Create or Open a Workspace in Tasker
Workspaces are files that contain configuration for Tasker. Tasks, Devices, Loggers, Signals, Triggers, and Schedules are all saved in a Workspace file.
Multiple Workspace files can be loaded on the JNIOR at the same time allowing you to load more complex logic. Using multiple Workspaces allows you to logically group the features together that rely on each other.
Tasker will not have any Workapces loaded when it is first loaded. You will be presented with a screen alerting you to that fact and telling you that you must create a new Workspace.

You can click the green button to Create a new Workspace or use the New option in the File menu.

Once a Workspace is created and saved the screen will appear differently the next time you visit Tasker. Here we have created two Workspaces to illustrate this.

You can now click on of the Workspace files or use the Open option in the File menu.