JAR, ZIP Comands

Written by Bruce Cloutier on Jan 25, 2018 3:02 pm

ZIP is an alias for the JAR command. The JAR command gives you the ability to check and extract files from a file collection. JAR and ZIP files are of the same format. JANOS uses JAR files for Java programs which are collections of class files best handled as a group. This is the HELP for the command:

JAR filespec [pattern]

 -C             Check integrity
 -T             Lists library contents
 -X             Extracts library contents
 -V             Verbose

List/Extract files from a ZIP/JAR library.
Aliases: JAR, ZIP

Even though JAR collections store content generally in a compressed format the files can be quite large. If you ever question the integrity of a JAR/ZIP file you can use this command to verify it. Remember that you can also use the MANIFEST command to verify a file’s checksum.

bruce_dev /> jar -c flash/jAccess.jar                  
 4 entries found
 content verifies!
bruce_dev /> 

bruce_dev /> jar -cv flash/jAccess.jar
  verifying: META-INF/
  verifying: jaccess/
  verifying: jaccess/JAccess.class
 4 entries found
 content verifies!
bruce_dev />

You can see that the -V verbose option enumerates the entries as they are verified.

The -T option displays the table of entries in the collection. Recently with JANOS v1.6.3 we have enhanced this listing. Here is an example with and without the verbose option.

bruce_dev /> jar -t flash/jAccess.jar

bruce_dev /> jar -tv flash/jAccess.jar
     Size   Packed          CRC32        Modified
      227      227    0%  6180ffe5  Jan 30 2017 14:40  META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
     4143     4143    0%  639ebba5  Jan 30 2017 14:40  jaccess/JAccess.class

bruce_dev />

Recently I have been interested in implementing DEFLATE compression. The existing JAR/ZIP command in JANOS has been able to decompress DEFLATE (inflate?) for years. We just haven’t had a strong need for creating or modifying an archive on the JNIOR. Beginning with JANOS v1.6.4 which is now in Beta there will be some new capabilities involving DEFLATE.

New to v1.6.4 is a greatly improved JAR/ZIP command that not only can list or test an archive but that can create, update and even freshen them. This would be useful for those who need to retain log files for extended periods of time. The jniorsys.log file compresses some 80% for example. The available command options are as follows:

ZIP libraryfile [filespec]...

 -V             Verify archive
 -T             List contents
 -X             Extracts contents
 -C             Create new archive
 -U             Update archive
 -F             Freshen archive
 -S,-R          Recurse folders
 -L             Verbose format

List/Add/Extract files from a ZIP/JAR library.
Aliases: JAR, ZIP

Some options have been reassigned. For instance the -V option now implies (V)erify as opposed to (V)erbose as it has been previously. Hopefully those changes will not cause difficulties. It was our opinion that the JAR/ZIP command in the past was relatively obscure and unused.

With this new implementation one or more file specifications inclusive of wildcards may be specified when appropriate. Recursion through the directory/folder structure is now not assumed. You must use the -S (or -R alias) option for that. Relative paths in the archive are maintained and created as you might expect. I will provide some examples.

The root on my JNIOR contains a few typical files.

bruce_dev /> dir -l
total 10
drwxrwxrwx   1 root      root           8 Jan 25 14:21 .
drwxrwxrwx   1 root      root           8 Jan 25 14:21 ..
dr-xr-xr-x   1 root      root           1 Dec 31 1999  etc
drwxr-xr-x   1 root      root          59 Jan 25 14:21 flash
drwxrwxrwx   1 root      root           0 Jan 25 13:26 temp
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root       37994 Jan 25 14:21 jniorsys.log
-rw-r--r--   1 jnior     root       22280 Jan 25 14:21 manifest.json
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root         953 Jan 25 14:12 jniorboot.log
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root        1002 Jan 25 13:37 jniorboot.log.bak
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root       35938 Jan 25 09:16 web.log
  1853.9 KB available

bruce_dev />

I can now create an archive of these files using the ZIP command. I can use JAR as it is the very same command. It is just an alias. I tend to use the command name appropriate to the archive I am working with. If I am creating a ZIP I use the ZIP command but there is no particular requirement to do so.

