Many times the best way to send diagnostic information to INTEG is to send us a Snapshot. A Snapshot is a zip file containing all of the files from the JNIOR.

When a Snapshot is taken the Support Tool will make a telnet connection, run a few diagnostic commands and then download all of the files. The diagnostic commands that are executed will be logged to the snapshot.log file.

There are two commands that will generate files that are not normally in the file system.

The first in the iolog command. The iolog command will generate a jniorio.log file. This file shows the past 512 digital input transitions as well as the past 512 relay output transitions. Up to 16 relay outputs will be shown in the log. The relays on the expansion modules will be logged as well.

The second command is the netstat -c command. This command generates a network capture file in the temp directory. The network capture file can be loaded in a desktop application called wireshark. This file will grow up to 512Kb. The duration of time covered by the file depends on the amount of traffic that the JNIOR handles. Optionally filters can be applied to the capture buffer to limit the types of traffic that are logged.

To take a snapshot follow these steps:

  1. Open the Support Tool. Go to the Snapshot tab.
  1. Click on ‘Take Snapshot’.
  1. Answer ‘Yes’ to the Snapshot confirmation dialog
  1. Select the JNIOR you want to take a Snapshot from and click ‘Ok’.
  1. Once your snapshot is compete find it on the left. It should be made visible once it is complete. Right click on the Snapshot file and select ‘Show in folder’. You could also expand the zip archive in the tree view or double click it to open in your loaded Archive application.

It’s been 5 months since the release of 1.7.1. We finally had a reason to touch JANOS. We implemented the JMP protocol. JMP (JANOS Management Protocol) is the same JSON messaging structure that is used in our weboscket protocol.

The JNIOR Control Panel is shipped with a ‘click’ sound that plays when a switch is pressed. This gives immediate feedback to the user that the panel has power and that the software is running normally and is ready to accept the press. There are times when the panel is used in a situation where the ‘click’ may not want to be heard. In this situation we may want to turn off that sound. The following application will accomplish this goal.

To run this application you need to download it from the button and load it on your JNIOR. Applications are generally loaded in the flash directory. To run it simply type the command as you see it above.

  ControlPanel Application JAR [ Mar 27 2019, 7.43 KB, MD5: c573b4c989ea0380729fecae5283e937 ]

In the following code you will notice two classes. The main class of interest here is the ControlPanel class. This class will load the arguments into a ParameterGroup class so that we can process different commands at some point as well as there specific options. For now our command line is pretty simple but we set this application up for the future.

package com.integ;

import com.integpg.sensor.SensorPort;
import com.integpg.system.JANOS;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;

 * This application will allow you to set the volume of the control panel click
public class ControlPanel {

    private static final String USAGE_STRING = "CONTROLPANEL\n\n"
            + "Options:\r\n"
            + "  -VOLUME volume     Sets the volume level to a value between 0% and 100%\n"
            + "\n"
            + "Set options for the control panel";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // load the arguments into our parameters class
        ParameterGroups parameters = new ParameterGroups(args);

        // if the paremters are empty or there is a -help parameter then print the usage string and exit
        if (parameters.isEmpty() || parameters.containsParameterGroup("help")) {

        // go through each parameter and process it
        while (parameters.hasMoreParameters()) {
            String parameterGroupName = parameters.getNextParameterGroup();
            ArrayList<String> parameterOptions = parameters.getParameterOptions(parameterGroupName);

            switch (parameterGroupName) {
                case "volume":
                    try {
                        // process set volume
                    } catch (Exception ex) {

                    System.out.println("unknown parameter: " + parameterGroupName);



    private static void processSetVolume(ArrayList<String> options) {
//        ArrayList<String> volumeArguments = _parameters.get("volume");
        if (0 == options.size())
            throw new RuntimeException("must specify a volume parameter between 0% and 100%.");

        int volume;
        try {
            // get the volume from the arguments.  allow the user to enter a double but 
            // save the integer part
            volume = Double.valueOf((String)options.get(0)).intValue();
            if (0 > volume || 100 < volume) throw new Exception();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid volume specified: '" + options.get(0)
                    + "', volume parameter must be between 0% and 100%.");

        // go through the external devices and set the volume for any connected control panels
        for (long externalModuleAddress : getExternalAddresses()) {
            // get a string representation of the address
            String addressString = getAddressString(externalModuleAddress).toUpperCase();

            // determine the type of module and handle accordingly
            if (0xfa == (externalModuleAddress & 0xff)) {

                try {
                    byte[] writeBlock = getSetVolumeWriteBlock((int) (volume * 2.55));
                    SensorPort.writeDeviceBlock(externalModuleAddress, writeBlock);

                    // lets print the result to the screen as well as the syslog
                    String result = String.format("Panel at %s set volume to %d percent", addressString, volume);
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            String.format("unable to write to the control panel: %s.", addressString));


    private static long[] getExternalAddresses() {
        try {
            // query the unit for an array of external module addresses
            return SensorPort.externalDeviceList();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("unable to get external device list.");

    private static String getAddressString(long address) {
        String addressString = "0000000000000000" + Long.toHexString(address);
        return addressString.substring(addressString.length() - 16);

    private static byte[] getSetVolumeWriteBlock(int volume) {
        // the write block for the control panel is 20 bytes
        byte[] bytes = new byte[20];

        // to set the volume we only need to set the command byte and the audio volume byte
        bytes[10] = 4; // set audio volume command
        bytes[11] = (byte) volume; // audio volume level

        return bytes;

 * A class for interpreting command line arguments into parameter groups
class ParameterGroups {

    private final Hashtable<String, ArrayList<String>> _parameters = new Hashtable<>();
    private Enumeration<String> _enumeration;

    public ParameterGroups(String[] args) {
        // parse the arguments
        ArrayList<String> options = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
            String arg = args[i].toLowerCase();

            if (arg.charAt(0) == '-') {
                while (arg.charAt(0) == '-') {
                    arg = arg.substring(1);
                options = new ArrayList<>();
                _parameters.put(arg, options);

            } else if (options != null) {

            } else {
                System.out.println("Illegal parameter usage");

        _enumeration = _parameters.keys();

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return 0 == _parameters.size();

    public boolean containsParameterGroup(String paramterGroup) {
        return _parameters.containsKey(paramterGroup);

    public String getNextParameterGroup() {
        if (null == _enumeration) _enumeration = _parameters.keys();
        if (_enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
            return _enumeration.nextElement();
        } else {
            return null;

    ArrayList<String> getParameterOptions(String parameterGroupName) {
        return _parameters.get(parameterGroupName);

    boolean hasMoreParameters() {
        return _enumeration.hasMoreElements();


Once the ParameterGroups class has been instantiated with our command line arguments we loop through each parameter group. When we find the “volume” parameter group we call processSetVolume() and pass in the parameter options.

