Tag Archive: getting started

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
JNIOR Supporter v1.0 Jan 08 2024 2.3 MB cff040d0e79f9e6b3d45ea59c02c8ef1

The JNIOR Supporter is the new cross-platform version of the JNIOR Support Tool.  Being cross-platform allows the JNIOR Supporter to run on any Desktop with a valid Java Runtime Environment loaded.  Windows, Linux or Mac machines can now run the JNIOR Supporter tool.

Many of the same features have been implemented that current users of the JNIOR Support Tool are used to.  The Beacon, Snapshot and Update tabs have all been ported over.  There are a few tweaks to appearance and functionality but current users should have a good level of comfort.

JNIOR supporter for JNIOR automation controller


The Beacon Tab allows you to view the JNIORs that are connected to your local segment of your network.  This works using UDP broadcasts to find JNIORs that may not have the same IP scheme as the host machine that is running the JNIOR Supporter tool.  In this case TCP connections do not work but the JNIOR Supporter will help you to set up the correct network configuration settings needed for your network.


Snapshots largely work as the did before with the exception being that multiple Snapshots can be performed at the same time.  This saves time.  Lots of time.  There is also new ways to view the Snapshots you have in your library.  Your Snapshots will be categorized by Serial Number, By Hostname and by Date.


Updates also work much like they did before.  Updates can be published to multiple JNIORs as they did before as well.  But, now you can open multiple Update Projects at the same time.

Tasker is an add-on application. This means that Tasker is not loaded on the JNIOR before we ship it. This may change in the future.

To load Tasker you will need to get the JNIOR Support Tool and the Tasker update project.

Once you have installed the JNIOR Support Tool, open it and go to the Update tab. Here we will open the Tasker update project that was downloaded. Do not unzip the update project file. You should see the following…

This image shows the Update project for Tasker version 3.1 from May 5th 2020
This image shows the Update project for Tasker version 3.1 from May 5th 2020

Click Publish and select the JNIOR or JNIORs that you wish the load the Tasker Application on to. The Update project will run until all of the selected JNIORs have been updated.

Once complete, you can go to the Tasker Web Application in your browser. Simply go to http://JNIOR_IP_ADDRESS/tasker.

To build dynamic messages you will use the text replacer syntax. Using {{ }} will allow the message engine to find the appropriate portion of the text and replace it with the value of the evaluated text that is contained within the {{ }} syntax.

Available Conditionals

Internal I/O

din[#].state din[#].counter din[#].usagemeter
rout[#].state rout[#].usagemeter

Temperature Sensor

temp[#].fahrenheit or temp[#].f for short
temp[#].celsius or temp[#].c for short

Environmental Sensor

env[#].fahrenheit or env[#].f for short
env[#].celsius or env[#].c for short


registry("key_name")or reg("key_name") for short. Just replace key_name with the registry key name.


date.currentmillis where the value is the number of milliseconds since January 1st 1970. date.format("format_string") where the format_string is of the following format:

MM two digit month
dd two digit day
yy two digit year
yyyy four digit year
HH two digit 24 hour
hh two digit 12 hour
mm two digit minute
fff milliseconds
aa am / pm
zzz timezone string

for example. date.format("MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff")


Tasker Action Example
Tasker Action Example
Tasker Action Example
Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Tasker v12.0 Jun 20 2023 2.9 MB edfd2578eccdf8595b4f3d35f1ca4bf8
SNMP v3.0 May 14 2020 116.0 KB 2f6f4b7686a9df9a119048a87ce174a4

Tasker is an application that runs on the JNIOR allowing Tasks to be executed manually, triggered, scheduled, or via remote connection.  Tasks are a series of actions.  Those actions can be I/O related, logging, email or network based.

Tasker is not loaded on the JNIOR when it is manufactured. It is an add-on application. Please follow the Installing Tasker guide to get Tasker installed and running on your JNIOR.

No Code, No Programming Necessary. Just configure it and go!

Writing JAVA code on the JNIOR is great and the perfect way to achieve the functionality you want. But, sometime you either don’t have the knowledge, expertise or time and want something out-of-the-box that you can just configure to get the job done. Tasker is the application for you!

Tasker is an update to the Task Manager application that was first created for the JNIOR Series 3 in 2007. It was ported to the JNIOR Series 4 but the core code was kept the same. A rewrite allows us to implement many new features.  A comparison page between Tasker and Task Manager highlights many of those changes.

Here is a high level list of the features in Tasker

  • Workspace – Workspaces are different configurations of Tasker users can create that can be loaded, edited, and deleted.
  • Tasks – Tasks, or series of actions, can be created that can be executed in a variety of ways. Tasks can now be executed manually, triggered, scheduled, or via remote connection.
  • Devices – Some Actions used in Tasks may depend on Devices. Devices are names given to connections. The names are then used to make configuration easier.
  • Signals – A name given to an I/O point or sensor to make using it in an Action, Trigger or Logger easier.
  • Triggers – A set of conditions to watch for and when met a Task is executed. The signals that are configured will be used.
  • Schedule – Scheduling a Task to execute One Time, Daily, Weekly or by event has never been easier. Events that can cause a Task to be executed are On Boot, Sunrise and Sunset.
  • Loggers – Configuration to make logging easier to use in Task Actions. Loggers ask you to provide a file path, the information to be logged to the file and the retention count. The retention count is the number of files for that specific logger that will be kept.

Upgrading from Task Manager or previous version of Tasker

This version of Tasker uses a different configuration file layout. It is NOT compatible with Task Manager or the previous version of Tasker.

We are here to help. we can help you configure the new version of Tasker to work with your older configuration.

If you have any suggestions or a need for Tasker please Contact Us!

To update JANOS, the JNIOR Series 4 Operating System, you will need to do two things.

  1. Get the UPD file on the JNIOR in the /temp directory.
  2. Execute the jupdate command. To force the update to happen immediately upon entering this command we will type jrupdate -fup /temp/janos_filename.upd

The easiest way to update the unit remotely is using the DCP The DCP is most likely to be available on a remote JNIOR because it uses a single port for all of the features. Without the DCP you might need port 23 for telnet, port 21 for FTP commands, and many other ports for FTP data.

If the DCP is available follow this procedure.

  1. Once the DCP is open, navigate to the Console tab.
  2. Login to the command console.
  3. Drag and drop the JANOS .upd file into the console window. This automatically stores the file in the /temp directory.
  1. Issue the jrupdate command. Like above, to force the update to happen immediately upon entering this command we will type jrupdate -fup /temp/janos_filename.upd
Name Version Release Date Size MD5
DMX Application v4.0 Feb 14 2024 659.7 KB 337a19fd86b00ce205d1da58d99bd4b8
DMX Manual Sep 14 2020 922.7 KB 28dcb24bf9c052319429011661d4e027
DmxPort for enabling DMX on 410 Mar 17 2021 3.5 KB 299c66717c03a9c9b702716d9d56d095

A Bug Error Executing DMX Script from Client Connection was identified in version 3.4.  Please update to version 3.5.

The DMX application has multiple tabs: fixture types, physical fixtures, scripts, triggers, tools, help.

Fixture Types tab for DMX application on JNIOR

Each tab helps the DMX application create a script for fixtures on certain channels:

  • In the fixture type tab, you create fixture types that you can select from the physical fixtures, which defines for them the amount of channels that fixture uses.
  • In the physical fixtures tab you set the initial channel and fixture type of that physical fixture.
  • The scripts tab let you create a script that sets the addresses of DMX channels.
  • The triggers tab activates scripts based off if inputs or outputs are toggled.

Scripts are what is used to control the functionality of you fixtures through the DMX application.

When creating a script, you’ll have you’ll be given a dialog box to type your script, along with a bunch of help options to the right of the script to show you what is possible in the DMX script. You can also click the link on the right to automatically add that feature into your script! An example script below changes all the channels to zero, and then after waiting for .5 seconds sets channels 1,3,and 5 to 125.

Scripts for DMX Application

You can set triggers to activate your scripts.

When setting the triggers, each line corresponds with a number for the inputs and outputs located on the JNIOR. You can set any script you created to run from an input/output being activated, running either one, multiple, or an infinite number of times (until an abort is called). The picture below is for a 412 JNIOR so it will only have 4 inputs triggers and 12 outputs triggers.

Triggers for DMX application

Clicking the drop down of the tools bar lets you access either the DCP web page, or the DMX panel which displays all 512 DMX channels that lets you view in real time all the channels in their current state and while running through a script.

Control Panel for DMX application

The Cinema application for the JNIOR enhances the JNIOR capabilities. While the JNIOR can be used in its most basic form, the Cinema application provides the ability to execute macros, sequence of actions.

The Cinema application does not ship preinstalled. You MUST obtain the application from our website. There is a download on the website that will be opened in the JNIOR Support Tool and published to the JNIOR. This is called an Update Project.

Here are links to latest versions of the JNIOR Support Tool and the Cinema application.

NOTE: This link for the Cinema Update Project is Cinema.jar, if you are using a Series 3 JNIOR you need Cinema.jnior instead. This can be retrieved from the legacy section of our downloads on our site.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
JNIOR Support Tool v7.15 Nov 20 2023 10.5 MB 688524ba37066aab6e327a79f0cfb0b5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v6.9 Jan 03 2024 545.1 KB 0a2c670e461116768b75288e652c5253

After installing both the JNIOR Support Tool and the Cinema Update Project, you’ll want to open the Support Tool and click on the Update Tab. Once there, the first thing you’ll want to do is select the Open Project button, and select the Cinema Update Project you just downloaded. When you open the Cinema Update Project in the Support Tool you will see the following.

