes are what can be used to control them from the JANOS runtime library. Using this class you can create Input and Output streams for either the AUX or COM ports to receive or send out data via the serial ports. Below is a very short example, that shows a quick reference to the Comm class to open the AUX serial port and after establishing an Output Stream sends out a string. I opened a serial connection from my computer using command line and connected to the AUX port of the JNIOR to see if the data went through successfully.

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I put the built jar file of this example application into the JNIOR’s flash folder and ran it from the Web UI’s console tab. After it has successfully run, I checked my serial connection to the AUX port of that JNIOR and saw the message went through.

Serial Connection Output

NOTE: AUX and COM ports can’t be opened more then one time, if they are then a PortInUseException error is thrown. An example of this happening is shown below where a serial port was opened twice.

The available expansion modules for the JNIOR are as follows: the Control Panel, Temperature Probe, Environmental Sensor, 4 Relay Output, 10volt, 4-20ma, and 3 Channel LED Dimmer. These expansion modules all have ways to be manipulated through the JANOS runtime library. Each Expansion Module works on any JNIOR logic controller model and contains the following key features:

  • On-board microprocessor for rapid, effective analog signal sampling
  • Automatic recognition of the module by the main JNIOR logic controller
  • Flexibility to utilize a mix of modules
  • Can be used in addition to the JNIOR temperature sensors
  • Web-based configuration via the main JNIOR web page
  • Easily integrated into all the JNIOR communication methods
  • No separate power supply necessary – all power received via the Sensor Port
  • 2-year warranty

Controlling I/O and Reporting Data

When creating applications to control expansion modules, the SensorPort and JANOS classes are what can be used to control them from the JANOS runtime library. Using this class you can get an expansion modules type, check their inputs, check/set their outputs, get the temperature, set LEDs, and check the external device list of expansion modules. Below is an example, that gets each module connected to the JNIOR, and then reports on their data. 

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I put the built jar file of this example application into the JNIOR’s flash folder and ran it from the Web UI’s console tab. As you can see it prints the expansion modules connected along with info about the data they are reporting.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
RegEdit v1.0 Feb 17 2023 8.8 KB 2c558e281994ff235b1d15ec6d618db0

What is the RegEdit Utility?

JANOS v2.0 removed the classic command line registry editor.  The regedit utility brings back that command line functionality within an add-on application. regedit starts by displaying the root registry directory, which is where the registry starts for the JNIOR. Unlike how editing the registry currently works with Series 4 units, the regedit utility displays the full registry with a number value for each folder/key in the command line. regedit allows you to either display a folders contents, edit/delete a registry key, or add a new folder/key. 

Adding a key

When inside a folder or in the root directory key, you can add a new key. Simply enter the name of the key you wish to create. You’ll then be prompted to add new values to this key. Because the JNIOR registry can’t contain empty keys in it, if you don’t enter a value for the key you are creating the key will instantly after being created. After entering value for the key, it will display what the key with its value. After hitting ‘y’ to accept the key. it will be created and redisplay your current folder’s registry keys.

Adding a folder

Adding a new folder can be done when you add a new key. When adding a new key, you add the folder name beforehand to set the folder the key resides in. For example, if you wanted to create a folder with the name ‘testing’ that contains a key named ‘key’, you would type ‘testing/key’ and then enter a value for that key. A key must be created with a new folder, since folders can’t be empty in the JNIOR registry. Just like a key, if an empty folder is added it is instantly deleted.

Viewing a folders content

When a number entered is associated with a registry folder, regedit will ‘enter’ that folder by displaying the folders/keys inside of it and giving each one a number. You can then repeat the process of entering another registry folder or then edit a registry key, the only difference being that you can go back to the previous folder you were in by typing the number associated with the ‘<previous>’ value.

Editing/Deleting a key

When a number is entered that is associated with a registry key, regedit will display the key and its value and prompt you to either change, edit, or remove the key. To do one of these of options, you’ll just enter the first character for any of these options (‘c’ to change, ‘e’ to edit, ‘r’ to remove). The change option allows you to re-enter a brand new value for the key you are editing. The edit option is similar to the change option, but leaves the previous value the key had for you to edit. Lastly, the remove option simply removes the key from the registry. You’ll be prompted one additional time to confirm removing the key before the remove goes through.