        // go through each parameter group and process it
        while (parameters.hasMoreParameters()) {
            String parameterGroupName = parameters.getNextParameterGroup();
            ArrayList<String> parameterOptions = parameters.getParameterOptions(parameterGroupName);
            switch (parameterGroupName) {
                case "volume":
                    try {
                        // process set volume
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                    System.out.println("unknown parameter: " + parameterGroupName);

Now that we are inside the processSetVolume() method we need to validate the options provided. We make sure that a volume was provided and that it is a valid number between 0% and 100%.

    private static void processSetVolume(ArrayList<String> options) {
//        ArrayList<String> volumeArguments = _parameters.get("volume");
        if (0 == options.size())
            throw new RuntimeException("must specify a volume parameter between 0% and 100%.");
        int volume;
        try {
            // get the volume from the arguments.  allow the user to enter a double but 
            // save the integer part
            volume = Double.valueOf(options.get(0)).intValue();
            if (0 > volume || 100 < volume) throw new Exception();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid volume specified: '" + options.get(0)
                    + "', volume parameter must be between 0% and 100%.");

Now that the options have been validated and we processed the assigned volume we are ready to write to the connected control panels. We loop through each connected panel and check to make sure it is a Control Panel which is type 0xFA. If it is a Control Panel we can get the write block and send it to the Sensor Port.

        // go through the external devices and set the volume for any connected control panels
        for (long externalModuleAddress : getExternalAddresses()) {
            // get a string representation of the address
            String addressString = getAddressString(externalModuleAddress).toUpperCase();
            // determine the type of module and handle accordingly
            if (0xfa == (externalModuleAddress & 0xff)) {
                try {
                    byte[] writeBlock = getSetVolumeWriteBlock((int) (volume * 2.55));
                    SensorPort.writeDeviceBlock(externalModuleAddress, writeBlock);
                    // lets print the result to the screen as well as the syslog
                    String result = String.format("Panel at %s set volume to %d percent", addressString, volume);
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            String.format("unable to write to the control panel: %s.", addressString));
Name Version Release Date Size MD5
MODBUS to MQTT v1.2 Mar 26 2019 562.5 KB 791e3bbe95d6da1d66493e612e8f4869
MQTT v3.2 Nov 17 2021 540.7 KB 884634d237013a223b043275f93bb073

Got a MODBUS device that you want to publish its data to the cloud?  Use the JNIOR and the MODBUS to MQTT application.

MODBUS is a protocol that many legacy systems use.  MQTT is new and works very well to publish data to any MQTT broker whether in the cloud or hosted locally.  The JNIOR can fill the gap and get that older equipment’s data from the equipment to where you need it for analysis.

Set up the MQTT broker

There are several free brokers that you can use to test with.  You can find that list here:

MQTT Web Page

Define your slaves and the tags

MQTT Device Web Page

If your slave is RS485 then you will need to use the model 410 and set up the serial settings to match your device.

Once your setup is complete you will the the data update on the MODBUS to MQTT page.  A message will be sent around the message pump the the MQTT application to publish the data.  The data will be sent to the topic as follows with spaces in the slave name or data tag simply removed.

This application is still a work in progress so please register to leave a comment below!

Sometimes a JNIOR gets re-purposed.  A JNIOR was performing one task and now it is going to perform a new one.  You may want to clean up the JNIOR before configuring it for the new operation.  In this case we will want to sanitize the JNIOR.  To complete this task there will be two steps that will need to be performed.

First, we will need to “erase” the unit.  To do this we will execute the following command;

reboot -eraseall

After confirmation the JNIOR will erase itself.  It will be completely blank.  Only the operating system will be present.  All other software will be removed.  The title says reset to factory but the OS will still be the currently loaded version and will not revert to the version that was shipped.  The IP Address will also remain unaffected.  All other user configuration including the hostname will be cleared.

That leads into the second step.  You will need to get the software package that you wish to install and update the unit with that code.  Use the support tool and the Update tab to do this.


Support Tool 7.10 and the 2.1 All-In-One update project were the most recent versions when this picture was taken, please check for the latest versions before downloading.

After doing a factory reset, we recommend updating a JNIOR with the latest JANOS All-In-One update project. Updating this to your JNIOR will restore Web UI functionality for configuring your JNIOR, as well as return applications that came with the JNIOR when it was built.

What is MQTT?

This is what says:

MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/”Internet of Things” connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport. It is useful for connections with remote locations where a small code footprint is required and/or network bandwidth is at a premium.

Here is a great intro to MQTT.  NOTE:  This application is in development and screenshot may appear different when released.  You can download the latest release here.

  MQTT v3.2 [ Nov 17 2021, 540.73 KB, MD5: 884634d237013a223b043275f93bb073 ]

Use MQTT with the JNIOR

Currently the MQTT functionality is limited but we are always looking for suggestions.  Currently will publish IO status by default.  When the JNIOR boots up and successfully connects to a broker we will report the current status of the digital IO.  Digital inputs will report state, usage meter and counter values.  Relay outputs will report just state and usage meter values.

To successfully connect to a broker you will need to have selected a broker and entered its information.  Information such as the Host URL, port number and whether the connection should be encrypted.  The JNIOR implements MQTT across a TCP connection.  The default port number for MQTT is 1883 when non-secure connection while it is 8883 when using a secured connection.  There are several public test brokers out there.  Do not use any free broker for sensitive information.  Brokers that require sign up will most likely provide a user name and password.


There are two types of groups, Device Groups and Relay Output Groups.  Both of these concepts are in BETA as of version 1.2 and we are looking for feedback.

Device Groups allow JNIORs to subscribe to topics that contain the Device Group name instead of the Serial Number.  A JNIOR can be part of one or many Device Groups.  By default a JNIOR will subscribe to topics that are meant for it by Serial Number, for instance, jnior/618010001/set/...  The JNIOR may want to be part of the pump stations group for example the JNIOR will subscribe to jnior/pumpstations/set/... topics.

Relay Output Groups allow the specification of more than one relay to be affected at once.  To set relay channel 1 you can publish the jnior/SERIAL_NUMBER/set/digital/outputs/1/state = true.  But maybe you want channels 1 – 3 to be affected at once.  To do this you will define a named Relay Output Group, “lights”, for example.  Then, when the JNIOR receives the jnior/SERIAL_NUMBER/set/digital/outputs/lights/state topic all defined relays will change at once.

Enhance the MQTT implementation!

You can enhance the MQTT implementation on the JNIOR with a custom application.  Any topic that the JNIOR receives that is not part of our native implementation will be posted to the message pump for the consumption by another application.  A custom application may also put topics with payload data to the message pump to be published by the MQTT application.  This way the MQTT application performs the protocol logic while the custom application can worry about the logic.