Cinema Update Project

Click Publish and select the JNIOR you want to update. Once the update is complete the JNIOR will have rebooted and the application will be ready to configure. Configuration is largely dependent on what you are trying to do.

Within the Support Tool you can configure devices and macros. Devices are outbound connections from the Cinema application. For example, a projector, sound processor, or lighting system. Those devices can be serial or Ethernet. We have not implemented very many devices but the ones that are implemented satisfy a very large majority of the installations. If you need a device that is not implemented, you can use the “Raw Serial” or “Raw Ethernet” device. This will allow you to send commands that you define to those devices. Even if you pick a device that we have implemented, you may need to add a new command. You can use the Send action and define the bytes that need to be sent.

There are many reasons to upgrade a series 3 JNIOR to a series 4. While we believe the experience and reliability are much better with the newer hardware and software we understand that in most cases the “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” rule applies.

When you are ready, use the following steps to help the transition go smoothly.

Can I just perform a backup from the series 3 and restore onto the series 4?

You can perform a backup and restore. BUT, this will copy over the cinema.jnior application. This file will not run on the series 4. There is a specific cinema file, cinema.JAR, that will run on the series 4.

If the cinema.jnior file gets copied over there will only be one small issue. A restore will set that file to run on boot. Every time the JNIOR boots it will throw an error regarding the cinema.jnior file being there and being the incorrect format.

The procedure

1. Update the Series 4 Operating System

Make sure the new series 4 JNIOR’s Operating System and Cinema application are up to date. You can find those applications on the All Downloads page.

The Cinema update will ensure that the Cinema application is present that will run on the Series 4. The version of the application that is loaded on the Series 3 will NOT run on the Series 4.

2. Take a Snapshot of the series 3 JNIOR to wish to replace

3. Extract the Snapshot

Open the Snapshot zip file and extract the macro file, devices file and flash/jnior.ini file.

4. Upload the macro and devices files to the destination series 4 JNIOR

5. Edit the jnior.ini file

The configuration is stored in the flash/jnior.ini file. Before you upload it we will need to remove two sections from the file. We will remove the [ipConfig] section so that the IP Address remains and the [run] section so that cinema.jnior does not try to start on boot.

jnior.ini file

6. Upload the updated jnior.ini file

To upload the file you have two options. You can use your favorite FTP client or use the DCP. If you use the DCP you will want to go to the Folders Tab. From there you can simply drag and drop your ini file to the temp/ folder. I recommend the temp/ folder for the upload so the file gets cleaned up after a reboot.

7. Ingesting the new configuration

To ingest the new configuration we will run the reg -i command from a command-line connection. Again you have multiple options for making the command-line connection. You can use an application like Putty, The JNIOR Command Line tool that is part of the JNIOR Support Tool or the Console tab in the DCP. If you use the DCP your command will look like this.

reg command for JNIOR command line

8. Enable MODBUS Server (If you are using a GDC Cinema Server)

The MODBUS server ran by default in the series 3 operating system. It is a separate application on the Series 4 that must be enabled to provide MODBUS connectivity.

You can enable MODBUS via the DCP. http://JNIOR_IP_ADDRESS in your browser.

Configuration tab for JNIOR Web Page

9. Reboot the JNIOR again.

Your new Series 4 should be running the Cinema application with the configuration and settings from your previous series 3 JNIOR.

While we are always available one-on-one to answer any questions and/or discuss how JNIOR can help your company, we wanted to answer some of the more frequently asked questions.

Contact INTEG Process Group for additional assistance with your Technical Questions and General Questions.

General Questions

Where is the JNIOR manufactured?

The JNIORs and Expansion Modules are made in the USA. We purchase the PCBs from a company a company in the US. The components are sourced globally. The PCB and components go through surface mount assembly here in the office. Programming and testing is also performed in our office.

What does “JNIOR” stand for?

JNIOR (pronounced “junior”) is a Network I/O Resource utilizing the Java™ platform.

What are the JNIOR Certifications?

TUV Safety Mark (IEC, EN 60950), CE Mark, FCC Class B, CB Scheme Available, RoHS Compliant. A copy of the TUV Certification PDF can be obtained from the All Downloads page.

How much does the JNIOR weigh?

11 ounces (312 grams).

What is the warranty on JNIOR?

2 years. Here is the JNIOR Warranty

How do I submit an RMA?

If you want to return your JNIOR via an RMA, make sure you contact INTEG support first. They will try and review your JNIOR and if it is defective will help you with the RMA process. They can be contacted at support@integpg.com or through our chat on our website.

How does the JNIOR internal time clock keep current?

The JNIOR has NTP (Network Time Protocol) capability.  You can enter an IP address (or URL) and the JNIOR will sync its time when it boots up with that computer. It will continue to sync it every 4 hours.

Do JNIOR Expansion Modules need power?

No. The modules draw their power via the Sensor Port on the JNIOR.

How many Expansion Modules can be connected to one JNIOR?

Multiple plug-and-play expansion modules can be daisy-chained to the JNIOR via the Sensor Port.  The exact number of modules that can be connected is a function of the mix of expansion modules being used.  Each module draws differing amounts of current. Please contact INTEG with your proposed mix of expansion modules.

What programming language do I use to program the JNIOR?

The applications on the JNIOR are developed using Java, but we have standard applications included with each JNIOR that meet a variety of needs so 99% of our customers do not actually do any programming on the JNIOR! But if you want to add your own software, we would be glad to help you get started.

What is the recommended power for the JNIOR?

We recommend 12 Volts DC at 1 Amp.  Although the JNIOR can handle 12 – 24 VDC or AC for the JNIOR power supply. The JNIOR digital inputs and relay outputs handle 0 – 60 volts DC or AC. 

Support Questions

How do you take a Snapshot?

To take a snapshot, you open the support tool and go to the snapshot tab. There you’ll click “take snapshot” and select the JNIOR you want to take a snapshot of.

How do you control external modules with a macro?

To control an external module with a macro command, you’ll create a macro in the support tool and send it to the analog presets program using cinema.

How do you close or pulse an output when the JNIOR boots?

In order to close an output on boot, you can open the support tool and go to the configuration page. On the configuration page in the outputs section, you can set the initial action of any channel to 0 which will close that output on boot. If any positive number is set in the initial action, that output will pulse for that many milliseconds on boot.

How do you invert an input?

Inputs can be digitally inverted on JNIORs to help test when they are triggered. Inverting an input can be done via the JNIOR Web Page, or by setting the ‘Inversion’ registry key through the command line.

How do you view the Environmental Monitoring Module data?

To view data from an environmental monitoring module in a graph, you use the Grapher and Tasker applications. You configure Grapher to read data from logs that will be created by Tasker. You then configure Tasker to log the data from the environmental monitoring module.

Can the JNIOR use the MQTT protocol?

The JNIOR can use the MQTT protocol. You can use the MQTT application to send information through the JNIOR message pump. You configure the MQTT application to a public broker and then send messages from another application on the message pump.

Why can’t the JNIOR connect to a MODBUS server?

The JNIOR can connect to a MODBUS server, but you need the MODBUS application. This application is separate from the Operating System and needs to be activated or else you can’t connect to a MODBUS server. You can do this by going to the application section of the configuration tab in the JNIOR’s WebUI, and clicking the checkbox next to the MODBUS server application.

How do I reboot my JNIOR?

One way you can reboot a JNIOR is simply by pulling the power and plugging it back in. You can also go to the command line from the support tool or JNIOR web page and type “reboot” and then type “y”. This will initiate a reboot as well.

How do I reset my JNIOR back to its factory default?

WARNING: Doing this wipes all data on your JNIOR, be sure this is what you want to do before executing a factory reset. To do a factory reset, its similar to a normal reboot from the command line, but the full command is “reboot -eraseall” followed by “y”. This will NOT work for the Series 3 JNIOR. There is a post explaining how to factory reset a Series 3 JNIOR.

How do I transition from a Series 3 to a Series 4 JNIOR?

Series 4 JNIORS were made to be a drop in replacement for Series 3 JNIORs. While some applications are only usable on Series 3 JNIORs, typically Series 4 JNIORs have an application that provides the same functionality and can be switched to. While different setups may require different steps to upgrade, you can always reach out to JNIOR support for help performing said upgrade.

How do I look at the connections on my JNIOR?

In the command line of the JNIOR, if you type “netstat” a list of connections on the JNIOR will be displayed. A post about the netstat command is in the knowledge base.

How do I use the JNIOR’s WebUI?

The JNIOR’s WebUI (Previously called the DCP) allows you to access and control tons of setting on your JNIOR. It can be accessed by right clicking your JNIOR in the support tool and opening its web page or by typing its IP into a web browser’s URL.

How do I update a JNIOR with an application?

To put an application on the JNIOR, you’ll need to download the application from our website, then open it (Don’t Unzip) in the update tab of the Support Tool. You’ll select ‘publish’ and the JNIOR to update the application to, and once it completes your JNIOR should have that application on it. There is an example post on updating Cinema to a JNIOR as well.

How do I access a JNIOR application that has a webpage?

There are two ways to usually access an application on a JNIOR. One way is by opening the JNIOR’s WebUI and under the configuration tab, in the application section, clicking its pop-out link. If the application doesn’t have a pop-out link, it you can also be accessed by opening a web browser, and typing in the URL your JNIOR’s IP Address followed by /”application name”.

