Series 3 Not Recommended for New Applications
Written by Bruce Cloutier on Sep 17, 2017 11:01 am
The Series 3 JNIOR continues to be a reliable workhorse in a number of industries. The Series 3 models (310, 312, and 314) however no longer represent the performance, reliability and stability of the current JNIOR controller line. We no longer produce them. While you would likely benefit from an upgrade to a Series 4 model (410, 412, or 414), doing so is still your decision. The change is almost seamless. Just know that INTEG will dedicate itself to the success of your conversion with the same attention and personal support that you have always experienced.
Just a few added benefits of the Series 4:
- Secure network connection using HTTPS, STARTTLS, etc.
- Faster execution making applications more responsive.
- Boots in only a few seconds.
- Dynamic Configuration Pages (DCP) replaces the Java Applet panel.
- Emphasis on Security.
- Simpler approach to application programming makes user programming even more feasible.
- Enhanced WebServer provides for the development of state of the art Web interfaces.
- Supports server-side scripting (PHP).
- Provides Websockets alternative to the binary JNIOR Protocol.
- And much more…
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