Release Notes

  • Watchdog no longer causes reboot from foreground execution
  • REGEX Alternation ‘|’ has been corrected to properly work in Group
  • Corrected NULL Pointer write issue when a Group which employs alternation appears at the start of a REGEX expression
  • Resolved message pump memory issue relating to process termination
  • Expand the channel range for setOutputRelay() from 0-11 to 0-15
  • Corrected network capture filtering when an IP address is to be excluded
  • Supports networks using Jumbo Frames
  • Eliminated assertion associated with improper use of ‘%n’ in System.out.printf.

JANOS 1.7 Released July 26, 2018

Release Notes

  • Added ability to load single CA Certificate to be supplied on TLS connection
  • Support TLS Client Certificate Verification on outgoing connections
  • Added legacy PKCS1 support for externally generated certificates
  • Corrected array issue with processing of deferred email transmissions
  • Corrected memory issue with TAB use on the Command Line

JANOS 1.6.5 Released May 22, 2018

  • Corrected FTP listing issue created by the v1.6.4 release
  • Corrected getRegistryList method memory leak
  • Corrected 412DMX light Flickering
  • Corrected 412DMX NAND Flash processing issue
  • Corrected FTP transfer restart issue

The JniorWebSocket Library was started as an example project.  It has not had much use here in-house and therefore the testing has been limited.

Here is a quick application that demonstrates how to instantiate multiple JNIOR WebSocket objects.  Each Object is added to a tree control so that they may be interacted with individually.  So far I have added the ability to add and remove, connect and disconnect and pulse output 1.  This application can be easily extended to manage multiple JNIORs and perform many different tasks.

Here are 2 links.  The first is a link to the Visual Studio project for the library.  The second link is a zip file containing the example described above.

  C# WebSocket Example [ Oct 30 2018, 6.24 MB, MD5: fe1be1e450c2772a16d090a0d9c37f99 ] [ Oct 31 2018, 1.05 MB, MD5: 26485d581f00d9c5985db3e7f481e551 ]


The key to debugging these days lies in the ability to recreate the failure. Some of the more elusive problems start out as rumors where a user swears that something failed to do what was expected but that he/she cannot prove it. After a while perhaps the issue resurfaces and this time someone is able to collect enough evidence to barely prove that the problem is a real concern. What exactly occurs remains a complete mystery. Eventually someone files a bug report but the developers are clueless and cannot  effectively address the cause.

Sometimes there are suggestions as to what actions may have triggered the problem. The Support Team may take the time to try to recreate the problem on a local system but to no avail. Other issues which stand a better chance of being resolved take precedence. Meanwhile news comes in that the original issue has again occurred and may even now happen in completely different locations and environments. What to do next?

Perhaps it is appropriate to regenerate the application for the user’s site to add logging and other debugging statements in hopes of creating a better record of the events leading up to a future failure. The difficulty here is in deciding what exactly to log and to be logged by what aspects of the system given no real knowledge of the source of the issue. Some guesses are made and the logging is enabled. Some time later which could be weeks the issue reoccurs and the logging proves to have not been useful. It may even be that the content of the logs are now meaningless as the logic behind them has been forgotten. So it is difficult to make progress.

It would be nice to know when the issue is going to occur so you know exactly when you need to start watching for it. Better yet, if the problem occurs you could skip back in time to only a few seconds before and you could solve it! If the issue involves network interaction you could setup a sniffer like Wireshark and set it to collecting detailed network traffic. Now with an external device this may involve the use of a Network Hub as opposed to a Network Switch so you can add a machine running Wireshark that would see all of the traffic. But that is a lot of hardware and it might just not be feasible.

Here’s where JANOS and the JNIOR might surprise you. If the issue is with the JNIOR application you can use the netstat -c command from the Command Line interface to generate a PCAP capture file capturing network traffic. That PCAP file can be downloaded to a PC with Wireshark installed and it will open right up for analysis. And here’s where the magic occurs. It is almost like JANOS knows ahead of time when the issue will occur, that PCAP file can contain traffic from BEFORE the event happened although it has been generated after the fact.

Okay. So it is not magic but the foresight of the operating system which always is capturing network traffic. There is a capture buffer that by default is 512KB and that can be enlarged through the IpConfig/CaptureBuffer Registry Key to as much as 8MB. It is not so much a ‘buffer’ as it is a queue. At any one point in time it contains a significant amount of recent network traffic. You can also set filtering that is to be employed during capture to limit the collected traffic to that of concern and thereby greatly extend the time frames involved. You can also use a filter in generating the PCAP file to limit what you transfer for analysis.

Now what if the event occurs overnight and by the time you realize it the data that you need has been overwritten? A simple utility application can be added to the unit to automatically generate the network PCAP capture file when the event is detected. You can even then have that file emailed to you!

Those of you who may have worked with this aspect of the JNIOR will note that the network capture only includes data from the previous boot if it is not yet begun to wrap around. If the failure involves an assertion that might cause the JNIOR to reboot the information is lost. Well this is true, however, as of JANOS v1.7.1 which now as of this writing a Release Candidate the capture buffer is non-volatile. It will survive a reboot and contain a record of the prior network traffic. The buffer is only reinitialized when power is applied.

It is also possible to configure the JNIOR in Promiscuous Mode wherein it would capture all external network traffic and not only that targeted to the JNIOR. If you couple that with a Network Hub you could utilize the JNIOR to monitor the interaction of other devices on a local network segment. I bet you never thought of JNIOR as a IT debugging tool?

If this aspect of the JNIOR interests you or if you need to utilize it in debugging, please feel free to contact INTEG for support. You may also consult the Registry Key Assignments documentation for details on network capture. This information is supplied as part of the Dynamic Configuration Pages (DCP) served by the JNIOR WebServer accessible by your favorite browser.

In an earlier article we attempted to connect the JNIOR to a DMX512 network in a way that would allow a theater stage crew to control relays and other outputs through their main lighting control panel. Here with the programmable facet of the JNIOR we could help create complex special effects that can be triggered in-sync with lighting. In fact, DMX channel data can be used by the JNIOR application to trigger and manipulate activity on a LAN segment and thereby update computer screens and TV displays on stage. This can all occur with precise timing in concert with other lighting changes.

The DMX512 protocol and interface was developed over 50 years ago as a means to reduce wiring cost and to improve the mobility needed to support major concert tours in the music industry. It incorporated serial data transmission formats that were state-of-the-art at the time and that are still relevant today. Unfortunately the protocol employed a baud rate much higher than would be later recognized as standard in the computer industry. Also the limited capabilities for data synchronization and lack of error checking make interfacing difficult. Even though the JNIOR Model 410 is able to handle the RS-485 signals and was upgraded to receive 250 Kbaud data triggered on the specified serial Break Condition, we could not achieve reliable operation as a fixture through programming alone.