How do I set the time on my JNIOR?

To set the JNIOR’s date and time, you’ll want to access either command line from the support tool or JNIOR web page and login in. You can then enter “date” followed by the date and time you want on the JNIOR formatted as “MMDDYYYYHHMMSS”.

How do I take a backup of my JNIOR?

To take a backup of the JNIOR, you’ll need the support tool. In the Snapshot tab of the support tool, you can select the Take Backup button which can will copy the configurations and files from a JNIOR and create a backup of it that can be transferred to other JNIORs to clone the configuration or to revert to an older configuration if a mistake is made.

Why won’t my JNIOR’s web page load, or show in the support tool?

When the JNIOR is loaded on the network they have DHCP enabled, which checks the network the JNIOR is on and assigns it an IP available. If your network doesn’t support DHCP then your JNIOR will default to the address If another device on the network has, then the JNIOR will forgo the IP address and set itself to to avoid an IP conflict. Even if no other unit has the same IP as your JNIOR, this issue can also be caused from your JNIOR’s IP address not being compatible with your computers IP address. To fix this, you need to change the IP address of the JNIOR, which a post explains here.

Whats the difference between Tasker and Task Manager?

Tasker is a new application that was made to replace the Task Manager application. Task Manager was made for Series 3 JNIORs, and aren’t able to use Tasker. Tasker on the other hand was made for Series 4 JNIORs, which has improved functionality and is easier to configure. For more information, click here.

I have a system that declares the JNIOR as a device and connects on port 9200. Why is it not connecting?

When this happens its typically when a connection is initially being made to the JNIOR during setup. Give your system connecting to the JNIOR a reboot and the connection should establish itself. You can check which ports the JNIOR is listening on using the netstat command.

I’m sending a command to the JNIOR via a TCP/Serial connection, but why isn’t the JNIOR doing anything?

Something that commands need to include when being sent to the JNIOR is the termination string. For example, if your connecting to the JNIOR using Cinema the default termination string is \r\n. So when you send the JNIOR a command in Cinema, make sure the command ends with \r\n. To check what termination string you need for your connection, based off the application your using on the JNIOR, you can check in the application registry keys in the JNIOR registry of a JNIOR’s web page. (appdata/application name). If its a TCP connection, you may want to also check and make sure the JNIOR is listening on the port you are sending to. You can check which ports the JNIOR is listening on using the netstat command.

If your question wasn’t answered here, check out our knowledge base to see if it’s answered there.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
JNIOR Support Tool v7.15 Nov 20 2023 10.5 MB 688524ba37066aab6e327a79f0cfb0b5
JNIOR Support Tool Release Notes v7.10 Jul 15 2020 207.7 KB 2c0f4ddac3b4411c35dad07e706bfaab
JNIOR Support Tool Brochure May 02 2013 708.9 KB 79448af2468b0f7a92a314464e7a680b
JNIOR Support Tool Manual Jan 28 2020 2.0 MB 10beb9a941ab4ce963004505a634ad93
For Cinema Users
The JNIOR Support Tool also has special features to help users of the Cinema software application to configure Devices and Macros. The Cinema application is a software program that runs on the JNIOR to provide central control functionality for a theater implementing a digital cinema system. Please refer to the Cinema manual available in the downloads section for details on its functionality.
One or Many JNIORs
The Beacon tab will display multiple JNIORs (both Series 3 and 4) with mixed IP addresses. By ‘right-clicking’ on a JNIOR in the list, you can set the JNIOR IP configuration, hostname, reboot, open a Telnet or FTP connection, launch the JNIOR web page and a variety of other functions. The Beacon technology is utilized throughout the JNIOR Support Tool.

The JNIOR Support Tool is a Windows-based PC application that allows the user to enter the JNIOR IP address via our Beacon technology, configure a variety of JNIOR features via our Registry editor, easily load additional software and updates to one or many JNIORs, review logs, and back-up or duplicate your JNIOR configuration.

Main Functions

The JNIOR Support Tool has seven main functions (Tabs) as described below.

  • 1. Beacon Tab – identifies JNIORs on the Ethernet network for easy selection and configuration.
  • 2. Devices Tab – allows the user to define IP addresses and/or serial settings for ‘devices’ to be controlled via the JNIOR macros utilized with the Cinema.JNIOR and Macro.JNIOR applications.
  • 3. Macro Tab – allows the user to configure Macros containing a timed sequence of Actions to control JNIOR relay outputs, ‘devices’, and the JNIOR Control Panel.  The Macros are utilized in the Cinema.JNIOR and Macro.JNIOR applications.
  • 4. Update Tab – allows the user to execute an update package to transfer new software, software updates, configuration files, and registry settings to one or many JNIORs.
  • 5. Registry Editor Tab – allows the user to view and edit the Registry Keys for one or many JNIORs.
  • 6. Logs Tab – allows the user to aggregate, view, filter, and print the various logs being created by a JNIOR.
  • 7. Snapshot Tab – allows the user to download to their PC any or all of the files located on a JNIOR.  A filter feature is provided to download files selectively.  The user can also create a Backup which creates an ‘update project’ that will duplicate a JNIOR configuration on a new JNIOR.

One or Many JNIORs

The Beacon tab will display multiple JNIORs (both Series 3 and 4) with mixed IP addresses. By ‘right-clicking’ on a JNIOR in the list, you can set the JNIOR IP configuration, hostname, reboot, open a Telnet or FTP connection, launch the JNIOR web page and a variety of other functions.

The Beacon technology is utilized throughout the JNIOR Support Tool.

For Cinema Users

The JNIOR Support Tool also has special features to help users of the Cinema software application to configure Devices and Macros. The Cinema application is a software program that runs on the JNIOR to provide central control functionality for a theater implementing a digital cinema system. Please refer to the Cinema Knowledge Base for details on its functionality.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v6.9 Jan 03 2024 545.1 KB 0a2c670e461116768b75288e652c5253
Cinema.JAR Release Notes v6.9 Jan 30 2024 614.6 KB c0326f137bd9127bebddabe2d74047a8
Cinema.JAR Manual Jun 21 2021 1.7 MB dfc6ea373101fb93e4366d26308e2476
Event Manager v1.2 Jan 26 2018 214.0 KB 60a473b2d9ff88475d0291c3b98c0c62
Event Manager MSI (Windows Install) v2.6 Jan 29 2018 1.2 MB 37678a8c1f2a5d6a100c74324ba05a26
Event Manager Manual Dec 18 2020 1.1 MB 99817b47cdb329e3eeabead4caa45c22
Cinema.JNIOR - Update Project (Series 3) v2.47 Dec 09 2019 72.6 KB 973bd73a6df7b1845f981c87d6addf37
Cinema.jnior Manual (Series 3) Jun 15 2012 1.1 MB ed8c18bf161cfd91b463ff8af2c493f3
Cinema.JNIOR Release Notes (Series 3) v2.47 Dec 09 2019 60.5 KB 8d32f6a6fa60b880efcd2dfda0adf147

CINEMA.JAR is an advanced digital cinema automation program that runs on the JNIOR to provide central control functionality for a theatre implementing a digital cinema system. The Cinema program can also be used for other audio-visual applications because of its ability to control both I/O on the JNIOR and to send commands to devices on the network.

Controls Other Devices

Cinema.Jar software enables the JNIOR to interface with a variety of systems and devices by running ‘macros’ on the JNIOR. Devices that can be controlled include practically any device. INTEG has built-in some standard commands for some widely used devices, but by adding a RAW Ethernet or RAW Serial device, the user can add any command needed to the JNIOR macros. A sample of devices include:
  • Barco, Christie, NEC digital projectors
  • NCM, Screenvision, Broadsign and other preshow systems
  • Dolby, USL, QSC and other sound processors
  • Scalers
  • 3D Systems
  • Unique devices via a RAW Ethernet connection
  • Unique devices via a RAW Serial connection

The core JNIOR provides the capability to work with various digital cinema servers (Doremi, GDC, Christie, Dolby, Barco, Qube) to allow the JNIOR to act as GPIO (General Purpose IO) to control the lighting levels (low, medium, high), masking curtains (scope, flat), sound, doors and various other items.  The digital cinema server sends commands to the JNIOR to ‘pulse’ its relays to change the desired function.

When you add the Cinema.Jar application, it allows the JNIOR to become a central automation device capable of interacting with the digital cinema server, preshow systems, projectors, sound controllers, scalers and various other industry devices and systems.  The application integrates these devices and systems with the JNIOR via the Ethernet and/or serial ports. To see how to setup the serial connection for Cinema.Jar, click here.

Central to Cinema.jar is its ability to execute ‘macros’ on the JNIOR.  A macro consists of one or more ‘actions’.  An action can control a JNIOR relay or send a command to one of the external devices.  The external ‘devices’ and ‘macros’ are easily configured by using the JNIOR Support Tool.

Once the macros have been configured, the JNIOR is very flexible in providing a variety of methods to trigger a macro:

  • The digital cinema server or other client can send the ‘run macro name’ command.
  • A predefined ‘message’ can be sent by the client that will trigger a user-configurable macro name.
  • The JNIOR digital inputs can be configured to ‘trigger’ a specific macro when the input goes “high” (transitions from “off” to “on”).
  • A macro can be ‘scheduled’ to execute on boot-up of the JNIOR or at a specific time of day.
  • A macro can be triggered based on a ‘logical expression’.
  • The ‘switches’ on the JNIOR Control Panel can trigger a macro.

