JANOS 1.8 Released
Written by Kevin Cloutier on Jun 17, 2019 8:31 pm
We have released JANOS v1.8 which adds the JMP Protocol. The JANOS Management Protocol (JMP) is essentially the JSON message interface utilized by JANOS Websockets. The JMP Protocol has been exposed on its own TCP/IP port. This encloses the JSON messaging in a JSON array along with the JSON Object length making reception of the messages easy. The JMP Protocol will be used by the QSC Q-SYS JNIOR component.
- Implements the JANOS Management Protocol JMP
- Adds “Block” command to JSON interfaces
- Web Server limits the effects of extremely slow connections.
JANOS 1.7.1 Released
December 3, 2018
- Watchdog no longer causes reboot from foreground execution
- REGEX Alternation '|' has been corrected to properly work in Group
- Corrected NULL Pointer write issue when a Group which employs alternation appears at the start of a REGEX expression
- Resolved message pump memory issue relating to process termination
- Expand the channel range for setOutputRelay() from 0-11 to 0-15
- Corrected network capture filtering when an IP address is to be excluded
- Supports networks using Jumbo Frames
- Eliminated assertion associated with improper use of '%n' in
JANOS 1.7 Released
July 26, 2018
- Added ability to load single CA Certificate to be supplied on TLS connection
- Support TLS Client Certificate Verification on outgoing connections
- Added legacy PKCS1 support for externally generated certificates
- Corrected array issue with processing of deferred email transmissions
- Corrected memory issue with TAB use on the Command Line
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