The issue relates to the design of the standard computer hardware component called the UART. The Break Condition that the DMX protocol uses to identify the start of a frame of data is not handled by the UART in a fashion that can be reliably used to synchronize data reception. At least it is not possible in a purely software implementation as we discussed previously. The answer lies in a simple hardware adapter that alters the DMX512 signals just enough to work correctly through the UART. We will see what that entails in the rest of this article.

DMX512 Fundamentals

Today DMX is defined by official standards. On the wire DMX512 uses EIA-485 differential signaling. We often refer to it as RS-485. You are probably more familiar with the term RS-232. As serial digital communications became more prevalent the distance limitations and noise susceptibility of RS-232 became more and more of concern. The solution, designated as RS-422, used balanced transmission lines over twisted pair which extended the distances that signals can traverse as well as the communication rates that can reliably be achieved. RS-422 connections however are point to point and as computer systems grew so did the need for networking. Soon RS-485 came along and added functionality that created a multi-drop environment where one talker can communicate with a number of listeners. RS-485 is what DMX512 needed where one (or more) lighting control panel must communicate with multiple lighting fixtures.

This basically amounts to a 3-wire network where there is one DATA+ (positive) data line and one DATA- (negative) data line along with a GND ground. The DMX standard details specific connectors (5-pin XLR) and wiring of sufficient gauge and quality. The world also wants to utilize 3-pin XLR connectors for DMX as these are prevalent in the industry through their use in audio applications. You will find a mixture of fixtures some with 3-pin and some with 5-pin connectors. Thankfully 3-pin to 5-pin adapters are readily available.

On the protocol side it was necessary to standardize. This would encourage lighting manufacturers to incorporate the technology. Over the years the protocol itself had been handled by different standardization groups and now is:

American National Standard
ANSI E1.11-2008 (R2008)
Entertainment Technology – USITT DMX512-A
Asynchronous Serial Digital Data Transmission Standard
for Controlling Lighting Equipment and Accessories.

In order to understand where we have difficulty we need to look deeper into the specifics of what is sent across the wires. You recall that DMX was invented to reduce wiring costs. Each channel in the protocol replaces a single power cable. The protocol allows for up to 512 channels and all of those multiplexed onto a single 3-wire network cable. That is a significant savings.

Each channel digitizes an analog signal into one 8-bit value. These can represent numbers from 0 to 255 and for lamps that is used to sufficiently cover the range from 0% to 100% brightness in 256 steps. Where once one channel controlled one lighting fixture, today multiple channels are assigned to each fixture to define attributes such as color and positioning in the case of motorized fixtures. In the serial world each channel is transmitted just as a byte of character data would with a start bit, 8 data bits and one or two stop bits. For DMX512 two stop bits are used. That is a total of 11 bits per channel.

The DMX protocol allows for the transmission of up to 512 channels. These are sent in sequence starting with channel 1 and up to channel 512. A Start Code is defined as channel 0 and the typical value for that is zero. The complete set of channels 0 through 512 (513 channels) is called a Frame. Frames are transmitted repeatedly one right after another with the start bit immediately following the prior stop bits at the defined rate of 250 Kbaud. We can now do some math. With 11 bits per channel and 513 channels that is a total of 5,643 bits. A bit at 250 Kbaud requires 4 microseconds and so the data part of the frame takes a total of 22.6 milliseconds. We can fit a little over 44 frames in a each second.

Now with a constant flow of channels each looking the same on the wire how do we know which one is channel 0 and which might be the one we need for our fixture? If we connect to an active DMX network we need a way to synchronize ourselves. For this the standard defines the use of a Break Condition to signal the beginning of a frame. In old days this was called an Attention Signal and it was used to wake up remote teletype equipment and there was actually a key on the Teletype for this. So back in those days this was a natural choice for DMX synchronization. A Break Condition amounts to a period of time where the signalling is held at the level of a Start Bit (Space) long enough to violate the normal byte format and cause a reception error. The receiver simply fails to see the Stop Bits where they are expected and raises a flag. This is intended to signal the beginning of a frame.

By this definition a Break Condition need only last long enough to mask the expected Stop Bits (11 bits, 44 microseconds). This causes a UART to signal a Framing Error indicating that the data it received was not properly formatted and followed by the expected Stop Bits. This error can then be used for Break detection and the synchronization of the DMX Frame. The current DMX512 specification defines the minimum time for this Break Condition to be 88 microseconds which is exactly the transmission time of two channels. The timing of this Break Condition has been reduced from prior versions of DMX512 and it is unclear if there is any risk that existing lighting fixtures may fail to operate when presented with the shorter pulse. The specification does not specify a maximum duration for the Break Condition and states only a “typical” duration of 176 microseconds.

After the Break Condition terminates there must be a brief period of time before the Channel 0 (Start Code 0x00) can be transmitted. This period is called Mark After Break and the current specification defines a minimum of 8 microseconds the time period of two bits. This too has been reduced from prior versions of the specification. A maximum duration of 1 second is defined for Mark After Break and no typical value is given.

This defines the entire sequence. First a Break Condition of sufficient duration is issued. This is followed by a Mark After Break also of sufficient duration. After this each of 513 Channels is sent with proper serial formatting. The first is the START CODE which for normal DMX is always 0x00. Following the final Stop Bits for the last Channel there can be a gap before the next Break Condition. These Frames are sent continuously and according to the specification at least one Frame needs to be sent every 1.25 seconds.

Here is what this looks like in reality. The wider pulse in the center is a Break Condition and Frame data can be seen to the right and left of it. Note that in this case all Channels are set to 0x00 and so we see only the Stop Bits for each.

One side note is that shown above are the CMOS logic signals observed after the RS-485 receivers. This signal is typically fed to the receiving hardware or UART. This image is consistent with our prior diagrams where the Marking condition is a HIGH or 1 and the Spacing condition a LOW or 0. The signals on the actual wire demonstrate the same timing but would involve dramatically different voltage levels.

There is one point that I have not mentioned. The total number of Channels included in a Frame is a maximum of 513 but that number is optional. A lighting controller may decide to only send 128 Channels in addition to the START CODE assuming that others are unused and thereby increasing the number of Frames per second. The specification defines a maximum Frame rate of around 836 Hz (Frames per second). This can accommodate fixtures that need higher Refresh Rates. The Refresh Rate for a DMX512 Universe of a full 512 Channels is around 44 Hz.

In the previous article we alluded to there being some difficulty in receiving these signals with standard computer hardware. We now have enough technical detail to understand what that reception problem might be. This is the topic for the next section.

The Issue with the DMX Break Condition

Now let’s look at the task of receiving a frame of DMX data from a software point of view. We will assume that you have configured the hardware to receive RS-485 signals. The JNIOR Model 410 AUX port has RS-485 capability when properly wired and configured. INTEG can provide those details and those are mentioned in other articles. The JANOS operating system has also been enhanced to accommodate DMX and includes the 250 Kbaud rate setting as standard.