Deleting a whole folder

While inside a registry folder, typing the * key will allow you to delete the entire folder you are in. Be careful using this to make sure you don’t delete necessary folders on the JNIOR.

Were you a fan of the classic way you could the configure registry? With the RegEdit application, you can edit the registry the same way you would in the past. Simply download and update your JNIOR with the RegEdit update project and run the application from the command line by typing ‘regedit’. Click here for more information.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v6.0 Apr 25 2023 541.1 KB 7d422aae79bbe4d01eaa428a7f423b5e
  • [!] Handle ROUT 17 – 24 as internal macro action
  • [!] Only start the iolog monitors if we have listeners configured
  • [+] Add Doremi as a device
  • [+] Allow device commands to be sent using a raw ethernet device and the send command with the ‘command:’ prefix

Go to the Cinema.jar Application page for more information. The Cinema Knowledge-base has helpful information on how to use the features in Cinema.jar.

Cinema.jar 5.0 March 30, 2022

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v5.0 Mar 30 2022 547.3 KB 6a1f8c4c9f470ccd303133aa10401579
  • [!] Ignoring white-space around schedule keys.
  • [!] Schedule keys no longer require a reboot when changed or added. removed schedules will require a reboot
  • [!] Fixing an issue with embedding quotes in macro action data field
  • [!] Allow comma delimited list of macros for input triggers
  • [!] A macro in a macro list can be delayed since the start of executing the list or the execution of the last macro
  • [!] Updating the http request to handle https responses better
  • [+] Added a UDP Client listener
  • [+] Added a device test event handler
  • [+] Added Web Pages for Cinema to make testing macros and editing registry keys easier.  Access by going to http://JNIOR_IP/cinema

Go to the Cinema.jar Application page for more information. The Cinema Knowledge-base has helpful information on how to use the features in Cinema.jar.

Cinema.jar 4.5 December 21, 2020

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v6.9 Jan 03 2024 545.1 KB 0a2c670e461116768b75288e652c5253

4.0, 4 oct 2019

  • [+] added code to detect barco series 4 device and launch the barco pulse rpc application.

4.1, 03 dec 2019

  • [!] trim unwanted spaces.

4.2, 04 mar 2020

  • [!] fixed cp+8=1000 signed issue.

4.3, 29 apr 2020

  • [!] changing the logging to use .bak files.  the addition of the logarchiver application will compress the .bak files into zip archives.
  • [!] forcing cinema_ prefix on all log files"),

 4.4, 17 nov 2020

  • [!] Modified the macro web handler to get the list of loaded macros"),

4.5, 10 dec 2020

  • [!] Fixed issue working with outputs > 20.
  • [+] rolled the barco pulse api into cinema.jar.

Go to the Cinema.jar Application page for more information. The Cinema Knowledge-base has helpful information on how to use the features in Cinema.jar.

Cinema.jar 3.6 August 14, 2019

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.6 Aug 14 2019 334.6 KB d96d4ae9b9adc4f0b8cdaf9bd87518f3

+ Adding web handlers for getDevice without a device for internal io getAll.

Cinema.jar 3.5 June 2, 2019

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.5 Jun 02 2019 327.0 KB 57a834f2c5ac177b7b19b6dec52350ce

+ Added HTTP POST method to Macro Actions.

+ Added the ability the use HTTPS for GETs and POSTs

Cinema.jar 3.4.1 May 29, 2019

  Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.4.1 [ May 28 2019, 320.47 KB, MD5: 74f51ea7ccb40962eb2118bf16457c50 ]

  • Released May 28 2019

! Fixed a bug where the watchdog was no longer working. If the Cinema application crashed it would not be restarted.


Cinema.jar 3.4.0 May 16, 2019

  Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.4 [ May 16 2019, 320.36 KB, MD5: 63b627ede9c8a79710ddb3d7fd3ca852 ]

  • Released May 16 2019

+ Allow you to query the temperature sensor via a HTTP Request.  A JSON representation of the device will be returned.

As of now the only available devices are Type28 and Type7E...

Type28 is the temperature probe and Type7E is the environmental sensor.

