Installing the JNIOR Supporter requires a Java Runtime Environment to run.  Running the Supporter is easy and only requires you to double-click on the .JAR file.  

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
JNIOR Supporter v2.1 Jun 04 2024 3.7 MB cda1c59eb0863dd23c55bb45b1079b73


With Linux, you must perform an action before running the application for the first time.  After downloading the jniorsupport.jar file from above, you’ll now want to set the execution bit for the .jar file. The command below will make the jniorsupport.jar file runnable when you double-click it.

chmod +x /path/to/your/file/JniorSupporter-{version}.jar

You can also launch the jar file by directly running it from a terminal with the following command.

/path/to/your/file/java -jar JniorSupporter-{version}.jar

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v6.9 Jan 03 2024 545.1 KB 0a2c670e461116768b75288e652c5253
  • [!] Added holdtime to logic to ensure that signals remain in the desired state before executing their configured action.
  • [!] Reimplemented watchdog enabled key.
  • [!] Fix for combining output actions.  A fix in an unreleased 6.7 version did not account for more than 2 outputs.
  • [!] Debugged thread worker issues.
  • [+] Added BarcoSeries4 as a send command: allows device commands to be sent using a raw ethernet device and the send command with the ‘command:’ prefix.

Go to the Cinema.jar Application page for more information. The Cinema Knowledge-base has helpful information on how to use the features in Cinema.jar.

Cinema.jar 6.4 March 28, 2023

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v6.4 Apr 25 2023 538.7 KB 1ed87c8c86a9f6f5f2ccfaa04daa1918
  • [!] External outputs as triggers beyond output 16
  • [!] Attempted fix for QSC DCP300.  Was sending ZEROS after each command and confusing the QSC when multiple commands were sent.
  • [!] Issue with logging to the errors log
  • [!] Fixed close pulse issue.  this was an issue reading the macro file.
  • [+] Added flush() to raw ethernet

Go to the Cinema.jar Application page for more information. The Cinema Knowledge-base has helpful information on how to use the features in Cinema.jar.

Cinema.jar 6.0 August 8, 2022

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v6.0 Apr 25 2023 541.1 KB 7d422aae79bbe4d01eaa428a7f423b5e
  • [!] Handle ROUT 17 - 24 as internal macro action
  • [!] Only start the iolog monitors if we have listeners configured
  • [+] Add Doremi as a device
  • [+] Allow device commands to be sent using a raw ethernet device and the send command with the 'command:' prefix

Go to the Cinema.jar Application page for more information. The Cinema Knowledge-base has helpful information on how to use the features in Cinema.jar.

Cinema.jar 5.0 March 30, 2022

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v5.0 Mar 30 2022 547.3 KB 6a1f8c4c9f470ccd303133aa10401579
  • [!] Ignoring white-space around schedule keys.
  • [!] Schedule keys no longer require a reboot when changed or added. removed schedules will require a reboot
  • [!] Fixing an issue with embedding quotes in macro action data field
  • [!] Allow comma delimited list of macros for input triggers
  • [!] A macro in a macro list can be delayed since the start of executing the list or the execution of the last macro
  • [!] Updating the http request to handle https responses better
  • [+] Added a UDP Client listener
  • [+] Added a device test event handler
  • [+] Added Web Pages for Cinema to make testing macros and editing registry keys easier.  Access by going to http://JNIOR_IP/cinema

Go to the Cinema.jar Application page for more information. The Cinema Knowledge-base has helpful information on how to use the features in Cinema.jar.

Cinema.jar 4.5 December 21, 2020

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v6.9 Jan 03 2024 545.1 KB 0a2c670e461116768b75288e652c5253

4.0, 4 oct 2019

  • [+] added code to detect barco series 4 device and launch the barco pulse rpc application.

4.1, 03 dec 2019

  • [!] trim unwanted spaces.

4.2, 04 mar 2020

  • [!] fixed cp+8=1000 signed issue.

4.3, 29 apr 2020

  • [!] changing the logging to use .bak files.  the addition of the logarchiver application will compress the .bak files into zip archives.
  • [!] forcing cinema_ prefix on all log files"),

 4.4, 17 nov 2020

  • [!] Modified the macro web handler to get the list of loaded macros"),

4.5, 10 dec 2020

  • [!] Fixed issue working with outputs > 20.
  • [+] rolled the barco pulse api into cinema.jar.