In the previous article JNIOR as a DMX Fixture we covered both the proper hardware configuration for the JNIOR Model 410 and the simple Java application software that might be used to receive a frame of channel data. We took that a step further and let the JNIOR activate relays in response to changing channel levels. It is here that we noticed a reliability issue and then spent time to understand it. We discovered that it is a limitation in the design of the standard UART and not something specific to our software or even the design of the JNIOR. Here we will review those findings and then in the balance of this article present a solution.

As you can imagine it would not be acceptable for the JNIOR to receive an incorrect channel value and act upon it. On stage you might create a flicker and distract the audience or worse trigger some elaborate effect at a totally inappropriate moment. Neither contribute to receiving good performance reviews. Well our first attempt at having the Model 410 serve as a fixture worked but occasionally there was a glitch. A relay toggled inappropriately and this lead to an investigation.

We started by attempting to validate the frame of channels. We know that the START CODE should be 0x00. So we decided to first test the START CODE. Well, 0x00 was not what we were seeing and this led us to understand that the UART is not able to properly receive data immediately following a Break Condition. Let’s look deeper into it.

Every description of the inner workings of the UART describes the reception of data beginning with the detection of the Start Bit. They state that “A Start Bit is detected as the falling edge of the signal” (which at that point is moving from a Mark condition to a Space condition from HIGH to LOW). This makes sense since this can be used to synchronize the baud rate and the UART once detecting the falling edge delays 1/2 bit time to begin sampling. The first reading is then LOW (0) since it is a start bit.

The UART then can proceed to receive data bits one after another starting with the LSB (Least Significant Bit or D0). Let’s assume that we are configured for 8 data bits and no parity as is the case for DMX. Once all 8 Data Bits are collected and the byte of data fully accumulated then next bit sampled is expected to be HIGH (1) as this is the necessary Stop Bit. The UART sees the Stop Bit and pushes the data to the output buffer and notifies the system that data can be read from the port. You can see how this follows from the first figure in this article repeated here.

Logically then you can see how the UART might go back into some ‘Start Bit Search Mode‘  in order to pass over any number of remaining Stop Bits and dead time between character transmissions.

We mentioned previously that in the case of a Break Condition the Stop Bits are missing. Here the UART receives 8 Data Bits or what it hopes are 8 Data Bits and then fails to detect the Mark condition signalling the presence of a Stop Bit. The typical UART then pushes the data to the output buffer and signals the processor that data can be read from the port. It also sets a Framing Error flag and well-written serial drivers handle the error accordingly.

Here is where your logical thinking might fail you. Once the UART signals a framing error you would like to think that it reenters the aforementioned ‘Start Bit Search Mode’. This would take the UART through the balance of the Break Condition and past whatever Mark After Break is present to the very next falling edge of the signal. This then allowing it to reliably and properly receive the very next valid byte of data. Well, surprise, it does not work that way.

Instead the UART continues to sample bits based upon its internal baud rate clock. It accepts the very next LOW (0) bit as a Start Bit and proceeds to process the following 10 or 11 bit times as another byte of data. This is why from the software side a Break Condition usually presents itself as more than one 0x00 byte each with an associated Framing Error. By itself this is not an issue as you can accept one or more Framing Errors as an indication of the Break Condition. In fact you could use this to detect a short Break from a long Break. But let’s look closer at what happens at the very end of the Break.

At the conclusion of an arbitrarily long Break Condition the signal returns to a Marking state. We have reached the Mark After Break but it is highly likely that the UART is still accumulating hopeful data bytes. Eventually it sees the Mark as a valid Stop Bit. The result is that a byte is then output by the port and there is no Framing Error. There is no way for software to determine if this is the first valid data byte (START CODE) or a bogus trailing byte formed out of the end of the Break Condition.

In testing we can see that this indeed is occurring. Since data bits are transmitted from least significant to the most significant, depending on signal timing this bogus byte can be seen to contain any one of the following: 0x00, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0xFE or 0xFF. Perhaps you can see that this result depends on just what Data Bit the UART thinks it is receiving at the point when the Mark After Break begins. There is actually one additional case and that being when the data is actually the first valid data byte after the Break. This effect depends highly on the duration of the Mark After Break as well.

Matters can be even worse. In DMX512 the Mark After Break can be as short as two bit times or 8 microseconds. That means that it is possible that the UART does not even look for a Stop Bit until the signal is deep into the START CODE byte. Since the START CODE is itself 0x00 the UART might then grab one of those data bits as a Start Bit and, well, fail to receive several channels of data. How can this be? Are UART designs defective?

Well let’s not jump to that conclusion just yet. Let’s give the hardware developers the benefit of the doubt at least initially. First we should understand that once the computer industry embraced serial data communications use of the Break Condition fell by the wayside. Protocols used Start of Header (SOH) bytes and other means for synchronizing data blocks. These tended to include byte counts, error checking and even error correction. These days there is even data compression and data encryption. The Break Condition not only fell out of use but also started to disappear from serial communications documentation.

Meanwhile the industry started to look into the reliability of data transmission lines. In the early days RS-232 cabling was not what it is today and it was very susceptible to external electrical noise. Also remember that we were still using machines developed in the early half of the 20th century. These were power hungry electro-mechanical contrivances that spewed out electrical noise with reckless abandon. RS-232 signals often experienced data disruptions some as brief as an incorrect value of a single bit up to the loss of entire blocks of bytes. There were even situations where communications were completely blocked out for lengthy periods of time. Perhaps for as long as the nearby noisy equipment remained in use. This led to better cabling. It led to improved communications standards like RS-422. It prompted the need for error detection and motivated a lot of creativity on the error correction front. Simultaneously the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) put forth standards for controlling RF and electrical noise emissions and prompted certifications making new equipment meet the stringent requirements.

A UART design that utilized a “Start Bit Search Mode” fails to perform properly in a noisy environment. In the case when a Stop Bit is damaged by noise and thereby missed by the UART, an approach that accepts the very next falling edge as a start bit falls on its face. It fails to re-synchronize quickly. Many bytes of data then are lost even though electrically the signals are undamaged. Error correcting schemes just could not handle it. They determined that the current UART approach performed much better and, well, what is this Break Condition anyway?

We can only guess at how we got to where we are today. It is actually a surprise that a 50-year old protocol would still be as active today and it would still rely on synchronization techniques like the Break Condition. Of course it is not really an issue as DMX fixtures are developed to properly receive these signals. We are just a bit hampered in trying to use standard computer hardware. So what can we do about it? That is our next topic.

