
This covers information pertaining to the Cinema application


Sending a command to a device that requires a login July 17, 2024
Sending HTTP Requests in Cinema March 8, 2024 ,
Using Escape Sequences in Cinema Actions November 14, 2023
Cinema Migration Tool November 9, 2023
Creating a Doremi Ethernet Device and Macro File April 26, 2023
UDP Broadcast with Cinema February 14, 2023 ,
Cinema Server Connections to JNIORs April 22, 2022 ,
Creating Macros in the Support Tool Macro Tab April 18, 2022 , ,
Web Pages for Cinema April 1, 2022
Logic Rules with Cinema.jar February 8, 2022 , , , ,
Triggering Macros Using Inputs or Outputs February 3, 2021 ,
Adding Quotes to a Macro Command January 4, 2021
Configuring the CinemaServerClient and PreshowClient October 28, 2020 ,
Triggering Cinema Commands from the Control Panel October 27, 2020
Sending Commands from a JNIOR to a Device with Cinema October 6, 2020 ,
Commanding Analog Presets Using a Macro December 27, 2019 , ,
Cinema not Starting on Series 3 December 15, 2019 ,
Dolby IMS2000 -> JNIOR Connection Issue December 5, 2019
GDC to JNIOR connection not working November 6, 2019
Commanding the dataprobe iBoot device from the Cinema application October 16, 2019