To enable this you will need to set the AppData/Cinema/WebServer/Port registry key. The JNIOR will need to be rebooted after this key has been changed. In this example I chose 8081. Port 80 or 443 is normally the default web server port. This web server port is an additional web server that cinema is hosting to handle these types of requests.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
JNIOR Supporter v0.5 Aug 01 2022 1.3 MB a424e6d7e97d4c18d8ef92df1b19a34c

Go to A Cross-Platform JNIOR Support Tool for more information

There are many updates to this version.

The biggest one is that series 4 JNIORs will use the WebSockets protocol during an Update Project.  WebSockets use the HTTP port, which is normally port 80.  This port is usually forwarded so that you can get to the WEB UI.  FTP and Telnet are not used with Series 4 JNIORs.

You can also open multiple update projects at the same time.  You can push one setup to a set of JNIORs and then push a different setup to a different set of JNIORs at the same time.  Care must be taken to not push conflicting updates to the same JNIOR.

Multiple snapshots can be taken at the same time.

This version also allows you to select multiple JNIORs in the Beacon tab.  Right clicking and selecting an action from the popup menu will apply to all of the selected JNIORs.  This is especially useful if you want to take snapshots of all of your units at once.

You can right click on a unit in beacon to get the Network Capture.

This post will go over how to create an entity in Home Assistant that will keep track of a JNIOR temperature probe using MQTT.

Setup MQTT on the JNIOR

 Before beginning to setup Home Assistant, you’ll want to make sure that you have MQTT setup on your JNIOR. Here is a post you can follow to setup MQTT on the JNIOR.

Setup Home Assistant

Now to start configuring Home Assistant, you’ll need to make sure you have a working setup of it. Here is the installation walkthrough on Home Assistant’s website. Once you have successfully setup a working setup of Home Assistant, you should be able to access its Configuration Web Page at homeassistant.local:8123 in a Web Browser. It should look like this when you access it.

Add MQTT Integration

After you’ve setup Home Assistant, you can now begin to configure Home Assistant to monitor a JNIOR Output. To do this the first thing we need to do is setup the MQTT integration. To do this you’ll go to your settings and select Devices and Services.

Once there, select Add Integration at the bottom of the page and you’ll search for the MQTT integration and add it to your current integrations. Once MQTT is added to your integrations, you’ll then need to configure it to use the same MQTT Broker as your JNIOR device. Here we are using

Get File Editor Add-on

Select next and finish configuring the MQTT integration. After its completed, the next thing we can do is setup an MQTT Sensor Entity. This will represent an on/off status of our JNIOR Output. To do this, we are going to need to get an add-on for Home Assistant. To do this we will select Setting again and go to the Add-ons.

Once in Add-ons, you’ll look for the add-on called File Editor. You’ll select that add-on and install it. (Adding it to your sidebar in its installation settings is helpful also.) This is needed to edit your configuration.yaml file. What is configuration. yaml? The configuration.yaml file is the main YAML file used by Home Assistant to gather all of the information about the users desired configuration. In this file we will define the MQTT Sensor, and we need the file editor add-on to do so.

Configure .yaml File

Once the File Editor add-on is installed we’ll go to it using the sidebar in Home Assistant. The File Editor will display all the files in Home Assistant, and the one we are interested in is the configuration.yaml file explained earlier. In this file we are going to add the MQTT Sensor platform inside it. Here is a picture of a configuration.yaml file after adding the temperature probe as an MQTT sensor.

NOTE: If using the example above, make sure to replace the serial number of the JNIOR above with your JNIOR’s serial number.

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

    - name: MQTT_Tempprobe_Sensor
      state_topic: "jnior/718040125/status/tempprobe/1/fahrenheit"
      unit_of_measurement: "Fahrenheit"

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

Once this is added to your configuration.yaml file, head over to the developer tools above the settings option in the Home Assistant sidebar. On this page click the ‘check configuration’ button, and if the configuration is valid, you’ll then select the ‘restart’ button.

Setup Home Assistant Dashboard

Once Home Assistant has restarted, we can now go to the overview page of Home Assistant and edit our Dashboard. In the Dashboard we are going to click on the kebab menu and select edit Dashboard. This will allow us to add entities that will display the statuses of our JNIOR’s I/O sensors.

With the Dashboard Editor open, we’ll add a new card to the Dashboard. The card we want to add is the Entities Card, as this will let us display the MQTT Sensors we declared in the configuration.yaml file while leaving room to add more. This will also allow us to show how our JNIOR’s temperature probe is being monitored.