Correcting the DMX512 Protocol

We stand little chance of “correcting” the DMX512 protocol. With over 50 years worth of legacy DMX equipment out there a change in the design of the protocol is just not an option. The ability for DMX to inter-operate with standard computer hardware is just not that critical of a need. We have also exhausted any possible software solution to this issue. So what can we do? Some kind of hardware solution will be needed if we want to develop a JNIOR that can be used as a DMX fixture. What form will that take?

Obviously lighting fixtures all over the world read DMX channels seemingly without difficulty. So we know we can do it. Does this require a custom UART implementation in some FPGA component? Do we have to dedicate some PIC processor or other device to process incoming DMX bit by bit? Are there standard DMX chip level devices out there to make it easy? It certainly all cries out for some research. But first let’s see if there is some simple and creative way to address the issue.

The problem breaks down into two separate issues:

  1. The UART is unable to synchronize after a Break condition and reliably read the first START CODE byte.
  2. The trailing edge of the Break Condition can generate unexpected data not identified with a Framing Error.

Clearly if we use a Framing Error indication to signal the reception of a Break Condition and we are 100% assured that the next valid data byte is accurately representing the START CODE we are good to go. We assume then that the processor has enough horsepower to receive and buffer all 513 channels (if they are present) without error. This can be done with low-level interrupt routines avoiding any dependence on the processing load in the JNIOR. In fact all of this has already been implemented in JANOS and deployed into the field. Those techniques were tested in the prior article.

The Mark After Break condition specified by the DMX512 protocol is a minimum of 8 microseconds. That is just two bit times. This is unfortunate. If this Mark After Break condition were to be held at least 11 bit times (44 microseconds) then any UART would be assured of seeing some part of the condition as valid Stop Bits. The UART then would be guaranteed ready to receive the very next data byte which is the START CODE.

If we somehow could extend the Mark After Break that would insure the reliable reception of the channel data. That by itself is not enough since we know that the trailing edge of the Break Condition can generate a data byte that is not flagged with a Framing Error. This would confuse us as there is no real way to determine if this is the START CODE or a bogus addition to the stream.

Now if we could somehow limit the Break Condition to a single byte we would receive one and only one byte flagged with a Framing Error. The UART would not see an additional Start Bit and thereby insure that the next byte we see is in fact the START CODE. We know that the Break Condition is at least 88 microseconds at its shortest. That is exactly two data byte times (each of 11 bits = 1 start bit + 8 data bits + 2 stop bits). So if we truncated the Break Condition at exactly 44 microseconds which would generate 1 byte with a Framing Error, there is another whole byte’s worth of time that could be added to the Mark After Break. This would satisfy our interest in extending the Mark After Break for at least a byte time. At a minimum it would then be 52 microseconds (44 borrowed from the Break + 8 original microseconds).

The Hardware Solution

Our hardware needs to truncate the Break Condition. We need only hold it long enough to mask the first Stop Bit and thereby force the Framing Error. This needs to be achieved without risk of causing other Framing Errors. With a little thought we developed the following logic.

This circuit is inserted in the CMOS logic stream after the RS-485 receivers and before input to the UART. The RXD signal from the receiver enters at the left. We will use the OR gate (U7) to truncate the Break Condition. This will pull the signal HIGH at the appropriate time but otherwise allow the normal serial stream through. The output then is TXD to be delivered to the UART on the right.

The CD4024B (U6) is a 7-stage counter and it is reset (RST) or restarted with any HIGH Marking condition on the incoming data. This means that the count is not allowed to progress very far except during the Break Condition where there is no reset (RST). This in essence times the duration of the Break Condition. Note that when the output of the 7th stage goes high (count >= 64) the OR gate then pulls the TXD signal high effectively truncating the Break Condition. The signal output is then held HIGH until the Mark After Break arrives and resets the counter. At this point the incoming signal is HIGH and we have effectively transferred time from the Break Condition to the Mark After Break. This is exactly what we want.

The UART will throw the Framing Error as soon as the first Stop Bit is not detected. We don’t want it to see any potential Start Bit after that. To be safe then we truncate the Break Condition after the 10th bit time right after the first Stop Bit. This means that we must truncate the Break Condition precisely after 40 microseconds and this must occur at the 64th count when the 7th stage goes high. As it turns out 40 microseconds divided by 64 is 0.625 microseconds the precise period of a 1.600 MHz clock. Those are readily available. So we clock the counter with a 1.600 MHz signal using oscillator U4.

One last detail to consider. There is no upper bound on the duration of the Break Condition. That means that once we truncate the Break Condition we need to hold it for potentially a very long time. So we cannot allow the counter to continue to run. Once the 7th stage goes HIGH we need to hold it there. A second OR gate (U5) masks the incoming 1.600 MHz clock signal at that point effectively stopping the counting. And, miraculously, we’ve got it covered.

To test this we created a prototype adapter which implements an isolated DMX512 standard port. The signal passes through our circuit and then a standard RS-232 transceiver is used to communicate with the JNIOR AUX port. One advantage this has is that any Model JNIOR with an AUX port can be used as a DMX fixture. Whereas only the Model 410 supports RS-485 directly and can be used as described in the prior article.

Here the few components involved sit in the lower lefthand corner. These Surface Mount devices take up almost no real estate and this is perfect for a new model of the JNIOR sporting a DMX512 input. Okay, so does the circuit work?

Here we see another oscilloscope trace. The yellow signal is RXD as received from the RS-485 receiver. This is what enters the schematic from the left. The blue signal is TXD and what we will supply to the UART. This exits on the right of our schematic. The wider pulse in the center is our Break Condition.

On the yellow trace we see that the Break Condition supplied by the DMX network is about 100 microseconds and it is followed by a brief Mark After Break which looks to be somewhat less than 50 microseconds. We know that this signal is problematic as it is from the same source used in the prior article. Note here that the START CODE and all channels happened to be 0x00. So those high pulses are Stop Bit pairs.

Now the blue trace is the result. The Break Condition has indeed been truncated. The vertical cursor lines are positioned to measure the duration of the new Break Condition. On the right we see the delta-t to be the precise 40 microseconds we had hoped for. We can also see that the balance of the time in the Break Condition has now been added to the Mark After Break.

Does this allow the JNIOR to be used as a DMX fixture? In fact it does and there is absolutely no glitch or reliability concern. Here is a short video showing relays responding to a DMX channels. A channel value greater than 127 is used to signal closure of a relay. The JNIOR’s 8 relays are mapped to consecutive channels.


Of course this would need to be evaluated with a wide range of DMX512 signal sources. The Java application on that JNIOR in the video is essentially that discussed in the previous article. It would be useful to reiterate its operation but that is beyond the scope of this article. If you should be interested in using a JNIOR as a DMX fixture just let us know. We can likely supply you with one of these prototype adapters and the application programming is open source from us. If you already have a JNIOR then your are almost there.

Now we have everything that we need to create another JNIOR Model with its own Isolated DMX512 input!

