Resetting a JNIOR to Factory (Sanitize)

Written on: January 17, 2019 8:31 am

Sometimes a JNIOR gets re-purposed.  A JNIOR was performing one task and now it is going to perform a new one.  You may want to clean up the JNIOR before configuring it for the new operation.  In this case we will want to sanitize the JNIOR.  To complete this task there will be two steps that will need to be performed.

First, we will need to “erase” the unit.  To do this we will execute the following command;

reboot -eraseall

After confirmation the JNIOR will erase itself.  It will be completely blank.  Only the operating system will be present.  All other software will be removed.  The title says reset to factory but the OS will still be the currently loaded version and will not revert to the version that was shipped.  The IP Address will also remain unaffected.  All other user configuration including the hostname will be cleared.

That leads into the second step.  You will need to get the software package that you wish to install and update the unit with that code.  Use the support tool and the Update tab to do this.


Support Tool 7.10 and the 2.1 All-In-One update project were the most recent versions when this picture was taken, please check for the latest versions before downloading.

After doing a factory reset, we recommend updating a JNIOR with the latest JANOS All-In-One update project. Updating this to your JNIOR will restore Web UI functionality for configuring your JNIOR, as well as return applications that came with the JNIOR when it was built.

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