Inside in the Entities card, we’ll select the MQTT Sensor we made. Optionally, you can change certain attributes of the card by clicking the pencil icon next to the entity.

Save this Card Configuration, and you should now have a dashboard with your entity. When the JNIOR’s temperature probe changes, so will your entity on your homepage!

This post will go over how to create an entity in Home Assistant that will keep track of a JNIOR Output using MQTT.

Setup MQTT on the JNIOR

 Before beginning to setup Home Assistant, you’ll want to make sure that you have MQTT setup on your JNIOR. Here is a post you can follow to setup MQTT on the JNIOR.

Setup Home Assistant

Now to start configuring Home Assistant, you’ll need to make sure you have a working setup of it. Here is the installation walkthrough on Home Assistant’s website. Once you have successfully setup a working setup of Home Assistant, you should be able to access its Configuration Web Page at homeassistant.local:8123 in a Web Browser. It should look like this when you access it.

Add MQTT Integration

After you’ve setup Home Assistant, you can now begin to configure Home Assistant to monitor a JNIOR Output. To do this the first thing we need to do is setup the MQTT integration. To do this you’ll go to your settings and select Devices and Services.

Once there, select Add Integration at the bottom of the page and you’ll search for the MQTT integration and add it to your current integrations. Once MQTT is added to your integrations, you’ll then need to configure it to use the same MQTT Broker as your JNIOR device. Here we are using

Get File Editor Add-on

Select next and finish configuring the MQTT integration. After its completed, the next thing we can do is setup an MQTT Binary Sensor Entity. This will represent an on/off status of our JNIOR Output. To do this, we are going to need to get an add-on for Home Assistant. To do this we will select Setting again and go to the Add-ons.

Once in Add-ons, you’ll look for the add-on called File Editor. You’ll select that add-on and install it. (Adding it to your sidebar in its installation settings is helpful also.) This is needed to edit your configuration.yaml file. What is configuration. yaml? The configuration.yaml file is the main YAML file used by Home Assistant to gather all of the information about the users desired configuration. In this file we will define the MQTT Binary Sensors, and we need the file editor add-on to do so.

Configure .yaml File

Once the File Editor add-on is installed we’ll go to it using the sidebar in Home Assistant. The File Editor will display all the files in Home Assistant, and the one we are interested in is the configuration.yaml file explained earlier. In this file we are going to add the MQTT Binary Sensor platform inside it. With the MQTT application on the JNIOR, topics on the Broker can be updated two different ways. The first is by updating a specific topic on the broker, and the other is using a JSON payload to update multiple topics at once. To show both ways, here is a picture of a configuration.yaml file after adding both ways to it. (This setup will be looking at Output 1 on the JNIOR, since in the state_topic lines it specifies Output 1)

NOTE: If using the example above, make sure to replace the serial number of the JNIOR above with your JNIOR’s serial number.

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

    - name: MQTT_JNIOR_Single_Topic
      state_topic: "jnior/718040125/status/digital/outputs/1/state"
      payload_on: "true"
      payload_off: "false"
    - name: MQTT_JNIOR_JSON_Payload
      state_topic: "jnior/718040125/status/digital/outputs/1"
      value_template: "{{ 'ON' if value_json.State == 'true' else 'OFF' }}"

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

Once this is added to your configuration.yaml file, head over to the developer tools above the settings option in the Home Assistant sidebar. On this page click the ‘check configuration’ button, and if the configuration is valid, you’ll then select the ‘restart’ button.

Setup Home Assistant Dashboard

Once Home Assistant has restarted, we can now go to the overview page of Home Assistant and edit our Dashboard. In the Dashboard we are going to click on the kebab menu and select edit Dashboard. This will allow us to add entities that will display the statuses of our JNIOR’s I/O sensors.

With the Dashboard Editor open, we’ll add a new card to the Dashboard. The card we want to add is the Entities Card, as this will let us display both MQTT Binary Sensors we declared in the configuration.yaml file. This will allow us to show how our JNIOR’s output is being monitored.

Inside in the Entities card, we’ll select the two MQTT Binary Sensors we made. In this example I also edit each of the entities to use different icons. This is optional, but you can change certain attributes of the card by clicking the pencil icon next to either entity.