MODBUS is a communications protocol used to communicate between a master and a slave or several slaves. The JNIOR implements MODBUS TCP. MODBUS TCP is the form for this protocol over the Ethernet network. The JNIOR acts as a slave by accepting requests and forming responses. Since Ethernet networks call devices clients or servers, the JNIOR is a server. Therefore the JNIOR has an application called MODBUS Server to handle the MODBUS TCP requests.

The MODBUS Server application is NOT enabled by default. It must be enabled before MODBUS masters or clients can send requests to the JNIOR. Once enabled the JNIOR will begin listening to TCP connections on port 502.

To enable the MODBUS Server you should go to the DCP (Dynamic Configuration Page).

Then navigate to the ‘Configuration’ tab.

Now, select ‘Applications’ halfway down the left side. Make sure the MODBUS Server application is checked

Once the application is checked it is then required you Reboot the JNIOR.

You can then optionally make a telnet connection to verify. The ps command to make sure the modbusserver application is running. Then you can use the netstat command to see that port 502 is listening.

In an earlier article we attempted to connect the JNIOR to a DMX512 network in a way that would allow a theater stage crew to control relays and other outputs through their main lighting control panel. Here with the programmable facet of the JNIOR we could help create complex special effects that can be triggered in-sync with lighting. In fact, DMX channel data can be used by the JNIOR application to trigger and manipulate activity on a LAN segment and thereby update computer screens and TV displays on stage. This can all occur with precise timing in concert with other lighting changes.

The DMX512 protocol and interface was developed over 50 years ago as a means to reduce wiring cost and to improve the mobility needed to support major concert tours in the music industry. It incorporated serial data transmission formats that were state-of-the-art at the time and that are still relevant today. Unfortunately the protocol employed a baud rate much higher than would be later recognized as standard in the computer industry. Also the limited capabilities for data synchronization and lack of error checking make interfacing difficult. Even though the JNIOR Model 410 is able to handle the RS-485 signals and was upgraded to receive 250 Kbaud data triggered on the specified serial Break Condition, we could not achieve reliable operation as a fixture through programming alone.

The issue relates to the design of the standard computer hardware component called the UART. The Break Condition that the DMX protocol uses to identify the start of a frame of data is not handled by the UART in a fashion that can be reliably used to synchronize data reception. At least it is not possible in a purely software implementation as we discussed previously. The answer lies in a simple hardware adapter that alters the DMX512 signals just enough to work correctly through the UART. We will see what that entails in the rest of this article.

DMX512 Fundamentals

Today DMX is defined by official standards. On the wire DMX512 uses EIA-485 differential signaling. We often refer to it as RS-485. You are probably more familiar with the term RS-232. As serial digital communications became more prevalent the distance limitations and noise susceptibility of RS-232 became more and more of concern. The solution, designated as RS-422, used balanced transmission lines over twisted pair which extended the distances that signals can traverse as well as the communication rates that can reliably be achieved. RS-422 connections however are point to point and as computer systems grew so did the need for networking. Soon RS-485 came along and added functionality that created a multi-drop environment where one talker can communicate with a number of listeners. RS-485 is what DMX512 needed where one (or more) lighting control panel must communicate with multiple lighting fixtures.

This basically amounts to a 3-wire network where there is one DATA+ (positive) data line and one DATA- (negative) data line along with a GND ground. The DMX standard details specific connectors (5-pin XLR) and wiring of sufficient gauge and quality. The world also wants to utilize 3-pin XLR connectors for DMX as these are prevalent in the industry through their use in audio applications. You will find a mixture of fixtures some with 3-pin and some with 5-pin connectors. Thankfully 3-pin to 5-pin adapters are readily available.

On the protocol side it was necessary to standardize. This would encourage lighting manufacturers to incorporate the technology. Over the years the protocol itself had been handled by different standardization groups and now is:

American National Standard
ANSI E1.11-2008 (R2008)
Entertainment Technology – USITT DMX512-A
Asynchronous Serial Digital Data Transmission Standard
for Controlling Lighting Equipment and Accessories.

In order to understand where we have difficulty we need to look deeper into the specifics of what is sent across the wires. You recall that DMX was invented to reduce wiring costs. Each channel in the protocol replaces a single power cable. The protocol allows for up to 512 channels and all of those multiplexed onto a single 3-wire network cable. That is a significant savings.

Each channel digitizes an analog signal into one 8-bit value. These can represent numbers from 0 to 255 and for lamps that is used to sufficiently cover the range from 0% to 100% brightness in 256 steps. Where once one channel controlled one lighting fixture, today multiple channels are assigned to each fixture to define attributes such as color and positioning in the case of motorized fixtures. In the serial world each channel is transmitted just as a byte of character data would with a start bit, 8 data bits and one or two stop bits. For DMX512 two stop bits are used. That is a total of 11 bits per channel.

The DMX protocol allows for the transmission of up to 512 channels. These are sent in sequence starting with channel 1 and up to channel 512. A Start Code is defined as channel 0 and the typical value for that is zero. The complete set of channels 0 through 512 (513 channels) is called a Frame. Frames are transmitted repeatedly one right after another with the start bit immediately following the prior stop bits at the defined rate of 250 Kbaud. We can now do some math. With 11 bits per channel and 513 channels that is a total of 5,643 bits. A bit at 250 Kbaud requires 4 microseconds and so the data part of the frame takes a total of 22.6 milliseconds. We can fit a little over 44 frames in a each second.

Now with a constant flow of channels each looking the same on the wire how do we know which one is channel 0 and which might be the one we need for our fixture? If we connect to an active DMX network we need a way to synchronize ourselves. For this the standard defines the use of a Break Condition to signal the beginning of a frame. In old days this was called an Attention Signal and it was used to wake up remote teletype equipment and there was actually a key on the Teletype for this. So back in those days this was a natural choice for DMX synchronization. A Break Condition amounts to a period of time where the signalling is held at the level of a Start Bit (Space) long enough to violate the normal byte format and cause a reception error. The receiver simply fails to see the Stop Bits where they are expected and raises a flag. This is intended to signal the beginning of a frame.

By this definition a Break Condition need only last long enough to mask the expected Stop Bits (11 bits, 44 microseconds). This causes a UART to signal a Framing Error indicating that the data it received was not properly formatted and followed by the expected Stop Bits. This error can then be used for Break detection and the synchronization of the DMX Frame. The current DMX512 specification defines the minimum time for this Break Condition to be 88 microseconds which is exactly the transmission time of two channels. The timing of this Break Condition has been reduced from prior versions of DMX512 and it is unclear if there is any risk that existing lighting fixtures may fail to operate when presented with the shorter pulse. The specification does not specify a maximum duration for the Break Condition and states only a “typical” duration of 176 microseconds.

After the Break Condition terminates there must be a brief period of time before the Channel 0 (Start Code 0x00) can be transmitted. This period is called Mark After Break and the current specification defines a minimum of 8 microseconds the time period of two bits. This too has been reduced from prior versions of the specification. A maximum duration of 1 second is defined for Mark After Break and no typical value is given.

This defines the entire sequence. First a Break Condition of sufficient duration is issued. This is followed by a Mark After Break also of sufficient duration. After this each of 513 Channels is sent with proper serial formatting. The first is the START CODE which for normal DMX is always 0x00. Following the final Stop Bits for the last Channel there can be a gap before the next Break Condition. These Frames are sent continuously and according to the specification at least one Frame needs to be sent every 1.25 seconds.

Here is what this looks like in reality. The wider pulse in the center is a Break Condition and Frame data can be seen to the right and left of it. Note that in this case all Channels are set to 0x00 and so we see only the Stop Bits for each.

One side note is that shown above are the CMOS logic signals observed after the RS-485 receivers. This signal is typically fed to the receiving hardware or UART. This image is consistent with our prior diagrams where the Marking condition is a HIGH or 1 and the Spacing condition a LOW or 0. The signals on the actual wire demonstrate the same timing but would involve dramatically different voltage levels.

There is one point that I have not mentioned. The total number of Channels included in a Frame is a maximum of 513 but that number is optional. A lighting controller may decide to only send 128 Channels in addition to the START CODE assuming that others are unused and thereby increasing the number of Frames per second. The specification defines a maximum Frame rate of around 836 Hz (Frames per second). This can accommodate fixtures that need higher Refresh Rates. The Refresh Rate for a DMX512 Universe of a full 512 Channels is around 44 Hz.

In the previous article we alluded to there being some difficulty in receiving these signals with standard computer hardware. We now have enough technical detail to understand what that reception problem might be. This is the topic for the next section.

The Issue with the DMX Break Condition

Now let’s look at the task of receiving a frame of DMX data from a software point of view. We will assume that you have configured the hardware to receive RS-485 signals. The JNIOR Model 410 AUX port has RS-485 capability when properly wired and configured. INTEG can provide those details and those are mentioned in other articles. The JANOS operating system has also been enhanced to accommodate DMX and includes the 250 Kbaud rate setting as standard.

In the previous article JNIOR as a DMX Fixture we covered both the proper hardware configuration for the JNIOR Model 410 and the simple Java application software that might be used to receive a frame of channel data. We took that a step further and let the JNIOR activate relays in response to changing channel levels. It is here that we noticed a reliability issue and then spent time to understand it. We discovered that it is a limitation in the design of the standard UART and not something specific to our software or even the design of the JNIOR. Here we will review those findings and then in the balance of this article present a solution.

