INTEG is always looking for talented, self-driven people who can help the company grow. We need someone who can wear many hats and perform many different jobs. If you might be interested and think you can help us, drop us a resume and cover letter at
The following jobs are some of the positions here at INTEG. If you have additional skills you want us to know about please feel free to let us know at the email above.
Front Office
We are seeking someone who can manage the accounting using QuickBooks and help run the office.
We are looking for an energetic salesperson who can start as a relationship manager to get to know our current customer base and markets.
We are looking for engineering help with application development for the JNIOR and supporting applications. Applications for the JNIOR are written in Java. Web GUI applications are written in HTML and Javascript. Application development experience on multiple platforms is a bonus.
We are not currently looking for anyone to fill production roles at INTEG.
We are not currently looking for anyone to fill engineering roles at INTEG.
Technical Writer
We are looking for someone who can help relay the features and endless possibilities of the JNIOR through the written word.