Save this Card Configuration, and you should now have a dashboard with your entities. When the JNIOR’s output changes, so will your entities on your homepage! (Depending on if you chose the JSON Payload, Single_Topic, or both in the JNIOR’s MQTT application, only one may change.)

This post will go over installing MQTT onto a JNIOR, and then connecting to an MQTT Broker.

To start, download the JNIOR Support Tool and MQTT update project if you haven’t already. You’ll run the JNIOR Support Tool once its installed, and then go to the update tab. Here you’ll click ‘open project’ and select the MQTT update project. (do not unzip before opening in the support tool) Once its opened in the support tool you’ll select ‘publish’ and in the dialog box select the JNIOR you want to publish to and hit okay.

Once this is complete, you’ll want to go to the JNIOR web page for MQTT by going to a web browser and entering your JNIOR’s IP followed by /mqtt. (For example if your JNIOR’s IP is, in your web browser you would to go the URL The webpage will look like this.

Once on this page, all you need to do is enter an MQTT Broker Host and its Port. You can use a Broker you already have, or if you don’t have one there are public Brokers that you can use. (Examples are or which have their Host Names and Port Values on those pages.) You’ll save these changes, and afterward click the connect button. If the Status says connected, then MQTT is all setup on the JNIOR! If not, make sure you entered the correct settings for your Broker, and saved them before trying to connect.

The JNIOR is used in a variety of industries. Here the JNIOR is used in a clean energy solution, a residential Solar installation. This solar installation went live in the evening of July 7th, 2022. This is the second solar installation for this owner. The previous installation generated power for over a decade. It is still in operation but for a new owner.


The JNIOR is tasked with communicating with the four inverters to collect the amount of power that they produce. Once every 10 seconds the application on the JNIOR sequentially communicates with each inverter to request the current power, daily yield and total yield. The communication is done via MODBUS TCP. Once the data is read, it is tucked away in 2 locations as individual reading and totalized. The data is stored in the registry as a system key that is used for real-time reporting. The data is also stored in a readings.dat log file. This file is moved to the flash filesystem at the end of every day for historical analysis. Only the previous 7 days are maintained in the flash filesystem. The files are numbered by the day of the week to ensure that Sunday overwrites last Sunday, Monday overwrites last Monday and so on.

The real-time data is served from the registry using a php script that generates a JSON format.  That JSON response is requested and consumed by a linux server that is responsible for collecting and storing that data in a MYSQL database for long term storage.


Fun!  While the data can be used to check that the power company is paying you for the kWhs generated beyond what is consumed by the house, this page is generally watched as a sort of game to see how days throughout the year stack up against each other.

While INTEG does not have a Home Assistant integration for the JNIOR, you can use the MQTT Integration to work with the JNIOR and Home Assistant quite easily. The MQTT Binary Sensor platform and MQTT Sensor platform can allow you to setup MQTT Sensors to monitor values on the JNIOR. Home Assistant can also publish topics to the MQTT Broker that the JNIOR is subscribed to.

This is new as of July 2022.  We are currently getting more experience with Home Assistant. Here is a post we recently made that explains creating Home Assistant MQTT Entities to Monitor JNIOR Outputs and another that explains creating Home Assistant MQTT Entities to Monitor a JNIOR Temperature Probe. Please join chat to learn more. 

With the release of JANOS 2.2, the bundled software that comes with JNIORs now have their own webpages! You can access them by going to a web browser and in the URL enter the JNIOR’s IP with ‘/bundled’ after it. As stated before, to access these web pages though you’ll need JANOS version 2.2 or later to access them. Here is a link that briefly goes over the Bundled Software Web Pages. Let us know what you think of it!

Web Pages have been added for Bundled Software Applications! These web pages have been implemented to make configuring the Bundled Software easier. This post will go over the different tabs the Bundled Software Pages have.

To start, there are 5 tabs available on the Bundled Software Pages. Other then the On Boot page, each tab should display different registry settings to configure a different application in the Bundled Software.

On Boot Page

The On Boot tab is the opening tab when the Bundled Software Pages are loaded. Instead of letting you edit the registry keys of one of the applications like the other tabs, this page allows you to set which Bundled Software Applications will run on boot. Keep in mind that when setting one of the these applications to not start on boot, you won’t be able to access that applications tab in the Bundled Software Pages until its enabled again.