Go to the Cinema.jar Application page for more information. The Cinema Knowledge-base has helpful information on how to use the features in Cinema.jar.

Cinema.jar 3.6 August 14, 2019

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.6 Aug 14 2019 334.6 KB d96d4ae9b9adc4f0b8cdaf9bd87518f3

+ Adding web handlers for getDevice without a device for internal io getAll.

Cinema.jar 3.5 June 2, 2019

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.5 Jun 02 2019 327.0 KB 57a834f2c5ac177b7b19b6dec52350ce

+ Added HTTP POST method to Macro Actions.

+ Added the ability the use HTTPS for GETs and POSTs

Cinema.jar 3.4.1 May 29, 2019

  Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.4.1 [ May 28 2019, 320.47 KB, MD5: 74f51ea7ccb40962eb2118bf16457c50 ]

  • Released May 28 2019

! Fixed a bug where the watchdog was no longer working. If the Cinema application crashed it would not be restarted.


Cinema.jar 3.4.0 May 16, 2019

  Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.4 [ May 16 2019, 320.36 KB, MD5: 63b627ede9c8a79710ddb3d7fd3ca852 ]

  • Released May 16 2019

+ Allow you to query the temperature sensor via a HTTP Request.  A JSON representation of the device will be returned.

As of now the only available devices are Type28 and Type7E...

Type28 is the temperature probe and Type7E is the environmental sensor.

To enable this you will need to set the AppData/Cinema/WebServer/Port registry key. The JNIOR will need to be rebooted after this key has been changed. In this example I chose 8081. Port 80 or 443 is normally the default web server port. This web server port is an additional web server that cinema is hosting to handle these types of requests.

When configuring JNIORs, how you should configure them depends on what Series JNIOR you have. You’ll want to use the JNIOR Web Page for Series 4 JNIORs, and the Java Applet for Series 3 JNIORs.

JNIOR Web Page
Java Applet

The Java Applet is a local Java application that can be launched from the Support Tool for each Series 3 JNIOR, while the JNIOR Web Page is a browser accessible configuration for Series 4 JNIORs.  Series 3 JNIORs can’t open the JNIOR Web Page because they don’t support the necessary web files required to run the JNIOR Web Page from it. The Java Applet at one point was accessible from a browser, but due to security risks it was changed to be a separate application. Series 4 JNIORs do have the necessary files to open both the Java Applet and the JNIOR Web Page, but you should not use the Java Applet for Series 4 JNIORs. The applets cannot properly configure a Series 4 as the registry settings for many configuration settings are different than what the Series 3 used.

All JNIORs have the ability to boot into a state called Safe Mode. Safe Mode enables the default ‘jnior’ ‘jnior’ username and password for logging in, and disables all applications from running on boot. This is extremely useful in situations where you either forgot your JNIOR log-in, or have an application that is locking up your JNIOR before you can access it. Here is how to boot your JNIOR in Safe Mode.

NOTE: Do not leave your JNIOR in Safe Mode after you are done using it. Safe Mode’s features can interrupt the JNIOR’s functionality when left on.

Power Off and Disconnect the JNIOR

Before attempting to boot your JNIOR in Safe Mode, make sure your JNIOR is disconnected, and that no power is being supplied to it. This helps ensure the JNIOR is not damaged, and leads into rebooting the JNIOR after we enabled Safe Mode.

Locate A Jumper From Outputs 1 or 2

The first thing we need to do is grab a Jumper off of the JNIOR. You’ll start by unscrewing the JNIOR’s lid and locating the Jumpers on outputs 1 and 2. These outputs have Jumpers on them because they are able to be set to normally opened or closed. You’ll want to vertically pull one of these Jumpers off the output pins they are attached to. (These should just pull off by grabbing the plastic ends sticking out off the Jumpers.)

Locate Hole for Safe Mode Jumper

Every JNIOR has a small opening between its Ethernet port and RS-232 serial port. In this small opening are two pins that can have a jumper placed on them to force the JNIOR to boot in Safe Mode.

Plug Jumper Into Safe Mode Pins

Now taking the Jumper, you are going to slide it into the hole, and plug the Jumper into the two pins on the board in front of the small opening. Once the Jumper is in place, and resupply power to it.