We should note that not all UARTs are created equal. There are likely UART implementations that do properly handle synchronization after the Break Condition. If you have one of those then you are golden. In the case of the JNIOR we were not so lucky. While the adapter was described above as prototype we do have several that we can supply. It is not clear that there would be any long term demand for this. A model of the JNIOR directly providing a DMX512 electrically isolated input is now feasible and would likely include the circuit as described here. Contact INTEG to find out more.


We can provide the adapter (as shown) along with a power supply and instructions.  The adapter can be used in any serial application and not just with the JNIOR however as discussed in the article you would need to accommodate the unique Baud rate and trap the framing error for synchronization. The document supplied includes an example application for the JNIOR and a schematic.

Note that straight-thru terminals are provided allowing you to tap either 3-wire or 5-wire DMX signals.  You may wish to splice into a DMX extension cable (not provided) to give yourself cabling terminated by the desired (3 or 5 pin) DMX XLR connectors. An isolated DMX port is implemented and so your JNIOR or PC is not directly connected to the lighting system.

The above kit is INTEG P/N A00-00155 – DMX512 SERIAL PRE-PROCESSOR.

Once a JNIOR is up and running in an application it rarely needs attention. In fact many users forget that it is even there. It is however good practice to check the system logs once and a while. Fortunately there are a number of ways that you can do that. If you open the DCP (Dynamic Configuration Pages) by accessing the unit with a browser there is a ‘Syslog’ tab. This displays the log with the most recent events right at the top. You can also go to the ‘Console’ tab or otherwise open the Command Line through a Telnet connection or the serial port where you can list the log content directly to the screen or window. In this case the latest entries are the last listed.

If you are developing a new application and testing it on the JNIOR you may wish to monitor the log more closely. Naturally you can leave the DCP open on the ‘Syslog’ tab and new events would just pop up when they are logged. That might not be as convenient as it sounds especially if you are building a network-facing application and are constantly testing and working with the JNIOR using various browsers. Perhaps you are rebooting the unit causing the DCP to reconnect far too often. More typically we periodically make a Command Line connection through Telnet and manually list the log. Here we make use of the CAT command.

mqtt-test /> help cat
CAT filespec

 -H             Dump file in hex
 -J             Formats JSON
 -P             Displays last page

Displays the contents of a file.
Aliases: CAT, TYPE

mqtt-test /> cat -p jniorsys.log

Now the jniorsys.log file is limited to about 64KB characters. That can represent a lot of lines. Do you really want to list those every time? Here we see that the CAT command also provides the -P option which will show only the last page (25 lines) of the file. Of course you do have to remember to include the option. One side note here is that with JANOS you can supply the options anywhere on the line. So if you at first forget to include the -P you can place it after the filename. No problem.

We can improve on this by making use of JANOS batch file capabilities. A batch file is a kind of script file that can contain commands to be executed one after another. Most operating systems, JANOS included, provide some facility for batch execution. But you might be wondering how do you create batch files or if you do that externally how do you get them onto the JNIOR? Well here’s a tip: You can create them on the fly. Of course, the simpler the file the easier that can be accomplished.

For example we will create a simple batch file called log.bat as as kind of short hand that we can use when we want to display the System Log. Here we simply ECHO the command routing the text to the file. Immediately we can use the short batch file name to execute the command.

mqtt-test /> echo cat -p jniorsys.log > log.bat

mqtt-test /> log
cat -p jniorsys.log
10/03/18 18:54:15.850, FTP/ uploaded /flash/MQTT.jar [325.8 kbps]
10/03/18 18:54:24.571, ... (etc.)

Here we see that we used the ‘>’ pipe character to route the output to the specified file. If you need to build a batch file with more than one command you can append to it using ‘>>’ as well. The power here comes in combining commands to achieve some goal. The advantage being that you can repeat the procedure easily using the batch file name as shorthand. While batch files in JANOS are not as fully featured as you will find in Linux or MS-DOS systems most of the basics are there.

Suppose instead we want to list only today’s events. Here we create our batch file in way that lists only those entries with today’s date. Check it out.

mqtt-test /> echo grep %DATE% jniorsys.log > log.bat

mqtt-test /> log
grep 10/04/18 jniorsys.log
10/04/18 12:10:48.657, Ending session Command/ (pid 132)
10/04/18 12:37:53.642, Command/ login 'jnior' (pid 405)
10/04/18 12:38:05.179, FTP/ login 'jnior'
10/04/18 12:38:05.711 ... (etc.)

And there you go. You now have a simple way to check recent System Log activity. Now I bet that you are thinking how you might alter this to be even more helpful. Well, if you find that you cannot achieve what you have in mind just let us know. An advantage that you have with INTEG is a direct link to the technical team and the advantage we have is the power to implement what you need.

Here is a very simple example of how we can use websockets in a client browser to interact with the JNIOR.  This example will demonstrate how to register a few event callbacks, connect, and display the messages that are received from the JNIOR.  To force a monitor message to get sent we added an inversion checkbox for Digital Input 1.  When the Inversion state changes the input acts as though an electrical signal has forced the state change.

The WebSocket connection now behaves like any other bi-directional TCP Socket.  All of the functionality of the JNIOR protocol has been implemented in the WebSocket protocol.  The binary implementation has been replaced by JSON.  This not only makes it easier to code and debug but it is more extensible.

Below we have a zip file containing a demo page.  The page shows the incoming JSON messages in the lower part of the page.  The upper part of the page contains a button that will invert input 1 in software thus simulating the input receiving an electrical state change.

The javascript for our demo page is listed below

        // or comm object.  The communication will be established to the device that serves this page.
        _comm = new Comm();

        // called when the connection is successfully opened
        _comm.onopen = function () {
            logToBody('comm opened');

        // called when the connection closed
        _comm.onclose = function () {
            _loggedIn = false;
            logToBody('comm closed');

        _comm.onerror = function (error) {
            logToBody('comm error: ' + error);

        // called when there is an error
        _comm.onmessage = function (evt) {
            var messageJson = JSON.parse(;
            logToBody('comm message: ' + JSON.stringify(messageJson));

        // called when the page has been loaded
        window.onload = function () {
            logToBody('init comm');

        // a function to create a div with a timestamped message to the messages section of the page.
        // The div will be prepended so that is is at the top of the section.
        var logToBody = function (message) {
            var el = document.createElement('div');
            el.innerHTML = new Date().toLocaleString() + ': ' + message;
   = 'white-space: nowrap';
            var messagesElement = document.getElementById('messages');
            messages.insertBefore(el, messages.firstChild);

        // called when the user clicks the inversion checkbox
        function invert(checkbox, channelNumber) {
            var registryWriteJson = {
                "Message": "Registry Write",
                "Keys": {}

            registryWriteJson.Keys["IO/Inputs/din" + channelNumber + "/Inversion"] = checkbox.checked.toString();
        } [ Sep 19 2018, 5.80 KB, MD5: b3efe72c03f4b642c269311057613977 ]

To run the demo simply place the downloaded .zip file in the flash/www folder on your JNIOR.  Then open your browser and navigate to http://[IP_ADDRESS]/wsdemo.

