Beacon – JNIOR Supporter

Written by Kevin Cloutier on Sep 17, 2020 8:32 am

The Beacon tab shows you information about the JNIORs that were found.  The Beacon technology uses UDP over port 4444.  A UDP broadcast is used to discover JNIORs on the network.  UDP broadcasts are usually blocked by routers therefore restricting the UDP broadcast to the local segment of the network.

Right-click for options

Right-clicking presents you with actions that can be taken for the selected JNIOR.

  • Query All – Broadcasts the Query message to the Network to ask JNIORs to report back
  • Query – Broadcasts a query message to only the selected JNIOR on the network.
  • Identify – This will flash the amber status LED on the selected JNIOR for a few seconds. 
  • Set Hostname – A prompt will be presented asking for the new Hostname. The current Hostname will be pre-filled.
  • Set Time – Synchronizes the JNIOR’s time to the PC’s time that the Supporter runs on.
  • IP Configuration – The Network Configuration dialog will be displayed. You can choose between DHCP and static addressing.  If a static IP Address is chosen you’ll need to enter an IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway Address, and DNS Servers information.
  • Reset Attention Flag – Attention flags are messages displayed in Beacon’s Message column. Selecting this will clear all messages in the Message column of Beacon. (If errors are thrown the attention flags will re-populate until they are handled.)
  • Reboot – This will reboot the JNIOR. Rebooting will make the JNIOR disappear from Beacon for a brief moment.
  • Launch WebUI- This will launch the main web user interface for monitoring and controlling the I/O as well as general JNIOR configuration.
  • Open Telnet – Opens a telnet session for console-level access. Here is a link to different telnet commands a JNIOR can be given.
  • Take a Snapshot – Initiates the Snapshot process. A snapshot is a copy of a JNIOR configuration, downloaded as a Zip File. These can be used to move configuration from one JNIOR to another or to debug/troubleshoot JNIORs.
  • Get Network Capture – Create a network capture file on the JNIOR, and if Wireshark is downloaded on your PC, the Supporter will open the network capture in Wireshark.
  • Show jniorsys.log – Loads the jniorsys.log.bak and jniorsys.log files into a dialog for real-time viewing.
  • Show/Remove errors.log – With these options, you can either load the errors.log.bak and errors.log files into a dialog for real-time viewing, or remove them from the JNIOR.  This option is only enabled if the Attention flag indicates that there is an error file.
  • Show/Remove dump.log – With these options, you can either load the dump.log.bak and dump.log files into a dialog for real-time viewing or remove them from the JNIOR.  This option is only enabled if the Attention flag indicates that there is a dump file.
  • Copy Field – Copies the data inside the field currently selected in Beacon. This is to easily grab values from the Beacon tab if needed.
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