As you can imagine it would not be acceptable for the JNIOR to receive an incorrect channel value and act upon it. On stage you might create a flicker and distract the audience or worse trigger some elaborate effect at a totally inappropriate moment. Neither contribute to receiving good performance reviews. Well our first attempt at having the Model 410 serve as a fixture worked but occasionally there was a glitch. A relay toggled inappropriately and this lead to an investigation.

We started by attempting to validate the frame of channels. We know that the START CODE should be 0x00. So we decided to first test the START CODE. Well, 0x00 was not what we were seeing and this led us to understand that the UART is not able to properly receive data immediately following a Break Condition. Let’s look deeper into it.

Every description of the inner workings of the UART describes the reception of data beginning with the detection of the Start Bit. They state that “A Start Bit is detected as the falling edge of the signal” (which at that point is moving from a Mark condition to a Space condition from HIGH to LOW). This makes sense since this can be used to synchronize the baud rate and the UART once detecting the falling edge delays 1/2 bit time to begin sampling. The first reading is then LOW (0) since it is a start bit.

The UART then can proceed to receive data bits one after another starting with the LSB (Least Significant Bit or D0). Let’s assume that we are configured for 8 data bits and no parity as is the case for DMX. Once all 8 Data Bits are collected and the byte of data fully accumulated then next bit sampled is expected to be HIGH (1) as this is the necessary Stop Bit. The UART sees the Stop Bit and pushes the data to the output buffer and notifies the system that data can be read from the port. You can see how this follows from the first figure in this article repeated here.

Logically then you can see how the UART might go back into some ‘Start Bit Search Mode‘  in order to pass over any number of remaining Stop Bits and dead time between character transmissions.

We mentioned previously that in the case of a Break Condition the Stop Bits are missing. Here the UART receives 8 Data Bits or what it hopes are 8 Data Bits and then fails to detect the Mark condition signalling the presence of a Stop Bit. The typical UART then pushes the data to the output buffer and signals the processor that data can be read from the port. It also sets a Framing Error flag and well-written serial drivers handle the error accordingly.

Here is where your logical thinking might fail you. Once the UART signals a framing error you would like to think that it reenters the aforementioned ‘Start Bit Search Mode’. This would take the UART through the balance of the Break Condition and past whatever Mark After Break is present to the very next falling edge of the signal. This then allowing it to reliably and properly receive the very next valid byte of data. Well, surprise, it does not work that way.

Instead the UART continues to sample bits based upon its internal baud rate clock. It accepts the very next LOW (0) bit as a Start Bit and proceeds to process the following 10 or 11 bit times as another byte of data. This is why from the software side a Break Condition usually presents itself as more than one 0x00 byte each with an associated Framing Error. By itself this is not an issue as you can accept one or more Framing Errors as an indication of the Break Condition. In fact you could use this to detect a short Break from a long Break. But let’s look closer at what happens at the very end of the Break.

At the conclusion of an arbitrarily long Break Condition the signal returns to a Marking state. We have reached the Mark After Break but it is highly likely that the UART is still accumulating hopeful data bytes. Eventually it sees the Mark as a valid Stop Bit. The result is that a byte is then output by the port and there is no Framing Error. There is no way for software to determine if this is the first valid data byte (START CODE) or a bogus trailing byte formed out of the end of the Break Condition.

In testing we can see that this indeed is occurring. Since data bits are transmitted from least significant to the most significant, depending on signal timing this bogus byte can be seen to contain any one of the following: 0x00, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0xFE or 0xFF. Perhaps you can see that this result depends on just what Data Bit the UART thinks it is receiving at the point when the Mark After Break begins. There is actually one additional case and that being when the data is actually the first valid data byte after the Break. This effect depends highly on the duration of the Mark After Break as well.

Matters can be even worse. In DMX512 the Mark After Break can be as short as two bit times or 8 microseconds. That means that it is possible that the UART does not even look for a Stop Bit until the signal is deep into the START CODE byte. Since the START CODE is itself 0x00 the UART might then grab one of those data bits as a Start Bit and, well, fail to receive several channels of data. How can this be? Are UART designs defective?

Well let’s not jump to that conclusion just yet. Let’s give the hardware developers the benefit of the doubt at least initially. First we should understand that once the computer industry embraced serial data communications use of the Break Condition fell by the wayside. Protocols used Start of Header (SOH) bytes and other means for synchronizing data blocks. These tended to include byte counts, error checking and even error correction. These days there is even data compression and data encryption. The Break Condition not only fell out of use but also started to disappear from serial communications documentation.

Meanwhile the industry started to look into the reliability of data transmission lines. In the early days RS-232 cabling was not what it is today and it was very susceptible to external electrical noise. Also remember that we were still using machines developed in the early half of the 20th century. These were power hungry electro-mechanical contrivances that spewed out electrical noise with reckless abandon. RS-232 signals often experienced data disruptions some as brief as an incorrect value of a single bit up to the loss of entire blocks of bytes. There were even situations where communications were completely blocked out for lengthy periods of time. Perhaps for as long as the nearby noisy equipment remained in use. This led to better cabling. It led to improved communications standards like RS-422. It prompted the need for error detection and motivated a lot of creativity on the error correction front. Simultaneously the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) put forth standards for controlling RF and electrical noise emissions and prompted certifications making new equipment meet the stringent requirements.

A UART design that utilized a “Start Bit Search Mode” fails to perform properly in a noisy environment. In the case when a Stop Bit is damaged by noise and thereby missed by the UART, an approach that accepts the very next falling edge as a start bit falls on its face. It fails to re-synchronize quickly. Many bytes of data then are lost even though electrically the signals are undamaged. Error correcting schemes just could not handle it. They determined that the current UART approach performed much better and, well, what is this Break Condition anyway?

We can only guess at how we got to where we are today. It is actually a surprise that a 50-year old protocol would still be as active today and it would still rely on synchronization techniques like the Break Condition. Of course it is not really an issue as DMX fixtures are developed to properly receive these signals. We are just a bit hampered in trying to use standard computer hardware. So what can we do about it? That is our next topic.

Correcting the DMX512 Protocol

We stand little chance of “correcting” the DMX512 protocol. With over 50 years worth of legacy DMX equipment out there a change in the design of the protocol is just not an option. The ability for DMX to inter-operate with standard computer hardware is just not that critical of a need. We have also exhausted any possible software solution to this issue. So what can we do? Some kind of hardware solution will be needed if we want to develop a JNIOR that can be used as a DMX fixture. What form will that take?

Obviously lighting fixtures all over the world read DMX channels seemingly without difficulty. So we know we can do it. Does this require a custom UART implementation in some FPGA component? Do we have to dedicate some PIC processor or other device to process incoming DMX bit by bit? Are there standard DMX chip level devices out there to make it easy? It certainly all cries out for some research. But first let’s see if there is some simple and creative way to address the issue.

The problem breaks down into two separate issues:

  1. The UART is unable to synchronize after a Break condition and reliably read the first START CODE byte.
  2. The trailing edge of the Break Condition can generate unexpected data not identified with a Framing Error.

Clearly if we use a Framing Error indication to signal the reception of a Break Condition and we are 100% assured that the next valid data byte is accurately representing the START CODE we are good to go. We assume then that the processor has enough horsepower to receive and buffer all 513 channels (if they are present) without error. This can be done with low-level interrupt routines avoiding any dependence on the processing load in the JNIOR. In fact all of this has already been implemented in JANOS and deployed into the field. Those techniques were tested in the prior article.

The Mark After Break condition specified by the DMX512 protocol is a minimum of 8 microseconds. That is just two bit times. This is unfortunate. If this Mark After Break condition were to be held at least 11 bit times (44 microseconds) then any UART would be assured of seeing some part of the condition as valid Stop Bits. The UART then would be guaranteed ready to receive the very next data byte which is the START CODE.

If we somehow could extend the Mark After Break that would insure the reliable reception of the channel data. That by itself is not enough since we know that the trailing edge of the Break Condition can generate a data byte that is not flagged with a Framing Error. This would confuse us as there is no real way to determine if this is the START CODE or a bogus addition to the stream.

Now if we could somehow limit the Break Condition to a single byte we would receive one and only one byte flagged with a Framing Error. The UART would not see an additional Start Bit and thereby insure that the next byte we see is in fact the START CODE. We know that the Break Condition is at least 88 microseconds at its shortest. That is exactly two data byte times (each of 11 bits = 1 start bit + 8 data bits + 2 stop bits). So if we truncated the Break Condition at exactly 44 microseconds which would generate 1 byte with a Framing Error, there is another whole byte’s worth of time that could be added to the Mark After Break. This would satisfy our interest in extending the Mark After Break for at least a byte time. At a minimum it would then be 52 microseconds (44 borrowed from the Break + 8 original microseconds).

The Hardware Solution

Our hardware needs to truncate the Break Condition. We need only hold it long enough to mask the first Stop Bit and thereby force the Framing Error. This needs to be achieved without risk of causing other Framing Errors. With a little thought we developed the following logic.

This circuit is inserted in the CMOS logic stream after the RS-485 receivers and before input to the UART. The RXD signal from the receiver enters at the left. We will use the OR gate (U7) to truncate the Break Condition. This will pull the signal HIGH at the appropriate time but otherwise allow the normal serial stream through. The output then is TXD to be delivered to the UART on the right.

