Tag Archive: update tab

On every JNIOR is JANOS (JNIOR Automation Network Operating System). This is installed when the JNIOR is being made. Overtime, the operating system gets older, while here at INTEG we are always creating newer versions that improve upon the last. With each release we typically fix bugs and add functionality. To avoid running into issues with older JANOS OS versions, we typically tell customers to stay up-to-date with each JNIOR’s JANOS OS version. Below is how you update your JNIOR with the latest OS.

Below are the downloads for the JNIOR Support Tool, and two separate Update Projects that will install the latest JANOS OS version on your JNIOR. The Support Tool is needed in order to update a JNIOR with an update project. As for the update projects, there is the All-in-one Update Project and the Core Update Project. The All-in-one Update Project updates the JANOS OS, but it also updates a few applications that come bundled with the All-in-one Update Project such as, Modbus, Serial Control, Serial-to-Etherent, SNMP, and Slaving. The Core Update Project just updates the JANOS OS. Both will work for updating the JNIOR’s OS, so choose one that you’ll use to update the JNIOR.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
JNIOR Support Tool v7.16 Jun 12 2024 6.2 MB b75a95c649dd507e069591709265f793
Series 4 All-In-One Update Project v2.4.2 Jan 18 2024 1.8 MB 293c415caba1ff6d9b9a404be3430cc2
Core JANOS Update Project v2.5 Jun 21 2024 1.3 MB d3783d7ec82ed4ee34bfc356d0953a56

After installing the JNIOR Support Tool application and downloading one of the Update Projects, you’ll want to open the Support Tool and click on the Update Tab. Once there, the first thing you’ll want to do is select the Open Project button, and select the Update Project you downloaded. When you open one of the Update Projects in the Support Tool you will see something similar to the following:

Click Publish and select the JNIOR you want to update. Once the update is complete the JNIOR will have rebooted and the JANOS OS should be up to date. 

One of the features of the Support Tool is being able to use it to update JNIORs with software. This is done with update projects, which load files and configuration settings onto the JNIOR in a step-by-step order. This post will go over how to Open, Create/Edit, Close, and Publish/Cancel update projects to the JNIOR.  

Opening an Update Project

In order to update your JNIOR with an update project, you first need to have an update project downloaded to use. For this example, we’ll use the JNIOR Core update project, which will update your JNIOR with the latest JANOS OS available onto your JNIOR. Here is a download for the update project. NOTE: Update Projects are zip files, do not unzip it once its downloaded. 

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Core JANOS Update Project v2.5 Jun 21 2024 1.3 MB d3783d7ec82ed4ee34bfc356d0953a56

Once you have downloaded this update project, we then need to open it in the Support Tool. You do this by clicking the Open Project button in the Update tab of the Support Tool. This will open your computers file explorer, and you’ll navigate to the update project that you just downloaded. Select it and hit open in the file explorer, and you should now see the update project and its steps displayed in the JNIOR Support Tool Update tab. This means you’ve successfully opened an update project.

Creating/Editing an Update Project

While our website has tons of update projects for different applications already made, you may want to create your own or edit one that already exists. To create a new update project, go to the Update tab of the support tool and select Edit Project Configuration while no update project is open in the Update tab. Once selected, you’ll now see a new window open for editing/creating projects. To create a new project, you have to give it a name in the Title field before you can begin adding steps. Once a title is given, you can steps using the Add Step button at the bottom left. Steps in an update project are executed from top to bottom. Selecting a step and clicking the UP or DN buttons shifts that step up or down in the execution order. When you are done, you can select the Package button to generate your update project.

To edit an existing update project, you open it in the Support Tool, and then select the Edit Project Configuration button. Once selected, you’ll now the new window open for editing/creating projects, but this time with all the steps that are currently inside the opened update project.

Update Project Steps

Update Projects can perform a multitude of actions on a JNIOR. The following are the available steps that can be added for an update project:

  • Registry Key
  • Update Registry
  • Delete File
  • Make Remote Directory
  • Reboot
  • Load Application
  • Transfer File
  • Clean Up
  • Preserve Files
  • Restore Files
  • Telnet Command
  • Transfer Zip
  • Update Series 3 OS
  • Update Series 4 OS

Publishing an Update Project

Once an update project has been opened or created, it can now be loaded on to a JNIOR by publishing it. While the update project is open in the support tool, you’ll click on the Publish button. This will open a new dialog box to select which JNIORs you want to apply your update project to. You can select as many JNIORs as are available in the Beacon tab to publish to. The update project will publish to whichever JNIOR’s you select the checkbox next to. Once you have selected the JNIORs you want to publish to, hit OK. You’ll then see the Support Tool begin to follow the steps inside the update project for each JNIOR selected.

Cancelling an Update Project

While an update project is being published to, you can cancel it if needed. While an update project is publishing, select the Cancel button to stop the update project from being applied to JNIORs.

Registry Key

Create and/or set a registry key on the JNIOR with a value. The RegKey cell must contain the exact text and capitalization needed for the Registry key. The RegValue cell must contain an acceptable value for the Registry key. The RebootRequired cell can be set to false or true to indicate if a reboot is required as a result of this step. A Reboot Step must also be included in the Project to trigger a reboot after this step is executed. The user can edit the Name cell for
display purposes in the Step list window on the left.

