C# WebSocket Example using the JniorWebSocket Library

Written by Kevin Cloutier on Oct 30, 2018 2:20 pm

The JniorWebSocket Library was started as an example project.  It has not had much use here in-house and therefore the testing has been limited.

Here is a quick application that demonstrates how to instantiate multiple JNIOR WebSocket objects.  Each Object is added to a tree control so that they may be interacted with individually.  So far I have added the ability to add and remove, connect and disconnect and pulse output 1.  This application can be easily extended to manage multiple JNIORs and perform many different tasks.

Here are 2 links.  The first is a link to the Visual Studio project for the library.  The second link is a zip file containing the example described above.

  C# WebSocket Example [ Oct 30 2018, 6.24 MB, MD5: fe1be1e450c2772a16d090a0d9c37f99 ]

  MultipleJniors-1.zip [ Oct 31 2018, 1.05 MB, MD5: 26485d581f00d9c5985db3e7f481e551 ]


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