JNIOR Support Tool 7.10
Written by Anthony Pavia on Jul 15, 2020 1:25 pm
- Visit the Support Tool Page for more information
! Corrected an issue where opening an update project would encounter a non-empty temp folder.
+ Added the ability to open multiple Device files
+ Added the ability to open multiple Macro files
+ Added the ability to open multiple Update Projects
! addresses an issue where the Update Notification was always being shown at startup, even when the most recent version was on the JNIOR.
JNIOR Support Tool 7.9
May 16, 2019
- Visit the Support Tool Page for more information
- The JNIOR Support Tool version 7.9 addresses an issue with new installs. The
C:\INTEG\JNIOR Support Tool
directory was not getting created upon install. This would prevent the Support Tool from opening. - Also in this update is a selection for the new Barco Series 4 projector.

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