Check if JNIOR is in Safe Mode

Once the JNIOR is powered back on, the only way to check if the JNIOR is successfully in Safe Mode is by making a command line connection to the JNIOR, and seeing if it says *SAFE MODE in the boot dialog. If this gets displayed, you have successfully booted the JNIOR in Safe Mode!

Once you are finished making changes in Safe Mode, make sure disconnect power to the JNIOR again, move the Jumper you used back to the output it was taken from, and screw the lid back on the JNIOR.

What is an escape sequence?

From Wikipedia, an escape sequence is a combination of characters that has a meaning other than the literal characters contained therein.  Ab Escape Sequence starts with a backslash (\) and is followed by a character.  The most common Escape Sequences would be \r for carriage return and \n for linefeed.  These are usually used to denote a break between commands.  Some Escape Sequences can require additional information to be included in the sequence.

It is important to understand that these escape sequences get converted before sending the bytes.  The escape sequences differ from device to device and the correct sequence is defined by the device you are sending from.  One device might want a carriage return entered as \r, like the JNIOR, and another might want it entered as \0d

What Escape Sequences are available?

\0: NULL
\r: Carriage Return
\n: Linefeed
\b: Backspace
\t: Tab
\\: Backslash
\”: Double Quote
\x##: HEX value

Here we see the example where the \x requires two more digits to be entered following the \x.  These digits are hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F).  Capitalization does not matter.  Any value can be entered as a HEX value.  For instance, \r has a decimal value of 13 or a hexadecimal value of 0d and can be entered as \x0d.  The lowercase letter k has a hexadecimal value of 6b and can be entered as \x6b.  It is much easier to use printable characters where you can.  Printable characters and escape sequences can be intermixed.

Sometimes a double quote (“) cannot be entered because it has another meaning.  For example, when declaring a string we start and end that string with a double quote.  Entering a double quote in the middle of that string would confuse the code about where the string should actually end.  In this case, we can escape that interior double quote.

Special Note about Commas

Commas in Cinema Actions are special.  Unfortunately, the macro file is stored in CSV format.  That means all fields are separated by commas.  Entering a comma in the data field for an action will confuse the whole macro file.  The prevent confusion you should escape the comma and use the hexadecimal value \x2c.

Special Note about Double Quotes

Double quotes are also special in Cinema Actions.  At one time they were used as in the above example to define strings.  Double quotes should always be escaped.  There is a special escape sequence for double quotes, \",  where there are not for commas.

The Cinema Migration Tool is an application that copies a Cinema Setup from a Series 3 JNIOR and loads it on a Series 4 JNIOR. All that’s needed is a snapshot from the Series 3 JNIOR, and the Cinema Migration Tool will use the configuration files inside it to format that Series 3 JNIOR’s Cinema setup on a Series 4 JNIOR. This tool should make moving Cinema setups from Series 3 JNIORs to Series 4 JNIORs much easier. Here is a brief walkthrough on how to use the Cinema Migration Tool.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema Migration Tool v1.0 Nov 09 2023 536.3 KB 2433b01bbc7cf107c9e5c275f271aca3

Load the Series 3 Snapshot

To start, once you’ve downloaded the zip file, you’ll want to open it and run the cinema-series3-upgrade.exe application within it. (Don’t unzip). Then as mentioned previously, the Cinema Migration Tool requires that you take a Snapshot of the Series 3 JNIOR whose configuration you are trying to copy over. Once you have the snapshot, you’ll then select the Open Series 3 Snapshot button, where you’ll navigate to the snapshot on your PC and open it in the Cinema Migration Tool.

NOTE: When opened, the device file, macro file, and jnior.ini file should say they are found in the Cinema Migration Tool. If they are not found, this means the pathing to the files in the snapshot isn’t incorrect. Make sure not to unzip or alter snapshots after they’ve been taken.

Publish Configuration to Target Series 4 JNIOR

Once the snapshot is loaded, next you’ll want to enter the IP of the JNIOR you are trying to publish this configuration to. Make sure this JNIOR is on the same network as your PC. Once entered, hitting run will start the Cinema Migration Tool in publishing the Cinema configuration to the Series 4 JNIOR. 

The Cinema Migration Tool will state when it is done at the bottom of its dialog. Once finished, the Cinema Migration Tool can be immediately run again to publish to another JNIOR.

