Embedded Applications

So your looking to write your own code to run on the JNIOR. You have come to the right place.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
JanosRuntime.JAR v2.5 Jun 04 2024 1.6 MB 9ee359c454dd0776a687242aee01f94e

Getting Started

Our Getting Started page will walk you though the steps required to get up and coding using the NetBeans IDE. INTEG uses NetBeans for all of our Java programming. We will use NetBeans for the majority of topics covered on this site.

There are almost limitless possibilities when it comes to what you can program on the JNIOR. Most of the applications that we have written have come from customer requests over the years. Over time, the functionality that people request get added to the JANOS runtime library. This library is what the JNIOR uses to exert control over the different functionality it has available. Below are some of the features the JNIOR can manipulate using the JANOS runtime library.

Features Overview


The JNIOR has Inputs and Outputs (I/O) that allows for the JNIOR to send and receive electrical signals. Each digital input can accept AC or DC voltage sources in the 0 – 30 V range. The input voltage must be greater than 2 VDC for the input to register as “on” and then less than 1 VDC to register as “off”. Each relay contact rating is 1A @ 24VDC and the voltage source must be in the range of 5 – 30V AC or DC. The inputs and outputs can also be activated and monitored using the Iolog class of the JANOS library as well as keep track of I/O that have already occurred.

Expansion modules

The JANOS library extends to the expansion modules of JNIORs as well. The control on these devices vary depending on the expansion module. 4-20ma and 10volt modules can have their inputs and outputs monitored, along with setting their outputs. Environmental sensors and temperature probes can have their temperatures read in Celsius or Fahrenheit. The JANOS library can even be made to activate outputs on 4-Rout expansion modules. Expansion modules would use the SensorPort class of the JANOS Runtime library to do this.


Applications can log information they are generating into a .log file to view. This feature can be crucial to some users, letting them be able to monitor data that constantly needs supervision. Log files can roll over as well, which happens when a log file runs out of space. When this occurs, a new empty file with the same name is created to log more data, while the old file that has no more space gets a .bat extension added to the end of the file name. This allows for data to be retained longer before being overwritten. These log files can be created using the JANOS class of the JANOS Runtime library.

Serial Connections

The JNIOR has two serial ports. There is a COM port that is used for diagnostics and an AUX port. The AUX port on the 410 is RS-485 capable. These ports can be taken over using the Comm class of the JANOS Runtime library to send and receive message to and from these ports.

Ethernet Connections

JNIORs can connect with other devices via Ethernet connections. Defining a port and IP, the JNIOR can listen or send to a device with those Ethernet settings using the IO class of the JANOS Runtime library. Receiving data uses a DataInputStream and sending data uses a DataOutputStream.

Message Pump

Sometimes you’ll want different processes on the JNIOR to communicate with one another. The JNIOR has a message pump system, that can send a message with a unique ID to each process. If a process receives the message and the ID doesn’t match its own, it sends the message down the line to other processes on the JNIOR until all processes have seen the message. The MessagePump and SystemMsg objects used for this type of communication are from the JANOS Runtime libraries System class.

Knowledge-Base - Embedded Programming 

October 30, 2020

Getting Started

Relay Control

External Modules

Serial Port





I/O Monitoring


Message Pump

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