The CD4024B (U6) is a 7-stage counter and it is reset (RST) or restarted with any HIGH Marking condition on the incoming data. This means that the count is not allowed to progress very far except during the Break Condition where there is no reset (RST). This in essence times the duration of the Break Condition. Note that when the output of the 7th stage goes high (count >= 64) the OR gate then pulls the TXD signal high effectively truncating the Break Condition. The signal output is then held HIGH until the Mark After Break arrives and resets the counter. At this point the incoming signal is HIGH and we have effectively transferred time from the Break Condition to the Mark After Break. This is exactly what we want.

The UART will throw the Framing Error as soon as the first Stop Bit is not detected. We don’t want it to see any potential Start Bit after that. To be safe then we truncate the Break Condition after the 10th bit time right after the first Stop Bit. This means that we must truncate the Break Condition precisely after 40 microseconds and this must occur at the 64th count when the 7th stage goes high. As it turns out 40 microseconds divided by 64 is 0.625 microseconds the precise period of a 1.600 MHz clock. Those are readily available. So we clock the counter with a 1.600 MHz signal using oscillator U4.

One last detail to consider. There is no upper bound on the duration of the Break Condition. That means that once we truncate the Break Condition we need to hold it for potentially a very long time. So we cannot allow the counter to continue to run. Once the 7th stage goes HIGH we need to hold it there. A second OR gate (U5) masks the incoming 1.600 MHz clock signal at that point effectively stopping the counting. And, miraculously, we’ve got it covered.

To test this we created a prototype adapter which implements an isolated DMX512 standard port. The signal passes through our circuit and then a standard RS-232 transceiver is used to communicate with the JNIOR AUX port. One advantage this has is that any Model JNIOR with an AUX port can be used as a DMX fixture. Whereas only the Model 410 supports RS-485 directly and can be used as described in the prior article.

Here the few components involved sit in the lower lefthand corner. These Surface Mount devices take up almost no real estate and this is perfect for a new model of the JNIOR sporting a DMX512 input. Okay, so does the circuit work?

Here we see another oscilloscope trace. The yellow signal is RXD as received from the RS-485 receiver. This is what enters the schematic from the left. The blue signal is TXD and what we will supply to the UART. This exits on the right of our schematic. The wider pulse in the center is our Break Condition.

On the yellow trace we see that the Break Condition supplied by the DMX network is about 100 microseconds and it is followed by a brief Mark After Break which looks to be somewhat less than 50 microseconds. We know that this signal is problematic as it is from the same source used in the prior article. Note here that the START CODE and all channels happened to be 0x00. So those high pulses are Stop Bit pairs.

Now the blue trace is the result. The Break Condition has indeed been truncated. The vertical cursor lines are positioned to measure the duration of the new Break Condition. On the right we see the delta-t to be the precise 40 microseconds we had hoped for. We can also see that the balance of the time in the Break Condition has now been added to the Mark After Break.

Does this allow the JNIOR to be used as a DMX fixture? In fact it does and there is absolutely no glitch or reliability concern. Here is a short video showing relays responding to a DMX channels. A channel value greater than 127 is used to signal closure of a relay. The JNIOR’s 8 relays are mapped to consecutive channels.


Of course this would need to be evaluated with a wide range of DMX512 signal sources. The Java application on that JNIOR in the video is essentially that discussed in the previous article. It would be useful to reiterate its operation but that is beyond the scope of this article. If you should be interested in using a JNIOR as a DMX fixture just let us know. We can likely supply you with one of these prototype adapters and the application programming is open source from us. If you already have a JNIOR then your are almost there.

Now we have everything that we need to create another JNIOR Model with its own Isolated DMX512 input!

We should note that not all UARTs are created equal. There are likely UART implementations that do properly handle synchronization after the Break Condition. If you have one of those then you are golden. In the case of the JNIOR we were not so lucky. While the adapter was described above as prototype we do have several that we can supply. It is not clear that there would be any long term demand for this. A model of the JNIOR directly providing a DMX512 electrically isolated input is now feasible and would likely include the circuit as described here. Contact INTEG to find out more.


We can provide the adapter (as shown) along with a power supply and instructions.  The adapter can be used in any serial application and not just with the JNIOR however as discussed in the article you would need to accommodate the unique Baud rate and trap the framing error for synchronization. The document supplied includes an example application for the JNIOR and a schematic.

Note that straight-thru terminals are provided allowing you to tap either 3-wire or 5-wire DMX signals.  You may wish to splice into a DMX extension cable (not provided) to give yourself cabling terminated by the desired (3 or 5 pin) DMX XLR connectors. An isolated DMX port is implemented and so your JNIOR or PC is not directly connected to the lighting system.

The above kit is INTEG P/N A00-00155 – DMX512 SERIAL PRE-PROCESSOR.

The JNIOR is a very flexible and powerful controller. Utilize our bundled or add-on software applications. If those don’t meet your needs, let INTEG quickly develop an application for you.

The JNIOR offers superb functionality with its included and available software. However, if you require a custom application to run on your JNIOR, INTEG can develop it for you, or you can develop it yourself using the JNIOR Software Development Kit (SDK).INTEG has already developed a number of custom applications for a variety of customers. Some of these applications have become our ‘add-on’ applications because they have met the needs of a large group of customers.

Other times the applications have been focused and developed to meet the needs of a specific customer.  After the user requirements are gathered it doesn’t take long for INTEG to deliver something for the customer to test.  Often times we dont get devices sent to the office that the customer wants to interface with.  This makes it tough for INTEG to complete full testing in the office.  Sometimes we write test applications to mimic the communications between the JNIOR and the end device.

If you have an application that you have in mind and want to talk to INTEG about the JNIOR please call the office, 724-933-9350, or email support@integpg.com.  You can also fill out the contact form.

Thank you for your interest in the JNIOR from INTEG.

NOTE: Before creating the setup described in this post on your JNIOR 410, please download the update project below and install it on your 410 using the JNIOR Support Tool. This is required to get the JNIOR to create a DMX connection.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
DmxPort for enabling DMX on 410 Mar 17 2021 3.5 KB 299c66717c03a9c9b702716d9d56d095

This article is the first of two addressing the issues encountered in, and a means to simplify, the processing of the DMX Universe data stream using a standard UART serial receiver. The follow-up article is entitled JNIOR as a DMX Fixture Revisited.

The Model 412DMX generates a DMX512 Universe and allows the JNIOR to control DMX fixtures like those used in stage lighting. What if you needed a fixture with relays that can be controlled by DMX? Perhaps you need to output channels over a 4-20ma loops. Maybe you need a 10 VDC output signal to control LED house lighting. Can the JNIOR receive DMX? Can the JNIOR be a DMX Fixture?

We showed you how you could control DMX fixtures with a standard Model 410 in a White Paper available here:

  AN01 DMX512 Implementation [ Jul 20 2017, 101.27 KB, MD5: e1b0203f177d1866e56cfbfdd0e221d4 ]

Now we have the 412DMX JNIOR designed for that purpose. Can the Model 410 also serve as a DMX fixture? Yes, it can. I’ll show you how here and we’ll see how we manage to accommodate some of the unique aspects of the DMX512 format with the JNIOR.


We can use the JNIOR Model 410 because the AUX port is compatible with RS-485. In the white paper explaining how the 410 can be used to control DMX fixtures we described an adapter cable taking the DB9 output from the JNIOR and presenting the proper female XLR connector for DMX. Now since a DMX fixture always has both a male and female 5-pin XLR connectors, our cabling has to be slightly different. Note that you can do this with the 3-pin XLR (as I have) if that is appropriate for your situation.

Here is an example of one that we put together.

modified Series 4 DMX AUX port cable

This can be constructed by splicing into a standard DMX extension cable. A number of DB9 adapters with screw terminals like the one pictured can be found on Amazon. Note that you will want one with large screws compatible with larger wire sizes. DMX wiring is typically of a larger diameter and you will need to successfully clamp two wires in each of three positions on the adapter.

Here is the pin numbering. Note that wire colors vary.

        Signal           XLR      DB-9 Male
--------------------  ---------  -----------
Signal Ground (GND)       1          5
Data (D-)                 2          2
Data (D+)                 3          8
Not Used (NC)            4,5     1,3,4,6,7,9

This cable allows the JNIOR to be a DMX FIXTURE.

THE RESULTING DMX CONNECTION IS NOT ISOLATED. We recommend using an isolated power supply for the JNIOR and not sharing that voltage with other circuits. Take great care in making ground connections. Note that the JNIOR relay outputs are naturally isolated.

Serial Connection

Connect the adapter to the Model 410 AUX serial port as I have in this photo and connect this to the DMX network. Note that the 412 and 414 are not RS-485 compatible and cannot be used for this purpose.

modified Series 4 DMX AUX port cable

The serial port parameters should be set as follows. This is done through the Dynamic Configuration Pages (DCP) that should come up when accessing the JNIOR using your browser. You enable the RS-485 mode here so the AUX port output doesn’t disrupt the DMX communications before you have a chance to run the DMXFIXTURE application that I will describe. That application will also configure the AUX port just to make sure that all is well.

JNIOR Aux port settings

If you encounter “Applets” instead of the DCP then your Series 4 needs to be updated or you have a Series 3. The latter also cannot be used for this application. You will need to update your JNIOR to JANOS v1.6.6 or later for the functionality to be described here.


With the JNIOR Model 410 wired to the DMX network and the AUX serial port properly configured the unit should be receiving data. There is a simple way to check that. You can see data without any application running just by using the IOLOG command. Here we enter the Console (or Command Line Interface) and use this command.

InfoComm_LED /> help iolog

 -T             Indicate transitions
 -R             Reset logs
 -A             AUX Serial log
 -S             Sensor Port log
 -O             Output to stdout

Generates jniorio.log file from available logs.