Confirm Your Setup

To make sure this has worked, you can check by going to your Series 4 JNIOR’s web page and navigating to the Folder tab. Once there, check that your root folder contains the device and macro file from your Series 3 Snapshot, along with making sure the Cinema.jar application exists in the flash folder. If this is the case, then you’ve successfully moved your configuration from the Series 3 to the Series 4 JNIOR! If this isn’t the case, INTEG support would like to help you out. You can reach out to us by joining our online chat, or by emailing our support at

This is the JNIOR Knowledge-base.  Here you will find a collection of articles that will help you learn or troubleshoot the JNIOR.

If you find there is information we should add then please get in touch with us.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
JANOS - UPD v2.5 Jun 21 2024 968.1 KB b4e8cf4500349493201be267cebbc953
Series 4 All-In-One Update Project v2.4.2 Jan 18 2024 1.8 MB 293c415caba1ff6d9b9a404be3430cc2
Core JANOS Update Project v2.5 Jun 21 2024 1.3 MB d3783d7ec82ed4ee34bfc356d0953a56
JANOS Release Notes v2.5 Jun 04 2024 494.6 KB 19b82e140f3d3e7c23ca1a95cc489b9b


JNIOR, a Network I/O Resource utilizing the JAVA™ platform, is a cost-effective automation controller that communicates over a network using TCP/IP via an Ethernet Port or via its serial port. The JNIOR is a general-purpose automation controller and I/O device that is easily configurable for controlling and monitoring your equipment or process via the built-in web pages, by enabling the built-in software applications, interaction with an application running on another computer, or by adding your own applications.

Currently, there are 4 different Models of the Series 4 JNIOR, each very similar to the other with a few differences.

JNIOR ModelCatalog NumberI/O CountSerial/DMX Ports
410JNR-100-004B8 Inputs, 8 OutputsCOM Port (RS232), AUX Port (RS232 / RS485)
412JNR-200-004B4 Inputs, 12 OutputsCOM Port (RS232), AUX Port (RS232)
414JNR-300-004B12 Inputs, 4 OutputsCOM Port (RS232), AUX Port (RS232)
412DMXJNR-200-004D4 Inputs, 12 OutputsCOM Port (RS232), DMX 512 (5-pin XLR connector)
Each JNIOR Model links to their web page, where more detailed information can be found for them (like their data sheets)

Powering Your JNIOR

The JNIOR uses a 2-piece terminal connector system for all power and I/O wiring connections allowing for easy installation and/or removal of the JNIOR.  Additional installation information and drawings are provided on our website.

The JNIOR can be powered with 12 to 24 volts AC or DC. An optional, wall transformer (AC power converter) for North American outlets is available from INTEG that can be used for converting 120/240 VAC to 12 VDC @ 1 amp. International models are also available as Euro and UK plugs.

The Power Connector is located along the upper left edge of the JNIOR. Note that this is a 4-pin connector. If numbered from one (1) through four (4) from left to right power is always connected to positions 2 and 3 (middle two connectors). The polarity is irrelevant although it is recommended that the positive (+) lead be connected to position 2.

The left two positions (1 & 2) are internally connected together, as are the right two positions (3 & 4). This is to facilitate the interconnection of the supplied power to other devices and circuits such as input or output devices. If you power the I/O circuits with your JNIOR power supply, please make sure the power supply is sized appropriately.

WARNING: Do not connect the transformer leads both to Positions 1 & 2 or both to positions 3 & 4. This will short the transformer and possibly damage it and/or the JNIOR. Always use a fused/protected power source.

When a proper power source is connected and turned on the leftmost LED adjacent to the power connector will glow BLUE continuously. The LED to the right may glow ORANGE for several seconds. This orange STATUS LED remains on through most of the JNIOR boot sequence. Later it will flash whenever an external connection is made to the JNIOR via the Ethernet port.