Serial Control

Serial Control can accept one or more connections from an external device and this connection can be over the serial port and/or the Ethernet port. The Serial Control tab allows you to edit the registry keys of Serial Control from the web page. Below is a quick explanation for each field.

  • Incoming Termination String – Sets the string that Serial Control looks for at the end of each message sent to it to know if that is the end of message being sent.
  • Outgoing Termination String – Sets the string that Serial Control adds to the end of each message it sends. The external device being sent to needs to know to look for this Outgoing Termination String.
  • Send Counts – Determines if the JNIOR reports each time an input changes to the external device connected through the Serial Control Connection.
  • Send Date Stamp – Determines if each report of an I/O change on the JNIOR reported through the Serial Control Connection gets appended with the current data and time.
  • Send Unsolicited I/O Alerts – Determines if any Alert such as I/O Counts or Date Stamps should be allowed through the Serial Control Connection.
  • Serial Port – Sets the Serial connection that Serial Control connects on.
  • TCP Port – Sets the TCP port that Serial Control connects on.
  • UDP Port – Sets the TCP port that Serial Control connects on.


Serial-to-Ethernet lets you setup a connection between a device that can communicate via ethernet and a device that can only connect serially. The web page allows you to configure the port for the ethernet connection, the serial port of the serial connection, the host address of the device that the JNIOR will attempt to connect to if the external device only listens for TCP connections, and if the connection is maintained after being established.


Modbus lets you setup a connection to the JNIOR using the Modbus Protocol. The Modbus tab on the Bundled Software Pages allows you to setup the port the Modbus Protocol uses, if login is required, and the amount of time in seconds without communication on the Modbus connection for it to timeout.


Slaving lets you control the I/O on one JNIOR by monitoring the I/O of another. There are two tables on the Slaving tab, one for inputs and the other for outputs. Each input and output and on the JNIOR will be displayed in these tables, and from there can be set the I/O point they are slaved to, followed by the information of the external JNIOR that has that I/O point.

This release was issued to support manufacturing and component changes forced by supply chain issues. Because of this, an update to the OS was required to handle this change. Units made June 22nd, 2022 or later will NOT be able to roll back to earlier version of JANOS.

  • Corrected bug in creating multidimensional arrays
  • Improved DEFLATE compression performance with binary files
  • Corrected issue with ‘%’ sign when logging to the syslog
  • Fixed dropped serial character when port is closed
  • Added experimental debugging tools

JANOS 2.1.1 Release December 15, 2021

  • This release was issued to support manufacturing and component changes forced by supply chain issues and COVID

JANOS 2.1 Release August 10, 2021

All New Help system. Use the [Help Search] link in the lower right on the JNIOR Web UI.

  • Eliminated external SYSLOG Server related memory leak
  • Corrected Regex issue with the OR operation
  • Corrected PHP ereg() and eregi() functions
  • Implemented a greatly expanded Help System
  • Added PDF MIME type to the WebServer and Email systems
  • Corrected JRMON latched input [R]eset command, no longer affects relays
  • PHP read file access expanded to include ZIP virtual folders
  • Corrected PHP issues with JSON arrays
  • Corrected Order of Precedence issue with PHP mathematical expressions
  • Corrected the operation of Regex '*' and '+' quantifiers when used following a group
  • Corrected RENAME behavior when attempting to alter case of a filename
  • Enabled PHP logical string comparisons ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >=
  • Enhanced security for JANOS-Session-Id cookies
  • Corrected JANOS-Session-Id handling when multiple cookies are present
  • Improved non-volatile aspect of command line history
  • Corrected issue with network capture completion
  • Fixed issue introduced in v2.0 with IpConfig/Allow
  • Corrected issue with using EXIT in the Console tab of the WebUI
  • Added SHA256 (SHA2) to the MANIFEST database
  • Fixed issue resulting in blank Registry keys being displayed
  • Introduced new expanded Help System

