
This covers information pertaining to the Cinema application


Sending HTTP Requests in Cinema March 8, 2024 ,
Using Escape Sequences in Cinema Actions November 14, 2023
Cinema Migration Tool November 9, 2023
Creating a Doremi Ethernet Device and Macro File April 26, 2023
UDP Broadcast with Cinema February 14, 2023 ,
Cinema Server Connections to JNIORs April 22, 2022 ,
Creating Macros in the Support Tool Macro Tab April 18, 2022 , ,
Web Pages for Cinema April 1, 2022
Logic Rules with Cinema.jar February 8, 2022 , , , ,
Triggering Macros Using Inputs or Outputs February 3, 2021 ,
Adding Quotes to a Macro Command January 4, 2021
Configuring the CinemaServerClient and PreshowClient October 28, 2020 ,
Triggering Cinema Commands from the Control Panel October 27, 2020
Sending Commands from a JNIOR to a Device with Cinema October 6, 2020 ,
Commanding Analog Presets Using a Macro December 27, 2019 , ,
Cinema not Starting on Series 3 December 15, 2019 ,
Dolby IMS2000 -> JNIOR Connection Issue December 5, 2019
GDC to JNIOR connection not working November 6, 2019
Commanding the dataprobe iBoot device from the Cinema application October 16, 2019
Commanding the Nagra myCinema player from the Cinema application October 3, 2019