Wiring JNIOR I/O

JNIOR Inputs

The JNIOR is equipped with optically isolated digital inputs. Each digital input can accept AC or DC voltage sources in the 0 – 30 V range. An LED associated with each digital input displays the current electrical status of the input (off or on). Isolation of each digital input allows you to connect input signals to different voltage sources without the addition of isolation devices. The input voltage must be greater than 2 VDC for the input to register as “on” and then less than 1 VDC to register as “off”. A typical connection would be as follows:

JNIOR Outputs

The JNIOR is equipped with Relay Outputs with most of them being a Form A SPST relay (1 Normally Open Contact) and two of them being a Form C SPST relay (1 Normally Open Contact and 1 Normally Closed Contact – jumper selectable as to which one is available on the JNIOR terminals by removing the lid and changing the jumper setting. Normally Open is the default.) Each relay output is independent and isolated from the other relay output. Each relay contact rating is 1A @ 24VDC and the voltage source must be in the range of 5 – 30V AC or DC. A typical connection would be configured as follows:

Setting the JNIOR’s IP

Starting with JANOS 2.0, the JNIOR is shipped with DHCP enabled for dynamic setting of the JNIOR IP address by a network server. More information is here on finding your JNIOR’s IP address.

If DHCP does not work on your network, then there are two ways to configure your JNIOR IP settings:

  • By using the JNIOR Support Tool (Beacon tab) provided on our website at the following link: You can use the JNIOR Support Tool to configure the JNIOR’s IP by right-clicking the JNIOR and selecting Configure -> IP Configuration. A dialog will appear to edit the JNIOR’s IP after that.
  • Via the RS232 Serial Port and a command line window available via the JNIOR Support Tool: You can use this command line to set the IP by doing the ipconfig -a IP -m MASK command, replacing ‘IP’ with the IP you want for the JNIOR, and ‘MASK’ with the subnet you want for the JNIOR. For example, on a private network, the IP address may be something like A common mask would be The command would then look as follows:
ipconfig -a -m

JNIOR Web Pages

The JNIOR Series 4 contains the JNIOR web page which is a web page used for a variety of functions including monitoring and manually controlling the I/O, changing various configuration items, opening a Telnet/Console session, and several other functions. The JNIOR web page works with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, and other browsers.

PLEASE NOTE: The dynamic web page requires a ‘modern web browser’ which is defined as Internet Explorer 10 or greater, Google Chrome or Firefox.

You can launch the JNIOR web page from the Beacon tab in the JNIOR Support Tool by right-clicking on your JNIOR and going to Tools – Open web page or by manually entering the JNIOR IP address in your browser address line. To manually launch the JNIOR web page, open your browser and in the address line of the browser type your JNIOR IP address or serial number, for example: or jr616010235

After the JNIOR web page is loaded, the user is asked to log in with a valid username and password. You can use the default username (jnior) and default password (junior).

The JNIOR web page will be launched in your browser as shown below.

There are two tools to choose from when working with the JNIOR.

Why two tools?

The JNIOR Support Tool has been around for more than ten years. For much of that time, it has remained unchanged and has been a staple for configuring and maintaining the JNIORs. Within the past few years, we have seen more and more customers using non-Microsoft Windows computers and we wanted to offer a cross-platform alternative—that’s where the JNIOR Supporter comes in. We chose to develop the new cross-platform tool in JAVA. This requires you to have a Java Runtime Environment loaded.

Why not move to the new tool altogether?

The JNIOR Support Tool allows Cinema users to configure devices and macro files. There is A LOT of functionality that we are not ready to replicate. We wanted to get the tool released and not delay while the cinema functionality was being implemented.

Which one should I use?

If you are running a non-Windows environment then you will need to load the new Supporter. If you are looking to use the Cinema application then you will need to use the Support Tool. Beyond that, it is up to you. We try to ensure that they both have the same basic functionality.

The JNIOR Supporter has 3 different sections: Beacon, Update Projects/Snapshots, and Notifications/Progress Bars. This post will briefly go over each section and what its used for to help you get started.


Beacon is the main section of the JNIOR Supporter. Here, all JNIORs that can communicate with your PC using a UDP protocol on port 4444 report to the Beacon tab. JNIORs that are displayed in the Beacon tab can be selected and right clicked to be interacted with. A drop-down menu appears when a JNIOR is right clicked, and different options for the JNIOR can be selected from the menu. The Beacon tab can be edited at the top of the JNIOR Supporter, under the Beacon Tab

Update Projects and Snapshots

A window on the right side of the JNIOR Supporter is for performing Update Projects and Snapshots. You can switch between Update Projects or Snapshots by selecting the corresponding tab. You can find where Update Projects or Snapshots are located on your PC by selecting the ‘Open Directory button. Opening or taking update projects and snapshots will display them in bottom of the JNIOR Supporter. These actions can also be performed at the top of the JNIOR Supporter, under the Update Project/Snapshot tabs.