InfoComm_LED /> iolog -ao
--  07/02/18 15:42:46.098
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InfoComm_LED />

If you scan down in the above output and look through the data you will see that there are a couple of channels at 100% (0xFF) and a couple near half (0x80’ish). There are two pretty major issues in trying to read these bytes with standard library read() functions.

  1. How do we know how to find Channel 1? There are many more than 512 bytes shown here. If you read 512 bytes what you get could start anywhere.
  2. The data rate at 250 Kbaud supplies 44 complete channel sets per second! That absolutely will overrun the buffer before you can process any of it. The overrun would likely further obfuscate the data.

The fact is that the standard serial communications routines that you may be used to are just not usable here. JANOS will come to the rescue. But first let’s take a look at the data stream so we understand how this is to be resolved.

DMX Format

The DMX data on the RS-485 lines conforms to standard asynchronous serial data with 8 data bits, 2 stop bits and no parity. The bits are marched out from least significant (LSB) D0 to the most significant (MSB) D7. Each byte is called a “Slot”. The standard implementation transfers a START CODE and 512 channels in a total of 513 slots. The START CODE for normal DMX data is 0x00.

The beginning of the sequence is signaled with a Break Condition. This BREAK can be detected by the fixtures which allows them to synchronize with the stream. After the BREAK comes the START CODE (0x00 – NULL START) followed by the value for Channel 1 on through to Channel 512. Not all 512 channels need to be part of the transmission. The number of channels may vary by DMX controller. The complete implementation provides all 512.

On the oscilloscope the BREAK looks like this. Here all of the channels are 0X00 and so you see only the STOP BITS. That long low pulse is the BREAK.

The issue is that the BREAK is difficult to handle with the standard serial port. It results in a FRAMING ERROR. During the break the signal is held at a low level. When the receiving serial UART expects the STOP BITS and they aren’t there it throws a FRAMING ERROR. While that can be detected and your application can be notified there still is no way to insure that the next bytes read from the port are those that follow the break. They may have been buffered some time before. They may be overrun by oncoming data.

In order to handle this and properly capture a reliable channel set, there must be a special function for that purpose in the AUX port class (AUXSerialPort). Of course, being the author of JANOS, I have implemented exactly what we need. And, those details are next…

Packet Capture

To read the DMX Packet (START CODE plus up to 512 Slots/Channels) we need to detect the Break Condition and then reliably collect as many as 513 serial bytes that immediately follow. Under many other RTOS implementations we would need to write an interrupt driven routine both to detect the Break condition and then also to collect the data. The JNIOR executes application programs written in a managed language (Java) and one does not have low level access to write things like serial interrupt routines. That is actually a good thing as the user generally does not have the programming experience. Such low level user programming often leads to unstable/unpredictable operation.

Here we rely on JANOS to maintain reliable operation. Low level interrupt routines have already been implemented to buffer incoming serial data and otherwise issue a notification of errors. Recall that the Break Condition manifests itself and one or more FRAMING ERRORS. But we have already established that reading buffered serial data and receiving asynchronous notifications is not going to be sufficient for capturing a DMX packet. This is where we benefit from having developed JANOS in-house and having authored 100% of it. Here we identify a need and are able to promptly and correctly implement a solution.

AUXSerialPort.readAfterBreak(byte[] buffer)

I have added the readAfterBreak() method to the AUXSerialPort class in the JANOSClasses.jar library. From the naming its use is self-explanatory. Here you create a buffer as a byte array and pass it to JANOS. The operating system enables the capture and then blocks the thread until the data collection completes. At the low-level JANOS sets up the buffer with a pointer and goes into a kind of ‘armed’ state. The interrupt routine that detects FRAMING errors has a tiny bit of code that checks for an armed capture and ‘triggers’ the collection of data. The interrupt routine that collects and buffers serial bytes from the port has code to set each byte aside into the buffer that you have provided. Once triggered the capture passes into the a ‘collection’ mode. When the buffer is full (or when another Break Condition is detected) the capture is ‘complete’ and the application program can proceed now with a byte array containing the DMX data.

Now to benefit from this new feature, you will need to update your Series 4 to run JANOS v1.6.6 or later. At the moment this is Beta code. We would make it available if you were to want to try this before its release. All you need do is ask.

Next we need to try it out…

DMX Capture Test

Here we create a project in Netbeans (making the few settings needed to target it for JANOS) and create the following test program. This merely takes control of, and fully configures, the AUX port in case it has not been configured through the DCP. Lines 23 and 24 test our new method. The rest merely dumps the byte array content for review.

package dmxfixture;
import com.integpg.comm.AUXSerialPort;
import com.integpg.comm.SerialPort;
public class Dmxfixture {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
        // AUX port access and configuration.  We need to open the port to gain exclusive access and
        //  set the proper baud rate and format.  We enable RS-485 mode and make sure that the receivers
        //  are enabled.  With normal RS-485 you would disable the transmit drivers.  Our adapter doesn't
        //  bridge the transmit and receive lines anyway and the DCP configuration automatically disables
        //  the drivers.  It is here for clarity.
        AUXSerialPort aux = new AUXSerialPort();
        aux.setSerialPortParams(250000, 8, 1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE);
        // capture a complete frame using our new method
        byte[] data = new byte[513];
        // The remainder here is a fancy dump (skipping the START CODE).  Note how JANOS implements the
        //  printf formatting for us.
        for (int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) { 
            if (i % 10 == 1)
                System.out.printf("%04d  ", i);
            System.out.printf("%4d ", data[ i ] & 0xff);
            if (i % 10 == 0)

To run this we first build it in Netbeans. Then using the DCP we open the Folders tab and select the /flash folder. We then drag the dmxfixture.jar file from the project to the /flash folder (it can be executed from the root too). Then under the Console tab we log in and execute the application. The following is the result.

InfoComm_LED /> dmxfixture
0001     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0011     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0021     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0031     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0041     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0051     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0061     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0071     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0081     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0091     0    0  255    0  255  128    0    0    0    0 
0101     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0111     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0121   131    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0131     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0141     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0151     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0161     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0171     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0181     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0191     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0201     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0211     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0221     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0231     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0241     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0251     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0261     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0271     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0281     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0291     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0301     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0311     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0321     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0331     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0341     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0351     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0361     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0371     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0381     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0391     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0401     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0411     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0421     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0431     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0441     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0451     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0461     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0471     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0481     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0491     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0501     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 
0511     0    0 

InfoComm_LED />  

We note that channels are correct. Here we go over to the 412DMX controlling this DMX network and check Kevin’s DMX panel page for comparison.

DMX control panel

Putting it to Work

Now we can receive a DMX frame and read the individual channels what can we do with it? I mean other than dump it?

Well Kevin has defined an eight channel fixture starting at DMX channel 121. The idea being that each channel would correspond to a JNIOR Relay Output. Channel settings from 0-127 would result in an open/off relay and values in the range 128-255 would close the relay. You can imagine any use that you would want given the flexibility that you now have in JNIOR programming. Let’s implement this particular fixture.

The approach will be to sample a DMX packet periodically and set the relays appropriately. There is no need to catch every DMX packet and in fact we are not likely going to be able to do that. We are also going to be considerate of the JNIOR CPU and anything else that the unit might want to be doing. We will sample say every 1/4 second and sleep in between.

Here is the program. This uses an infinite loop to sample the DMX stream about 4 times a second. The starting address must be defined in the Registry. This could be cached. With this implementation you can change the starting address without rebooting or restarting the DMXFIXTURE program. It is presume that you would start the DMXFIXTURE program automatically at boot with a Registry Run key.

package dmxfixture;
import com.integpg.comm.AUXSerialPort;
import com.integpg.comm.SerialPort;
import com.integpg.system.JANOS;
public class Dmxfixture {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
        // AUX port access and configuration.  We need to open the port to gain exclusive access and
        //  set the proper baud rate and format.  We enable RS-485 mode and make sure that the receivers
        //  are enabled.  With normal RS-485 you would disable the transmit drivers.  Our adapter doesn't
        //  bridge the transmit and receive lines anyway and the DCP configuration automatically disables
        //  the drivers.  It is here for clarity.
        AUXSerialPort aux = new AUXSerialPort();
        aux.setSerialPortParams(250000, 8, 1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE);
        // here we create an infinite loop to continuously process the DMX data
        byte[] data = new byte[513];
        for (;;) {
            // capture a complete frame
            // Obtain the starting address.  If it is invalid or not defined no action is taken.
            int addr = JANOS.getRegistryInt("DMX/Address", 0);
            if (addr > 0 && addr < 505) {
                // Although we don't have to we are going to collect all of the relay states
                //  and set them simultaneously.  This will also take advantage of signed values
                //  in Java.  Values in the range 128-255 will appear to be negative if we don't
                //  mask them with 0xff.
                int bits = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                    if (data[addr++] < 0)
                        bits += (1 << i);
                JANOS.setOutputStates(bits, 0xff);
            // sleep for a quarter second

This program should be pretty easy to follow. Let’s test it.


A video can best demonstrate the operation of this program. Here we have a DMX application running on a 412DMX ( allowing us to vary the channels that we associate with our 410 fixture. A separate Model 410 running our DMXFIXTURE ( program can be monitored remotely through its DCP page. Here we overlap the two browser entities and we can see how modifying the channel fader results in the relay status change out across the DMX network.


