Remotely Updating JANOS

Written by Kevin Cloutier on Mar 4, 2020 2:37 pm

To update JANOS, the JNIOR Series 4 Operating System, you will need to do two things.

  1. Get the UPD file on the JNIOR in the /temp directory.
  2. Execute the jupdate command. To force the update to happen immediately upon entering this command we will type jrupdate -fup /temp/janos_filename.upd

The easiest way to update the unit remotely is using the DCP The DCP is most likely to be available on a remote JNIOR because it uses a single port for all of the features. Without the DCP you might need port 23 for telnet, port 21 for FTP commands, and many other ports for FTP data.

If the DCP is available follow this procedure.

  1. Once the DCP is open, navigate to the Console tab.
  2. Login to the command console.
  3. Drag and drop the JANOS .upd file into the console window. This automatically stores the file in the /temp directory.
  1. Issue the jrupdate command. Like above, to force the update to happen immediately upon entering this command we will type jrupdate -fup /temp/janos_filename.upd

Here is a YouTube video to show you how to perform the update without the Support Tool. The Support Tool offers a lot of benefits but is not always necessary.

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