Notifications and Progress Bars

The window at the bottom of the JNIOR Supporter is viewing messages that the JNIOR Supporter reports. The notifications tab is for reporting general issues or warnings the JNIOR Supporter is experiencing. The Update Project Progress and Snapshot Progress are for keeping track of Update Projects and Snapshots when they are being performed. 

When updating a Series 4 JNIOR from version 2.0 or older to a newer version, there is a rare chance you may lose access to the JNIOR Web Page. This is because the Web Page pathing was changed in JANOS 2.0 and sometimes doesn’t correct itself after updating. Below is an update project that you can publish to a JNIOR to potentially fix this issue. 

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Web Page Pathing Fix Nov 01 2023 398.0 B 034746058ad41a7c44e3e6079c9cf8bd

If you are still having issues accessing your JNIOR’s webpage, please reach out to our support to get your setup working again.

When you boot up the JNIOR Support Tool, typically all the JNIORs on your network should appear in the Beacon tab. Sometimes though, you may be greeted with an empty Beacon tab even though you have JNIORs on your network. This may be your firewall blocking the Beacon protocol that allows JNIORs to be discovered in the Beacon tab. Here is how to allow the Beacon protocol through the Windows Defender Firewall.

NOTES: You may have third party firewalls setup on your computer blocking the Beacon protocol besides Windows Defender. Check these to make sure they aren’t blocking the Beacon protocol as well. Also, this walkthrough was done on Windows 10, and depending on your Operating System and Version, you may need to take different steps.

You’ll first need to open your Window Firewall Defender. Once its open, first you’ll need to select Inbound Rules, then right click it and select New Rule.

Once selected, the Inbound Rule Wizard dialog will open and you’ll select the following for creating the rule:

  • Rule Type will be Port
  • Protocol will be TCP, and the port will be 4444
  • Action will be to allow the connection
  • Leave defaults for the Profile
  • Enter any name and description for this new rule

Once all these steps are complete, you’ll hit finish and the rule should be created. You’ll then repeat this process for creating an Outbound Rule. Once an Inbound and Outbound Rule have been created for the Beacon Protocol, re-querying in the Beacon tab of the Support Tool should hopefully get your units to appear if they were being blocked by your firewall!

If JNIORs are not showing up in Beacon then your network could be blocking UDP broadcasts.  We recommend trying to use the Query Range feature or defining a JNIOR Listing as explained in the Beacon Overview article.

Another thing that may be happening is that the JNIORs and your PC are on different subnets and the router or switch between the subnets is not forwarding UDP traffic.


How does Beacon work you ask?  Basically, Beacon works by “yelling” on the network “Hey, who is a JNIOR?”.  The JNIORs respond directly to the person by saying “Hi there, I am a JNIOR”.  This “yelling” and response is performed using a UDP packet.

Why a UDP Packet?

Beacon uses a UDP packet because it doesn’t require a connection to be established like TCP.  It also allows us to use the broadcast address.  This way all of the JNIORs can hear it at once.

The downside to using UDP

There isn’t necessarily a downside to using UDP but some networks block broadcasting.  The Support Tool implements 2 options since networks may block broadcasts.  You can query a range of IP Addresses or create a JNIOR listing.  Both of these methods go to each IP Address and basically ask “Are you a JNIOR?”

Query Range

This method allows you to specify a starting address, a factor, and a count. For example, your first JNIOR is at the address, your second is at, and so on. Each JNIOR has an IP Address with the last octet ending in 1. The dialog will automatically calculate how many units can be on the network with this scheme.

JNIOR Listing

The JNIOR Listing allows you to build a list of JNIORs and save it. You can save the list based on the location for instance. The list will be opened immediately and can be opened again later. The listing also allows you to define credentials for the JNIORs. This is helpful when the credentials on the JNIOR are changed from the default. We recommend securing your unit.

Connecting to JNIORs through their command line is a useful way to configure them. While there is a command line available in the JNIOR Web Pages, you can also open a command line connection to the JNIOR using the Support Tool. 

Opening the Command Line

There are two ways to open a JNIOR’s command line from the Support Tool. One way is by right-clicking a JNIOR in the Beacon tab and going to Tools->Open Telnet. The other way is by going up to the Tools tab and selecting the Command Line option there.