bruce_dev /> zip -c test.zip /
 5 files saved
bruce_dev /> 

bruce_dev /> zip test.zip
     Size   Packed          CRC32        Modified
    37994     7545   80%  bce2daff  Jan 25 2018 14:21  jniorsys.log
    35938     5797   84%  d393e4a3  Jan 25 2018 09:16  web.log
     1002      472   53%  afae59c3  Jan 25 2018 13:37  jniorboot.log.bak
      953      458   52%  b473efb0  Jan 25 2018 14:12  jniorboot.log
    22280    10086   55%  06c9451f  Jan 25 2018 14:21  manifest.json
 5 files listed
bruce_dev />

Here I specified the root folder. No wildcard was needed since that is a folder and it assumes in that case that I mean all of the contents. When the command is issued without option and verbose listing is assumed.

Note that the compression ratios are reasonable even though I have made some trade-offs in the interest of speed. The verbose output can provide interesting information. For example here is the same archive creation with the long/verbose output.

bruce_dev /> zip -cl test.zip /
  deflate: /jniorsys.log (37994 bytes)
   saving: jniorsys.log (compressed 80.1%) 0.758 secs
  deflate: /web.log (35938 bytes)
   saving: web.log (compressed 83.9%) 0.547 secs
  deflate: /jniorboot.log.bak (1002 bytes)
   saving: jniorboot.log.bak (compressed 52.9%) 0.044 secs
  deflate: /jniorboot.log (953 bytes)
   saving: jniorboot.log (compressed 51.9%) 0.044 secs
  deflate: /manifest.json (22280 bytes)
   saving: manifest.json (compressed 54.7%) 1.851 secs
 5 files saved
bruce_dev />

Keep in mind when you consider timing that the JNIOR runs on a 100 MHz 32-bit micro-controller and not a multi-core GHz processor.

The (U)date option (-U) allows you to add or replace files in the archive. For example:

bruce_dev /> zip -us test.zip *.ini *.bat
 4 files saved
bruce_dev /> 

bruce_dev /> zip test.zip
     Size   Packed          CRC32        Modified
    37994     7545   80%  bce2daff  Jan 25 2018 14:21  jniorsys.log
    35938     5797   84%  d393e4a3  Jan 25 2018 09:16  web.log
     1002      472   53%  afae59c3  Jan 25 2018 13:37  jniorboot.log.bak
      953      458   52%  b473efb0  Jan 25 2018 14:12  jniorboot.log
    22280    10086   55%  06c9451f  Jan 25 2018 14:21  manifest.json
     4311      913   79%  36a57579  Jun 08 2015 12:47  flash/task.ini
     5449     2014   63%  88996b53  Jan 23 2018 08:33  flash/jnior.ini
       56       56    0%  3b661614  Jul 10 2015 08:54  flash/clean.bat
       17       17    0%  6a11f77a  Jun 30 2015 15:17  flash/dirs.bat
 9 files listed
bruce_dev />

Here I have added any INI and BAT files present on the JNIOR.

Yes, the JNIOR can do BAT batch files. These are not scripting files like you may know from MSDOS but still useful. For example I do a lot of testing on my development JNIOR and that ends up creating error files and sometimes dump files. My clean.bat file creates a CLEAN command that removes any errors.log or dump.log file. It also resets the attention flag using the STATS command.

bruce_dev /> cat flash/clean.bat    
@rm errors.log
@rm dump.log
@stats -a
@echo Cleaned

bruce_dev />

If you are concerned that an archive may not have transferred to the JNIOR properly, you can use the (V)erify (-V) option. Here are both the normal and verbose versions of the command.

bruce_dev /> zip -v test.zip
 9 entries found - content verifies!
bruce_dev /> 

bruce_dev /> zip -vl test.zip
  verifying: jniorsys.log (compressed)
  verifying: web.log (compressed)
  verifying: jniorboot.log.bak (compressed)
  verifying: jniorboot.log (compressed)
  verifying: manifest.json (compressed)
  verifying: flash/task.ini (compressed)
  verifying: flash/jnior.ini (compressed)
  verifying: flash/clean.bat
  verifying: flash/dirs.bat
 9 entries found - content verifies!
bruce_dev />

Note that beginning with v1.6.4 this verification not only check file integrity but decompresses the entries and verifies CRC32 checksums.

