HELP Command
This post was updated for OS version 2.5.1
The HELP command provides basic information about syntax and options for each and every command. If issued without parameters it lists all of the commands available to you at the JANOS Command Line.
bruce_dev /> help Available Commands: arc arp bye cat cd certmgr chdir chgrp chmod chown copy cp date del dir echo ed edit egrep exec exit extern find gc grep groupadd groupdel groups head help hist history hostname iolog ipconfig jar java jrflash jrmon jrupdate kill logger ls man manifest md mkdir mode more move mv nbtstat netstat nslookup nv passwd phome ping ps quit rd reboot reg registry ren rename rm rmdir run sendmail set setenv stats tail telnet thd touch type useradd userdel usermod users whoami zip bruce_dev />
Note that this list depends on the user’s permission level. The list above covers all commands. It is displayed for Administrator accounts.
The list is reduced when not an Administrator. These are the command available to a user with the Control permissions flag.
bruce_dev /> help Available Commands: bye cat cd chdir chmod copy cp del dir echo egrep exit extern find grep head help hist history java jrmon ls man md mkdir more move mv passwd ping quit rd ren rename rm rmdir stats tail type whoami bruce_dev />
And if you are logged in as a guest with an account that neither has the Administrator flag or the Control Flag then this is all you can use.
bruce_dev /> help Available Commands: bye cat cd chdir dir echo egrep exit find grep head help hist history jrmon ls man more passwd ping quit stats tail type whoami bruce_dev />
The HELP command has an alias MAN. JANOS wants to seem familiar to new users and so tries to be a bit flexible. For this reason both DIR and LS perform the same function.
If you provide the name of a command as a parameter details for that command are displayed.
bruce_dev /> help dir DIR/LS/FIND User Commands NAME dir - File Directory List Utility ALIASES DIR, LS, FIND SYNOPSIS dir [OPTIONS] [FILESPEC] DESCRIPTION Lists files stored in the File System. FILESPEC may define a specific file or contain '*' and '?' wildcards. -L, -V Long or Verbose mode lists file details such as permissions, size and last modification date. -A Lists ALL files including Hidden files. Hidden files and folders have names beginning with a period '.' . -F Lists only Files. Folders or Directorys are not listed. This is the default for the FIND alias. -D Lists only Directories or Folders. Files are not listed. -S, -R Recurses sub-directories or sub-folders listing content in each. This is the default for the FIND alias. -W Lists files in columnar format. Not valid with verbose listings. -X Includes the '.' file entry (current folder) when used with a recursive (-S or -R) verbose (-V) listing. FORMAT The long format (option -L) is interpreted by other systems and protocols such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP). It is therefore somewhat cryptic and may look foreign to some. A header is not provided as it might be misinterpreted in processing. The output appears as follows: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 387 May 27 08:45 jniorsys.log -rw-r--r-- The initial column displays the Permissions for the file or directory. It comprises of 10 characters in the format 'drwxrwxrwx'. 1 The digit '1' is always listed. JANOS does not support multiple hard-links. root Next the file Owner is listed using the account username or 'root' if the file or directory was created by the system. The USERS command lists the current users. root The Group to which the file has been assigned. The GROUPS command lists the currently defined Groups. The 'root' group includes all users and is always available. 387 The file size in bytes. If the listing is a directory (first char in the permissions is a 'd') then this is the count of entries in the folder. May 27 08:45 The date of the last file or directory modification. The format may change to include the year when the entry is sufficiently old. jniorsys.log Finally the file or directory name is listed. NOTES The FIND alias aids in locating files throughout the file system. The resulting search is performed recursively from the root or the path provided. The results are limited to files. Wildcards are automatically inserted before and after the filename to create a lazy match on similar files. SEE ALSO HELP Topics: PERMISSIONS, USERS, GROUPS Hint: You can use HELP -P to display a page at a time. bruce_dev />
That includes itself.
bruce_dev /> help help HELP/MAN User Commands NAME help - Help System ALIASES HELP, MAN SYNOPSIS help [OPTIONS] [TOPIC] DESCRIPTION The Help System is designed to make information more readily available to users during Command Line Console sessions. The HELP command issued without parameters lists the available commands. Help information for any of the available commands can then be displayed using the name as the TOPIC. Additional HELP Topics are available for Registry keys and reference information. -S When a topic is not found HELP displays search results displaying topics which contain the TOPIC keyword. By default only a limited number of matches are displayed. This option skips the search for a specific TOPIC, performs the content search, and shows ALL results. Results are listing in order of decreasing relevance. -I [CATEGORY] Generates an index including all of the available HELP topics. If a valid CATEGORY is specified the list is limited to a related subset. -C List all available categories. Most HELP topics belong to at least one category. -P This option pages the Help response 24 lines at a time. The user can page through the information using any keyboard keystroke. This eliminates the need to scroll back for reading. A Ctrl-C disables the paging for the balance of the text. (See note below) -L Displays the brief legacy Help text as is available for commands. The option '-?' may be used with most commands to access their short help text. NOTES The Topic may contain '*' and '?' wildcards but only matches legacy Help text in that case. Help output can be lengthy as there can be a lot of information available for display. In addition to the -P option that pages the output for you, you may also 'pipe' the output using the pipe character '|' from the command to MORE . This opens the screen editor with the output in read-only mode. Here you can scroll, page and even search the results. Keep in mind that Ctrl-Q exits this tool. SEE ALSO HELP Topics: SUPPORT, MANUAL, MORE Hint: You can use HELP -P to display a page at a time. bruce_dev />
The command string supplied to HELP may include simple wildcards. For example:
bruce_dev /> help j* ---------- JAR archive [filespec ...] Options: (-LV Default) -E Extract contents -A Add files -U Update files -F Freshen archive -M Move files -D Delete files -L List contents -S Recurse folders -P spec Path override -V Verbose format -O Overwrite when extracting -T Test archive List/Add/Extract files from a ZIP/JAR archive. Aliases: ARC, ZIP, JAR ---------- JAVA filespec [&] Options: & Executes in background ('&' must be last on the line) filespec Either a .class file or .jar library containing classes to execute Executes the given Java program. ---------- JRFLASH Options: -C Display cache status -F Format (all data will be lost) -R Perform reclamation pass Displays Flash File System status. ---------- JRMON options: -C Enable control commands -D Enable control including diagnostics functions -M Monitors processor load -X cmd Execute commands and return I/O monitoring utility ---------- JRUPDATE [options] file/URL Options: -U Update -G Download -I Run Installer -F Skip confirmation -P Reboot after -R Rollback -C Cancel update Perform installation and updates. bruce_dev />
For more information, there is a download of our USER manual available. Pg 39 is the User Command section that goes over all available commands in the command line.
Name | Version | Release Date | Size | MD5 |
JNIOR Users Manual | v2.5.1 | Dec 31 2024 | 2.5 MB | 77be7d6d21b3e9df7f66f429f8c901e6 |