Update Registry

Grabs an .ini file from you PC and uploads it to the selected JNIOR. This will update the registry with the one saved as the .ini file.

Delete File

Delete a file on the JNIOR. The user must enter the file name in the RemoteFile cell and any folder name where the file is stored (besides the root directory) in the RemoteFolder cell. The user can edit the Name cell for display purposes in the Step list window on the left.

Make Remote Directory

Create a new folder (directory) on the JNIOR for storing an application or other file. The user must enter the folder name and any path in the RemoteFolder cell. The user can edit the Name cell for display purposes in the Step list window on the left.


Reboot the JNIOR during the execution of the project. A reboot must occur to update the JNIOR OS, or stop and start an application or for some Registry setting changes to take effect. If any of the steps require a reboot, then a Reboot step must be included in the project to respond to the reboot flag set by one of the other steps. The user can also set the ClearSystemMemory to true to clear the RAM memory on reboot. This deletes all the logs and some other temporary files, but does not delete anything in the flash memory (same as a reboot –a command). The user can also set the MustReboot option to true to force a reboot regardless of the previous steps. The user can edit the Name cell for display purposes in the Step list window on the left.

Load Applications

Can be used to load any application. You do NOT need to have a version or version location registry key (location) defined. If a version number is available, the Load Application Step will check it and compare the version numbers. You can also use the Generic File Transfer Step to transfer an application besides a standard INTEG application.


There are several types of file transfer functions available. There is a generic File Transfer Step and two specific steps for use with the Cinema.JNIOR application.

  • File Transfer – Allows the user to transfer a file to the JNIOR. The location of the file on the PC must be selected via the LocalFile cell and the location for the file on the JNIOR must be entered in the RemoteFile cell. The file can be transferred to a specific folder on the JNIOR by entering the complete path in the RemoteFolder cell.
    NOTE: The folder on the JNIOR must exist or must be created with a Make Remote Folder Step prior to this step. The user can rename the file and the Support Tool will change the name of the file before it is transferred to the JNIOR. A file on the JNIOR with the same name will be removed before transferring the new file (RemoveFirst). The user can edit the Name cell for display purposes in the Step list window on the left.
  • Cinema Macro File – Allows the user to transfer a Macro file used by Cinema.JNIOR. This step is different than a Generic File Transfer because it will first check the JNIOR to see if a macro file exists with the same name or a different name. In either case, it will delete the macro file so that only one macro file exists on the JNIOR. The location of the file on the PC must be selected via the LocalFile cell. The name for the file on the JNIOR must be entered in the RemoteFile cell and must be macro_xxx.csv (where xxx can be anything) to be recognized by the
    Cinema.JNIOR program. The file can only be transferred to the root directory. The user can edit the Name cell for display purposes in the Step list window on the left.
  • Cinema Device File – Allows the user to transfer a Devices file used by Cinema.JNIOR. This step is different than a Generic File Transfer because it will first check the JNIOR to see if a devices file exists with the same name or a different name. In either case, it will delete the devices file so that only one devices file exists on the JNIOR. The location of the file on the PC must be selected via the LocalFile cell. The name for the file on the JNIOR must be entered in the RemoteFile cell and must be devices_xxx.csv (where xxx can be anything) to be recognized by the Cinema.JNIOR program. The file can only be transferred to the root directory.

Clean Up

Allows you to delete one or more files on the JNIOR. When the user clicks in the Remote Files cell, a window will pop-up allowing the user to enter the file names and/or folder/filenames of the files to be deleted. The user can edit the Name cell for display purposes in the Step list window on the left. 

Preserve/Restore Files

These steps should be used together. The preserve will save certain files from you JNIOR to keep and then the Restore will reset the JNIOR then load the files saved back onto that JNIOR.

Telnet Command

Allows you send a telnet command through the command line, allowsing for example a “reboot” command to reboot the JNIOR or a “ps” command that will show you which process on the JNIOR are running.

Transfer Zip

Allows you to send the contents of a zip file to a JNIOR.

Update Series 4 OS

Allows the user to transfer a upd update file to the JNIOR operating system. This file is provided by INTEG, as needed. When the user clicks in the Local File cell, clicking on the icon with three dots will allow the user to navigate to the location of this file. The Support Tool will pull this file from the remote location and put it in a local folder. The JNIOR OS version is automatically detected and displayed in the Version cell. The Option to reboot the JNIOR is set as true by default. This causes the JNIOR to reboot immediately after the file is transferred. The user could set this to false and utilize the Reboot Step later in the project. The user can edit the Name cell for display purposes in the Step list window on the left.

Update Series 3 OS

Allows the user to transfer a jr310.upd file to update the JNIOR operating system. This file is provided by INTEG, as needed. When the user clicks in the Local File cell, clicking on the icon with three dots will allow the user to navigate to the location of this file. The Support Tool will pull this file from the remote location and put it in a local folder. The JNIOR OS version is automatically detected and displayed in the Version cell. The Option to reboot the JNIOR is set as true by default. This causes the JNIOR to reboot immediately after the file is transferred. The user could set this to false and utilize the Reboot Step later in the project. The user can edit the Name cell for display purposes in the Step list window on the left.