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3 Channel LED Dimmer Expansion Module System

3 Channel LED Dimmer Expansion Module System
3 Channel LED Dimmer Expansion Module System

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3 Channel LED Dimmer Expansion Module System

Model Number: EXP-200-006
The 3 Channel LED Dimmer Expansion Module System adds 3 channels of PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) control that can regulate LED strip lights from 0 - 100%.  Each channel can handle up to 10 amps.  The module handles up to 30 amps in total.  The expansion module plugs into the JNIOR Sensor Port.  The expansion module will automatically be addressed as outputs 1 - 3 (or 4 - 6 for the second module and so on).

3 Channel LED Dimmer Manual      3 Channel Dimmer Brochure
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Your Price: $135.00
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18 Left in Stock
Categories: External Modules
Manufacturer: INTEG Process Group
  • Description

The INTEG 3 Channel LED Dimmer expansion module works with the JNIOR Series 4 to add control of LED strip lights.  The module controls up to 3 individual channels of single color LED strip lights or 1 channel of Red, Green, Blue (RGB) LED strip lights.

Dimmable 0—100%

For Color Strips, mix ANY color using the RGB format

3 Channel LED Dimmer Features

  • Plug and Play Expansion Module
  • Works with the JNIOR Series 4
  • 3 Channels—Single Color LED Strip Lights
  • 1 Channel—RGB LED Strip Lights
  • 5—24 VDC Input Power (30 Amps)
  • Up to 10 Amps per Channel
  • Max 30 Amps Total All Channels
  • Each Channel has PWM Control
  • Negative Power Side Switched
  • Each Channel Dimmable 0—100%
  • Up to 4 LED Dimmer Modules per JNIOR

The expansion module only works with Series 4 JNIOR models.

Up to 4 expansion modules can be added per JNIOR.