JANOS 2.0 Release March 4, 2021

  • Improved serial diagnostics during boot
  • Added DST rules for New Zealand timezones
  • Added File Sharing. Disabled by default
  • Logs prior Registry key values along with changes
  • Enabled NetBIOS name resolution and disabled LLMNR
  • Allow product "Birthname" such as jr817120068 to be always valid in name resolution
  • Corrected Websockets login issue
  • Fixed issue with HTML Email content
  • Added SHA384 and SHA512
  • Added text form of IP address to certificate to appease Microsoft IE
  • Enhanced Registry key settings to inform as to reboot requirements
  • Improved Email error reporting
  • Added Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) to TLS security suites
  • Removed legacy Registry editor
  • JANOS renews its own self-signed certificates
  • Added JSON support to PHP
  • Added Command Line text editor
  • Added Elliptic Curve TLS suites
  • Added BAT file enhancements and scripting support
  • Added the ability to retrieve files from remote servers to JRUPDATE
  • IP address filtering overridden by SAFE MODE
  • Add capture filter information to pcapng capture file
  • PHP scandir() changed to return absolute file path
  • Issue with /etc folder content in scandir() corrected
  • Corrected issue with nested PHP foreach loops
  • Added PHP date and time formatting function date()
  • Console command line history search and selection enhancements
  • Added PING Flood Mode and addressing validation option
  • Corrected issue with ZIP/JAR decompression failing with some large binary files
  • Added support for the standard loopback address range
  • Default WebServer/Path is now /flash/www/config allowing relocation of the default configuration pages
  • Corrected Registry issue with of Type 10 temperature sensors
  • Batch parameter %0 now returns the command from the command line
  • Corrected runtime issue with PHP replacing existing array content
  • Addressed differences in Linux based terminal sessions
  • Extended the ECHO command for use in scripting
  • Added JMP Protocol port for use in defining capture filters
  • Added JMP port and BuildTag to Beacon protocol
  • Corrected PHP @strrpos()@ and syntax shortcomings
  • Enhanced ARC/ZIP/JAR command
  • Improved compatibility with Linux terminal emulators

JANOS 1.9 Release February 3, 2020

Release Notes

We have released JANOS v1.9 which has several changes and bug fixes. Most notably with TCP packet generation. While it is not wrong to send data in multiple TCP packets, many devices incorrectly implement TCP clients and fail when this case arises. This version adjusted the release of socket data to reduce the chances that a message might be split across separate TCP packets. This had been a recent issue with some MODBUS client devices.

  • Added support for Reverse LLMNR allowing network scanners to label IP addresses with hostnames
  • Adjusted the release of socket data to reduce the chances that a message might be split across separate TCP packets
  • Corrected Sockets race condition that caused occasional reception delays and blocking
  • Fixed the incorrect signed display of large input counter values in JRMON and JMP Protocol
  • Adds a BEACON announcement in the event of an IP conflict
  • Improved NONCE management eliminating possible issues in the presence of port scanners
  • Eliminated chance of buffer overrun occurring in FTP transfer
  • Beacon REBOOT now works in all cases
  • Eliminated potential difficulty in obtaining network capture file

JANOS 1.8 Released June 17, 2019

Release Notes

We have released JANOS v1.8 which adds the JMP Protocol. The JANOS Management Protocol (JMP) is essentially the JSON message interface utilized by JANOS Websockets. The JMP Protocol has been exposed on its own TCP/IP port. This encloses the JSON messaging in a JSON array along with the JSON Object length making reception of the messages easy. The JMP Protocol will be used by the QSC Q-SYS JNIOR component.

  • Implements the JANOS Management Protocol JMP
  • Adds "Block" command to JSON interfaces
  • Web Server limits the effects of extremely slow connections.

JANOS 1.7.1 Released December 3, 2018

Release Notes

  • Watchdog no longer causes reboot from foreground execution
  • REGEX Alternation '|' has been corrected to properly work in Group
  • Corrected NULL Pointer write issue when a Group which employs alternation appears at the start of a REGEX expression
  • Resolved message pump memory issue relating to process termination
  • Expand the channel range for setOutputRelay() from 0-11 to 0-15
  • Corrected network capture filtering when an IP address is to be excluded
  • Supports networks using Jumbo Frames
  • Eliminated assertion associated with improper use of '%n' in System.out.printf.

