Troubleshooting Overview
Sometimes the JNIOR doesn’t appear to be working but follow these steps and you might be able to determine why. There are a few steps that you can take before contacting INTEG or declaring that the JNIOR is not functioning. Hopefully the steps below will help save some time.
The number one way for INTEG to help provide support is to send us a Snapshot using the Support Tool. We can use the Snapshot to look at logs, analyze your configuration and to look at network interactions. Snapshots are most effective when taken soon after the issue is noticed. If too much time has passed the logs and network information may no longer contain relevant information pertaining to the time of the issue.
The JNIOR requires 12 – 24v DC. We recommend a power supply capable of 1 Amp.
The very first thing to check is to make sure the unit has power. No, I don’t mean “did you plug the JNIOR in?” We need to make sure that the internal power supply is functioning and that the wires going in to the connector on the outside of the JNIOR have not broken.
To check the internal power supply we need to verify that the BLUE LED is illuminated next to the power connector.
If the BLUE LED is not illuminated then we want to make sure the wires have not been broken. This can easily happen if there is stress put on the wires during installation or if the connector was not securely fastened before being shipped.
Operating System
Is the OS running? To check this remove power. Upon applying power the amber light next to the BLUE power LED should come on for two or three seconds and then go out. Another thing we can check is to unplug the Ethernet cable. As of JANOS v1.8 the Status LED will blink Morse code indicating the value of the last octet of the IP Address when the Ethernet cable is unplugged.
The first thing to check regarding Ethernet connectivity is that the lights on the Ethernet port are lit. If they are not, please check both end of the cable to make sure it is connected. If the cable appears to be properly connected and the lights are not lit, please try a different cable.
Check Beacon to see that the JNIOR is on the network. Beacon is a feature on the JNIOR that uses UDP to broadcast itself on the network. The JNIOR Support Tool implements beacon and will query the network for any JNIORs. Any JNIOR that hears the query will respond. Because this feature uses UDP a valid working IP Address is not necessary.
If the cable, lights and beacon all appear to be in working order then the last thing to check here is the IpConfig/Allow setting. That will need to be done using the serial port. You can read about that procedure in the Dangers of IpConfig/Allow.
As of JANOS v1.8 the Status LED will blink Morse code indicating the value of the last octet of the IP Address when the Ethernet cable is unplugged.
Serial Port
The serial port can be used to diagnose JNIOR issues. Most of the time the Ethernet connection will be used to do this but in the case that the Ethernet connection is suspect we will need to use the serial port. There are two serial ports on the JNIOR but the RS-232 port is the is the port that facilitates the command line functionality. To connect to the JNIOR for command line use you will need to use the following settings. 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity. Once the cable is connected and you launched your favorite serial application you will need to press enter to see the login prompt. You could also reboot the JNIOR to observe the banner.
If the hardware steps above do not alert you to the issue you are having then configuration is most likely to blame. Please contact us INTEG for further assistance. We can walk you through configuration issues, connect to your computer via TeamViewer, or determine if your unit needs to be replaced.