Configuring the CinemaServerClient and PreshowClient

Written by Anthony Pavia on Oct 28, 2020 1:12 pm

When using the Cinema application, you’ll want it to be able to receive commands from other devices so its macros can be trigger. In the registry of the JNIOR, Cinema’s registry contains the CinemaServerClient and PreshowClient registries. These are what can be configured to listen for those connections to external devices.

While accessing the JNIOR WebUI when Cinema is installed, you can access the AppData/Cinema/CinemaServerClient or the AppData/Cinema/Client registry folders to configure the connections made using Cinema. The PreshowClient and CinemaServerClient are connections made to either a Preshow System or Cinema Server through TCP or Serially that allow control of outputs, I/O feedback, and the ability to interact with various devices using macros.

Inside both registry folders are multiple registry keys. The TcpPort key is where you can set the port number for an Ethernet connection to other devices. (Any valid TCP Port number will work, but we set it to -1 by default so it will not listen for TCP connections until its set). For serial connections, you need to set the Method key to serial and the SerialCommandsEnabled key to true. You’ll then need to go to the AppData/Cinema/CinemaServerClient/Serial for the CinemaServerClient or AppData/Cinema/Serial for the Preshow Client, and set the serial connection to whatever serial setting you want the JNIOR and your external Device to connect on.

NOTE: You can have both the Preshow Client AND the Cinema Server Client active at the same time. Each one can have a Serial Connection and a TCP connection active. You can have multiple devices connect to the same Cinema TCP port to control Cinema. Therefore, while you can have more then four devices connect to Cinema at the same time, it can listen for at most four different types of connections at the same time:

  • Preshow Client Serial Connection (1 connection)
  • Preshow Client TCP Connection (Multiple connections)
  • Cinema Server Client Serial Connection (1 connection)
  • Cinema Server Client TCP Connection (Multiple connections)

Just keep in mind that if both are using TCP then they can’t use the same Port Number, and if both are using a Serial Connection, they can’t use the same Serial Port.

Preshow Client

Preshow TCP Settings
Preshow Serial Settings

Cinema Server Client

Cinema Server Client TCP Settings
Cinema Server Client Serial Settings