Here we see that JAR files can also be processed (regardless of command name).


bruce_dev /> zip -v flash/ModbusServer.jar
 42 entries found - content verifies!
bruce_dev /> 

bruce_dev /> jar -vl flash/ModbusServer.jar
  verifying: META-INF/
  verifying: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (compressed)
  verifying: appinfo.ini (compressed)
  verifying: com/
  verifying: com/integpg/
  verifying: com/integpg/janoslib/
  verifying: com/integpg/janoslib/datastructures/
  verifying: com/integpg/janoslib/debug/
  verifying: com/integpg/janoslib/io/
  verifying: com/integpg/janoslib/system/
  verifying: com/integpg/janoslib/utils/

The (F)reshen command will update files in an archive ONLY if a newer version of the file is found. This does not add new files to the archive. If you do not provide a file specification the command will attempt to freshen all of the archive contents. For example, we haven’t changed anything and the freshen command does nothing.

bruce_dev /> zip -f test.zip
 nothing to do
bruce_dev />

But if we execute the MANIFEST command which adjusts the manifest.json database then we have a newer version. The archive can then be freshened.

bruce_dev /> manifest -ul
JNIOR Manifest      Thu Jan 25 14:52:55 EST 2018
  Size                  MD5                  File Specification
 37994    5627aaee400338b1b3479842cecabe29  [Updated] /jniorsys.log
 28304    2a8a593cc66fa62117497c28bf565d20  [Added] /test.zip
End of Manifest (2 files listed)

bruce_dev /> zip -f test.zip
 2 files saved
bruce_dev />

bruce_dev /> zip test.zip
     Size   Packed          CRC32        Modified
    35938     5797   84%  d393e4a3  Jan 25 2018 09:16  web.log
     1002      472   53%  afae59c3  Jan 25 2018 13:37  jniorboot.log.bak
      953      458   52%  b473efb0  Jan 25 2018 14:12  jniorboot.log
     4311      913   79%  36a57579  Jun 08 2015 12:47  flash/task.ini
     5449     2014   63%  88996b53  Jan 23 2018 08:33  flash/jnior.ini
       56       56    0%  3b661614  Jul 10 2015 08:54  flash/clean.bat
       17       17    0%  6a11f77a  Jun 30 2015 15:17  flash/dirs.bat
    38036     7559   80%  b2b18320  Jan 25 2018 14:53  jniorsys.log
    22434    10129   55%  059a09d9  Jan 25 2018 14:53  manifest.json
 9 files listed
bruce_dev />

The MANIFEST update both alters the database and posts to the system log file. So two files are updated.

To demonstrate the E(X)tract option I will move the ZIP file to the /temp folder so we don’t overwrite any existing files. Here I will extract the manifest database and take a look at its content.


bruce_dev /> mv test.zip /temp

bruce_dev /> cd /temp

bruce_dev /temp> dir -l
total 3
drwxrwxrwx   1 root      root           1 Jan 25 14:58 .
drwxrwxrwx   1 root      root           8 Jan 25 14:58 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 jnior     root       28361 Jan 25 14:53 test.zip
  61.98 MB available (temporary)

bruce_dev /temp> zip -x test.zip *.json

bruce_dev /temp> dir -l
total 4
drwxrwxrwx   1 root      root           2 Jan 25 14:59 .
drwxrwxrwx   1 root      root           8 Jan 25 14:58 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 jnior     root       28361 Jan 25 14:53 test.zip
-rw-r--r--   1 jnior     root       22434 Jan 25 14:53 manifest.json
  61.95 MB available (temporary)

bruce_dev /temp> cat manifest.json -j
  "date":"01/25/18 14:52:55",
bruce_dev /temp> 

We see here how the CAT command can format JSON for us.

Hmm… Perhaps before we release v1.6.4 JANOS I’ll have this command list the files it extracts. Seems like it should have at least indicated that it did what we wanted.

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