How to Open Telnet by going through the Tools tab
How to open the command line by right-clicking a JNIOR in Beacon

Once selected, the JNIOR Command Line should open in a separate window. Here you can establish a command-line connection two ways, either with a TCP or Serial connection. 

NOTE: If you’ve opened the command line by right-clicking a JNIOR in the Beacon tab, the command line will automatically create a TCP connection to the JNIOR you’ve selected on port 23. You’ll need to disconnect the command line first if you want to change the type of connection.

TCP Command Line

To open a TCP command line connection to the JNIOR, you’ll click Connect and select TCP/IP. A separate dialog will then open, requiring you to enter the IP, a port number, and if the connection should be secure or not. If a port number is not entered, port 23 will be used by default. Selecting secure will determine if the connection is encrypted or not. Once the connection information is entered, you should have a command line connection to the JNIOR.

Serial Command Line

To open a Serial command line connection to the JNIOR, you’ll to make sure you have a Serial cable connected between the JNIOR’s RS-232 COM serial port and your PC (You can use a Serial-to-USB cable for this). Once a serial cable connection has been made, you’ll click Connect and select Serial. If you correctly connected your JNIOR serially to your Computer, a COM option should be available. Selecting that and then hitting any key should prompt the boot dialog, and you should now have a command line connection to the JNIOR.

NOTE: You cannot make a Serial command line connection to the JNIOR if you have it’s boot dialog disabled. Here is how to enable/disable the RS-232 COM port boot dialog.

For information on what type of command line commands you can run, here is a post with command line examples.

What Battery does the JNIOR use?

In the 410, 412, and 414, the battery is a CR2032 coin cell battery.  The 412DMX battery is a CR1632 coin cell battery.  The battery in the Series 4 JNIORs is replaceable.  The battery in the Series 3 JNIORs was not replaceable.  The batteries have a life of around 6 or so years.  This can vary and is impacted most by the amount of time that the unit is without external power.

What does the Battery do for the JNIOR?

The battery is needed to maintain the SRAM and the clock.  The SRAM holds the root of the filesystem.  Most notably, log files.  Log files are useful for debugging an issue and can be frustrating if they keep getting reset.  The battery is only needed in the event that the JNIOR loses external power.

What happens when the Battery dies?

The unit will operate correctly in the event that the battery dies.  The issue with a dead battery is only noticed if the JNIOR loses external power.  If the battery dies and external power is lost then the RAM will be reset.  You will see the following message on the next boot.  “SRAM was reformatted on boot”.  The clock will also be reset to January 1, 1970 0:00 UTC.  The clock will be fixed if the JNIOR has access to a NTP server.

How do I know if the Battery is good or bad?

The battery voltage can be measured with a voltmeter.  The voltage of a good battery should be 2.7 volts or greater.

When trying to communicate with the JNIOR, one of the main ways to do so is using the JNIOR Protocol. With that said, you may want to try sending messages to the JNIOR protocol directory from an external device. Inside the JNIOR Support Tool is the Hex String Sender device, which shows you how to create JNIOR Protocol commands and test them.

On the top left of the JNIOR Support Tool under Tools->Advanced is where you can access the Hex String Sender Tool. This tool opens in a separate, smaller dialog box. When you select from one of the pre-defined commands available, and enter some additional information for the options of the command, the Hex String Sender generates how that command would need to be sent to the JNIOR Protocol in Hex to work. You can then use the generated Hex command to send from your other device to the JNIOR Protocol of a JNIOR to execute that command. 

At the bottom, you may enter the IP of a JNIOR to test if the commands being generated work with it. Once a command is selected and an IP is entered, clicking the test button will execute that command on the specified JNIOR. Using this, you should now be able to create and test JNIOR Protocol commands for JNIORs.

For example, you can set the duration of the output pulses.

When creating Macros to use with the Cinema application, you may want to test some of them out before creating them all. The Macro Name Sender is a tool within the JNIOR Support Tool that allows you to execute macros using a JNIOR Protocol connection. Below is how to find and use the Macro Name Sender Tool.

NOTE: In order to use the Macro Name Sender Tool, you need to create macros and publish them to a JNIOR first.

There are two ways to open the Macro Name Sender in the JNIOR Support Tool. You can either open the Macro Name Sender by opening the Tools tab at the top and selecting Macro Execution, or you can right click a JNIOR and select Tools->Macro Execution. Once done, the Macro Name Sender Tool should be open.

