Add-On Software


Tasker allows you to easily add logic to the JNIOR by setting up ‘workspaces’.  Workspaces offer a complete and flexible solution for triggering ‘tasks’ based on schedules, I/O, or remote commands for controlling outputs, communicating with devices, data logging, sending e-mail and more.  All tasks are quickly and easily set up via the Tasker web page, so no programming is required to implement the system.

Tasks are a list of actions that happen in the order they are put in.  Task actions can include I/O control, remote communication, logic control structures, data logging, expansion module control, and more.

Data stored on the JNIOR can be in CSV (Comma Separated Values) formatted files for easy transfer from the JNIOR and for use in other applications, including standard spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel.


Cinema.JAR allows the JNIOR to execute ‘macros’.  Cinema.JAR contains functionality for the cinema industry and is described in detail on the Cinema.JAR page in the Software section of our website. 

Macros are created using the JNIOR Support Tool Macro tab.  Multiple macros can be developed to execute on the JNIOR.  Each macro contains a series of ‘actions’.  An action can control a relay output, soft pulse a digital input, control an LED on the JNIOR Control Panel and send commands to remote ‘devices’.  Devices are external equipment that can accept an Ethernet or serial connection from the JNIOR and receive a control command.  Devices are configured using the JNIOR Support Tool Devices tab.

Macros are triggered to execute by a digital input transition, switch on the JNIOR Control Panel, message from another computer, on boot up, scheduled execution by time of day and via logical expressions.

Analog Presets

Analog Presets Control is an application that allows the user to change the analog output settings on the JNIOR Analog Expansion Modules (LED Dimmer, 4-20 mA, 10 VDC) based on a digital input status change or a relay output status change.  The analog signal can be changed to various ‘levels’ defined via Analog Presets configuration web page.  The transition from one analog output value to the next output value is stepped according to a user defined rate.


DMX is an application that allows control of the 512 channels in the DMX universe. Fixture types can be declared that can be given a range of channels to control. Fixtures made with these types are given the starting channel for there range to control from. Scripts can then be run that control channels that the fixtures have been given. These scripts can fade/set DMX lighting along with add delays for there execution.


Grapher allows data file on the JNIOR to be viewed as a chart. Grapher uses its own web page for the chart to be displayed on. Grapher uses files define in its configuration page to generate the graph that will be displayed. The length of time and value limits of the graph can be set as well.


MQTT is an application that allow JNIORs to subscribe to an MQTT broker. JNIORs that are subscribed to a MQTT broker can listen to certain topics which monitor data. These topics can be published to, updating the data on that topic. When a topic is updated by a device publishing to an MQTT broker, all devices listening to that topic from that broker receive the update to that topic.

Utility Usage Monitor

Utility Usage Monitor is an application that can count ‘pulses’ coming from utility meters – gas, water, steam, electricity, etc. – and totalize these counts and display their usage over various time intervals.  The Utility Usage Monitor software is described in further detail on the Utility Usage Monitor page in the Software section of our website.

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