JANOS 1.7 Released July 26, 2018

Release Notes

  • Added ability to load single CA Certificate to be supplied on TLS connection
  • Support TLS Client Certificate Verification on outgoing connections
  • Added legacy PKCS1 support for externally generated certificates
  • Corrected array issue with processing of deferred email transmissions
  • Corrected memory issue with TAB use on the Command Line

JANOS 1.6.5 Released May 22, 2018

  • Corrected FTP listing issue created by the v1.6.4 release
  • Corrected getRegistryList method memory leak
  • Corrected 412DMX light Flickering
  • Corrected 412DMX NAND Flash processing issue
  • Corrected FTP transfer restart issue
--- Core ---


--- Bundled ---
FTP Client
MODBUS Server 1.9.268 UPDATED
Serial Control 7.2.47 UPDATED
Serial To Ethernet 6.2.70 UPDATED
Slaving Service 3.1.120 UPDATED
Bundled Web Pages ADDED

All-In-One 211215 December 15, 2021

This Update was pushed to support manufacturing and the supply chain issues brought on by COVID-19.  Component workarounds were needed and a bump to the OS was required to support those component changes.  Units built after this date will not be able to roll back to previous versions of the OS.

--- Core ---

DCP (WebUI) 3.1.0

--- Bundled ---
FTP Client
MODBUS Server 1.7.236
Serial Control 7.0.31
Serial To Ethernet 6.1.53
Slaving Service 2.0.104
SNMP 3.1.667

All-In-One 210810 August 10, 2021

--- Core ---


--- Bundled ---
FTP Client
MODBUS Server 1.7.236
Serial Control 7.0.31
Serial To Ethernet 6.1.53 UPDATED
Slaving Service 2.0.104
SNMP 3.1.667
Tasker REMOVED [Has its own installer]

All-In-One 210304 March 4, 2021

--- Core ---
JANOS 2.0 build 1.0 UPDATED

DCP 3.0.1 UPDATED (moved from flash/ to flash/www/config/zip)

--- Bundled ---
FTP Client
MODBUS Server 1.7.236
Serial Control 7.0.31
Serial To Ethernet 6.0.48
Slaving Service 2.0.104
SNMP 3.1.667
Tasker 6.0.1601
Task Manager 7.0.351

All-In-One 210202 February 2, 2021

--- Core ---

DCP 2.4

--- Bundled ---
FTP Client
MODBUS Server 1.7.236
Serial Control 7.0.31 UPDATED
Serial To Ethernet 6.0.48
Slaving Service 2.0.104 UPDATED
Tasker 5.0.1505 ADDED
Task Manager 7.0.351

All-In-One 200501 May 1, 2020

--- Core ---

DCP 2.4

--- Bundled ---
FTP Client
MODBUS Server 1.7.236
Serial Control
Serial To Ethernet 6.0.48
Slaving Service 1.5.1810.225
Task Manager 7.0.351

All-In-One 200203 February 3, 2020

--- Core ---


--- Bundled ---
FTP Client
MODBUS Server 1.7.236
Serial Control
Serial To Ethernet 6.0.48
Slaving Service 1.5.1810.225
Task Manager 7.0.351

All-In-One 190618 June 18, 2019

--- Core ---
DCP 2.3

--- Bundled ---
FTP Client
MODBUS Server 1.7.236
Serial Control
Serial To Ethernet 6.0.48
Slaving Service 1.5.1810.225
Task Manager 7.0.351

We offer Series 4 JNIORs that are made to be a great drop-in replacement for Series 3 JNIORs.

If you have a Series 3 JNIOR and are looking for a replacement, they unfortunately hit the end of life in 2015 and we no longer offer them. Series 4 JNIORs are essentially an improved version of the Series 3 JNIOR that offer improved hardware, more applications, and more built-in functionality. Most Series 3 applications have been modified to run on the Series 4 JNIORs as well, but the dimensions and footprint of the Series 3 JNIOR are the same as the Series 4 though.

Here are just a few of the improvements implemented from the Series 3 to Series 4:

  • A faster processor allows for quicker responses from applications running on the JNIOR and quicker reboots for the JNIOR.
  • The Model 410 JNIORs have RS-485 capabilities for their serial connections.
  • Applications such as Tasker, Analog Presets, MQTT, Grapher, and DMX provide new functionality for the JNIOR to use.
  • Easy-to-use configuration pages through web browsers provide more ways to make customizing your JNIOR simpler, such as a folder tab to view files on the JNIOR.
  • Series 4 JNIORs can capture network traffic between the JNIOR and other devices to help investigate and troubleshoot all data being communicated with it.

If you have a Series 3 JNIOR and are looking to replace or upgrade to a Series 4 JNIOR, let us know and we’ll help you transition your setup!