NOTE: If this was opened by right-clicking a JNIOR in Beacon, the Macro Name Sender will already be connected to the JNIOR

In order to use the Macro Name Sender, you first need to enter the information of the JNIOR you are trying to test macros on. Entering the JNIOR’s IP, Username, Password and then clicking Connect will establish the JNIOR Protocol connection to the JNIOR. Once connected, all you need to do is enter the name of the Macro at the top and click Send. If the Macro exists and has been published to the JNIOR, it should execute. Now you can easily test macros published to a JNIOR through the JNIOR Support Tool.

In rare instances, Series 4 JNIORs can become unresponsive. This can happen for example when a JNIOR is interrupted when their OS is being updated, or when the JNIOR has a network lockup. When this happens, their is an unconventional way to get the JNIOR working. Here are the steps to potentially get your Series 4 JNIOR operating again. This process requires you to physically have the JNIOR near you, along with a business card (or something similar and non-conductive) and a Phillip screw driver.

Take Off Lid of the JNIOR Case

To start, we need to remove power from the JNIOR, as we are going to open the JNIOR case. Once the JNIOR has no power, we need to remove the lid of the JNIOR case to access the JNIOR’s coin battery on its circuit board. There are 4 screws that keep the JNIOR lid on, and they can be removed with a Phillip’s screw driver. Once removed, the case’s lid should easy come off.

Find the Coin Battery

Once the lid is removed, you should see the coin battery at the top middle of the JNIOR’s circuit board. Notice there is a metal contact plate on top of the battery. The metal contact plate and the coin battery need physically interrupted from touching each other.

Separate Coin Battery from the JNIOR

Slip the business card between the coin battery and metal contact plate. This will disconnect the JNIOR’s RAM from the battery. Once the business card is in place, power up the JNIOR for 30 seconds, giving the JNIOR enough time to reset the RAM memory. After 30 seconds, remove power from the JNIOR again, remove the business card, re-attach lid to the JNIOR, and then power up the JNIOR again. Hopefully with this, the JNIOR should be working properly!

NOTE: If you don’t have a business card or something similar, you can also just remove the coin battery as well.

To re-iterate the steps taken:

  1. Power down the JNIOR
  2. Remove JNIOR’s case lid
  3. Locate coin battery
  4. Insert business card between coin battery and metal contact plate
  5. Power on JNIOR for 30 seconds
  6. Power down the JNIOR
  7. Remove business card
  8. Re-attach JNIOR’s case lid
  9. Power on the JNIOR

On every JNIOR is JANOS (JNIOR Automation Network Operating System). This is installed when the JNIOR is being made. Overtime, the operating system gets older, while here at INTEG we are always creating newer versions that improve upon the last. With each release we typically fix bugs and add functionality. To avoid running into issues with older JANOS OS versions, we typically tell customers to stay up-to-date with each JNIOR’s JANOS OS version. Below is how you update your JNIOR with the latest OS.

Below are the downloads for the JNIOR Support Tool, and two separate Update Projects that will install the latest JANOS OS version on your JNIOR. The Support Tool is needed in order to update a JNIOR with an update project. As for the update projects, there is the All-in-one Update Project and the Core Update Project. The All-in-one Update Project updates the JANOS OS, but it also updates a few applications that come bundled with the All-in-one Update Project such as, Modbus, Serial Control, Serial-to-Etherent, SNMP, and Slaving. The Core Update Project just updates the JANOS OS. Both will work for updating the JNIOR’s OS, so choose one that you’ll use to update the JNIOR.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
JNIOR Support Tool v7.16 Jun 12 2024 6.2 MB b75a95c649dd507e069591709265f793
Series 4 All-In-One Update Project v2.4.2 Jan 18 2024 1.8 MB 293c415caba1ff6d9b9a404be3430cc2
Core JANOS Update Project v2.5 Jun 21 2024 1.3 MB d3783d7ec82ed4ee34bfc356d0953a56

After installing the JNIOR Support Tool application and downloading one of the Update Projects, you’ll want to open the Support Tool and click on the Update Tab. Once there, the first thing you’ll want to do is select the Open Project button, and select the Update Project you downloaded. When you open one of the Update Projects in the Support Tool you will see something similar to the following:

Click Publish and select the JNIOR you want to update. Once the update is complete the JNIOR will have rebooted and the JANOS OS should be up to date.