Let’s look into potential error conditions and the reliability of this approach. The DMX format typically supplies nearly 44 frames per second. If there is a communications error, due to electrical noise for instance, one and possibly up to a few frames might be in error. For a light fixture this might cause a minute flicker or some small flinch in pointing. But, given the frame rate it is quickly corrected and might not be even noticeable. If we are interpreting a frame with our program we need to be extra careful not to trigger a chain of events based upon an error packet.

Typically in data protocols we would have some form of checksum or CRC which we can use to identify an erroneous transmission so it can be ignored. There is no such thing in the DMX512 protocol. So what steps can we take?

Well to start we should verify that the START CODE is the expected NULL START 0x00 and ignore any frame with a different code. The controller might actually be inserting those and we must ignore them. I will adjust the program to check this.

Well… The START CODE is returning 128 (0x80) and the channels appear to be properly registered (e.g. in the right place). Now to look into this.

Synchronization After Break

The DMX512 specification defines the width of the Break Condition as something greater than 92 microseconds. It is important to note that it is something greater than twice that of a single slot time (the time to receive a single byte) of 44 microseconds (11 bit times – start bit, 8 data bits and 2 stop bits). It is not a precise multiple of slot times or even bit times. This forces the receiver to synchronize with each and every packet.

Given this I could make the argument that the Mark After Break should be at least one slot time of 44 microseconds in order to insure that the leading start bit of the first slot is successfully interpreted. The DMX512 specification however specifies the minimum Mark after Break of 12 microseconds. This puts us at the mercy of the UART design and its ability to synchronize following a Break Condition of arbitrary length. There are a number of possible outcomes that depend on what the UART decides is the first STOP BIT once the Break Condition passes.

  • For example, if the beginning of the Mark After Break is seen as a valid STOP BIT then a 0x00 byte is received AHEAD OF the normal NULL START code 0x00. This extra 0x00 can be interpreted as a valid START CODE but all of the channel slots are off by 1. Channel 2 would have the value for Channel 1. This is an ERROR!
  • If the Mark condition just slightly into to Mark After Break is interpreted as a valid start bit then an extra 0x80 is received AHEAD of the START CODE. This might be seen as a bad packet if the START CODE is verified. Channels are also shifted if values are used. This is a ERROR!
  • The above continues with each bit time advance into the Mark After Break generating an initial extra byte of 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0xFE and 0xFF depending on the length of the Mark After Break. In each case the START CODE would then be considered the Channel 1 value. ERRORs result!
  • With a short Mark After Break the UART might look at a low bit value in the START CODE as a missing STOP BIT and generate yet another FRAMING ERROR. Again depending on the timing the START CODE might be returned as 0x80 with the first STOP BIT actually being interpreted as the MSB. In this case the Channel data is properly positioned. This is actually the most common mode I am seeing in the current set up. It is timing sensitive. This is also an ERROR!

If you follow this logic you might see that it is possible that it may take a couple of regular slot times before the UART grabs something it is happy about. It is all about the synchronization aspect of the hardware design.

The question is how to know when you are receiving valid data and properly aligned slots? Is there a solution to this?

A UART that requires a Marking Condition before attempting to detect a START BIT (falling edge) would function properly. Apparently they don’t work this way. At least not all of them.

UART Issue

The problem that we run into is an ancient design flaw in serial ports.

A Framing Error results when the UART (RX SCI) expects a Stop Bit and none is detected. A Stop Bit is a high (1 Marking) and during a Break Condition the signal is held low (0 Space) so a Framing Error is quickly encountered. Now most descriptions of UART logic suggest that after a Break the UART locates the next Start Bit (0 Marking) and that this is detected by a high to low transition of signal (1 -> 0). Logically it is done that way for asynchronous reception as the UART clock needs to synchronize and then sample the middle of each bit period.

In reality after a Framing Error the UART seems to see the next low (0 Space) as a Start Bit and continues to read bit data. As a result Framing Errors are repeated throughout the break period. A bogus byte value might appear to be properly read if the tail end of the Break Condition aligns with the UART in a way to make the high (1 Marking) after the Break look like a Stop Bit.

The likelihood of this bogus data byte and its content can vary depending on the length of the Break and the length of the Marking after the Break and before actual data is present. Since bytes are serialized LSB first these extra bytes look like one of 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0xF8, 0xF0, 0xE0, 0xC0, 0x80 and even 0x00.

If the Marking after Break is brief (only a few bit times) and the alignment falls such that the UART looks at bits in the first byte of data for that magic Stop Bit, you will receive an incorrect value for the fist byte. It is conceivable that the UART might take several bytes before synchronizing and providing real data.

If the UART simply fell into a mode whereby it actually did search for the next Start Bit by looking for a valid high to low transition (1 -> 0), you would get a single Framing Error followed by the proper collection of data. But no… after 50+ years we have not addressed this issue. I half recall struggling with this exact thing maybe 30 or so years back now. The fact that it is still an problem is not impressive.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised in that these hi-tech MCU processors all still include the Real Time Clock (RTC) circuit first designed for the very first digital watches in the late 1960’s. This forces us to parse time into Day, Month , Year, Hour, Minute and Seconds as if setting a watch on your wrist. In fact Seconds can only be reset to 00 and not directly set. On boot we have to read the time and reassemble it into Linux or Internet time as a tally of milliseconds since some epoch. Lots of work that causes loss of precision. And the ideal would be a non-volatile battery-backed 64-bit millisecond counter. Sometimes silicon space is limited and this counter would save lots of that. But no… these integrated circuit companies aren’t as swift as we would like to think.

Since DMX512 signals can have different lengths of Break and Marking after Break and these can vary depending on source, and since the protocol has no leading header that can be used in identifying valid frames, we are NOT ABLE to reliably receive data. Note that if the DMX512 Standard had forced the Mark After Break to be at least one data Slot long (> 44 microseconds) then UARTs would likely properly synchronize and reliably present the first byte of data. But the spec does not and the problem is that changing the standard now does not correct all of the DMX controllers already in use all over the world. So it is what it is.

So for us to insure that we read a valid frame, we need to resort to some trickery, filtering and indeed AI. While that can be fun, it’s unfortunate.

If it ain't broke... Don't fix it!

I fully understand this mentality. Believe me. I am still using the Summer 9 version of Altium to lay out PCBs here at INTEG. It’s like a half dozen years old. Meanwhile, that company continues to generate updates and new versions. They are also painfully charging for them. How many times have you paid for an update and except for the version number you don’t see any difference or don’t need what happens to be new? Meanwhile, Microsoft updates your PC overnight and the next day something isn’t working. And now you need to pay monthly for something that you had bought years before. I could rant on. But there is no reason to be phobic and roll back your JNIORs to older versions of JANOS just because you have not had the time to test.

But the Series 4 JNIOR updates are a different matter. In addition to the hardware, JANOS and its updates are my responsibility. Trust me there is a good reason we recommend that you update. Every new version of JANOS corrects a handful of critical bugs. There are often performance enhancements. New features augment what you already have. Everything that ran before will run now as legacy compatibility is paramount. And we DO NOT charge a dime for updates.

Just this morning I corrected a memory leak. A memory leak is when a piece of memory is allocated to store some information and once that information is no longer needed the memory is left to collect dust. Meanwhile the process repeats using up another block of memory. Eventually your JNIOR would run out of available memory and ultimately crash. In the short term everything tests out 100%. Your controller runs perfectly. But there is a ticking time bomb. Luckily, not everyone uses the function at fault in this latest leak. We discovered it in testing here. But if you believe that your JNIORs should be setting records for up time, you need to pick up these corrections. You need to update.

I wrote JANOS. I even coined the name. In fact there is no third party code in the entire OS. I did not even use the standard C Libraries supplied with the Renesas IDE. JANOS has its own C Libraries. There is a good reason for that. It puts us 100% in control. If there is a bug we absolutely can correct it. That’s a significant up side. The down side is that while I have decades of experience I can still create bugs as well as the next guy.

Fortunately as time passes the number of software issues decreases. Their complexity and obscurity increases. But eventually we exponentially approach a stable and reliable product. We are well along that curve now. Each JANOS update is critical in getting those improvements out to you.

As of this writing we have released JANOS v1.6.2 and v1.6.3 is in Beta test. Should you encounter an issue in v1.6.2 we can supply you with Beta or Release Candidate code. If the problem persists and we can replicate it then we will fix it immediately.

If you are concerned about running an update project because it may change all kinds of stuff and you don’t know what. I also understand that. But it is safe to manually update JANOS. Certainly you shouldn’t panic when you get new units with later versions of JANOS. They’ll work just as the older ones.

What Are Update Projects?

An Update Project is a procedure that can be executed using the Support Tool. The Support Tool is a Windows application that can be freely downloaded from the INTEG website Software Downloads Center (https://integpg.com/jnior-support-tool). The Support Tool lets you manage all of your JNIORs and allows you to update them singly or in groups. You would open the Update Project under the Update tab in the Support Tool.

The Update Project is actually a set of files including instructions for the update. These are contained in a ZIP library. While the update project has a ZIP file extension there is no need to extract files from the project or expand it anywhere. The Support Tool takes care of that for you.

Generally we use an Update Project when we are updating an application for you. Usually in that case we both need to update JANOS and perhaps its components like the DCP, and your application. So there are several steps involved. An Update Project is designed to handle all of that for you. You can open the Update Project and see the steps. That may help you to visualize what you are changing/updating.

It is possible to update JNIORs manually if you are not managing a large number of them and want to know what is going on. You can even disable parts of the Update Project and apply only the steps that you need.