After the connection is open, any change to I/O will send a new Monitor Packet. Clicking the “Invert Input 1” checkbox will cause a change to the I/O and send the Monitor Packet.

Using the zip file is taking advantage of another great feature of the JNIORs web server. A whole web application can be served out of a single zip file. This makes distribution and file management a lot easier.

Depending on the application, something going wrong and stopping it from running could lead to big complications. Thankfully, a watchdog can monitor your application and react how you want it to using the Watchdog class. The watchdog can stop, restart, and report on applications not responding to it and more. Watchdogs have configurable timeframes, and when they aren’t updated before the time frame expires they trigger.

The watchdog is a very powerful concept. Wikipedia says:

watchdog timer (sometimes called a computer operating properly or COP timer, or simply a watchdog) is an electronic timer that is used to detect and recover from computer malfunctions. During normal operation, the computer regularly resets the watchdog timer to prevent it from elapsing, or “timing out”. If, due to a hardware fault or program error, the computer fails to reset the watchdog, the timer will elapse and generate a timeout signal. The timeout signal is used to initiate corrective action or actions. The corrective actions typically include placing the computer system in a safe state and restoring normal system operation.


The example below is very basic. You will need to adjust the duration and location of the watchdog for your application.

View on GitHub

This is what we see in the log after the unit has come back up.

01/15/19 08:37:36.361, FTP/ uploaded /flash/WatchdogExample.jar [115.3 kbps] 
01/15/19 08:37:44.081, WatchdogExample started 
01/15/19 08:37:44.203, WatchdogExample activated 
01/15/19 08:38:14.307, WatchdogExample loop finished 
01/15/19 08:38:18.451, ** Assertion: WatchdogExample watchdog triggered reboot (Line 1278) 
01/15/19 08:38:18.483, ** Terminating: System 
01/15/19 08:38:20.971, ** Reboot on assertion: WatchdogExample watchdog triggered reboot (Line 1278) 
01/15/19 08:38:20.997, -- JANOS 410 v1.7.1 initialized (POR: 1546)

Here are the options that are available to choose from when the watchdog expires.  You see that we assign the action in the setAction() method above.  watchdog.setAction(Watchdog.WDT_REBOOT);


This is the default action. Expiration of the watchdog timer causes the unit to reboot.


This action indicates that a watchdog timer expiration is to be handled by the application itself. The system takes no action.


When the watchdog timer expires the system will terminate the application.


This interrupts the current application (similar to Ctrl-C interruption) when the watchdog timer expires.


When the watchdog timer expires this will interrupt the current application and restart it.


When the watchdog timer expires a WM_WATCHDOG (0x11) message will be sent through the system message pump. The content contains the text associated with the watchdog.


Watchdog timer expiration will notify the first thread in the application that is waiting  for notification using waitOnWatchdogNotify().

Release Notes

  • Added ability to load single CA Certificate to be supplied on TLS connection
  • Support TLS Client Certificate Verification on outgoing connections
  • Added legacy PKCS1 support for externally generated certificates
  • Corrected array issue with processing of deferred email transmissions
  • Corrected memory issue with TAB use on the Command Line

JANOS 1.6.5 Released May 22, 2018

  • Corrected FTP listing issue created by the v1.6.4 release
  • Corrected getRegistryList method memory leak
  • Corrected 412DMX light Flickering
  • Corrected 412DMX NAND Flash processing issue
  • Corrected FTP transfer restart issue

This example will monitor the IO Log utilizing the IoLog class. There are many ways to watch IO for changes. You could simply poll the IO and see if it changes. You are likely to set up a polling routing on some interval. If that interval is not fast enough then you have the potential of missing an change. Using the IO Log ensures that you see that a transition occurred. You have the added benefit of getting the exact time of that transition to the millisecond. This helps if you are measuring the time between transitions.

package com.integpg;

import com.integpg.system.IoEvent;
import com.integpg.system.Iolog;
import java.util.Date;

public class IOLogSampleMain implements Runnable {

    private final Iolog _iolog = new Iolog();
    private Thread _thd;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        new IOLogSampleMain().start();


    public void start() {
        if (null == _thd) {
            _thd = new Thread((Runnable) this);

    public void run() {
        long lastConsumedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

        while (true) {
            try {
                // refresh the iolog object so that we only get new events since the last time we queried it
                // get the events for the inputs only
                IoEvent[] ioEvents = _iolog.getInputEvents();

                // make sure there were returned events
                if (ioEvents.length > 0) {
                    System.out.println("IoLogMonitor returned " + ioEvents.length + " events");
                    // go through each event and print some meaningful information about it
                    for (int index = ioEvents.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
                        IoEvent ioEvent = ioEvents[index];
                        System.out.println("ioEvent[" + index + "]: time: " + ioEvent.timestamp + " changed input mask: " + Long.toHexString(ioEvent.mask) + " input states mask: " + Long.toHexString(ioEvent.states));

                        // update our lastConsumedTimestamp with the date of the most recent event
                        if (ioEvent.timestamp > lastConsumedTimestamp) {
                            lastConsumedTimestamp = ioEvent.timestamp;
                            System.out.println("lastConsumedTimestamp: " + new Date(lastConsumedTimestamp));

            } catch (Exception ex) {

We can take the Message Pump sample one step further. We can incorporate real-time web page communication. The web server supports WebSockets. WebSockets allow for real-time bidirectional communication. We can leverage this feature and have these messages put on the Message Pump so that our Java application can get them.

Our web page for the example looks like this.

In the code we have a button handler that will send the json formatted message to the web server.

            // register an onclick method so that we can post a message to get a random number from our 
            // sample java application.
            document.getElementById('random-number-button').onclick = function (e) {
                var getUpdates = {Message: "Post Message", Number: 2000, Content: "get-random-number"};

A full listing of the web page is as follows

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

        <base href="/messagepumpsample/">

        <title>Message Pump Web Interface</title>

        <script src="comm.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="md5.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

            body { padding: 5px; }




            <h1>Message Pump Web Interface</h1>

            <button id="random-number-button">Get Random Number</button>
            <p style="width: 600px;">
                Clicking the button above will cause a message to get sent to the Web Server.  The Web Server 
                then places it in the System Message Pump.  Our sample Java application will then receive it and 
                for the sake of the sample will respond with a random number.  By placing the random number in a 
                message and back on to the System Message Pump with the same message type that it received, the 
                Operating System knows to send it back to the Web Server and in turn back to the sending Web 
                Socket connection.


        <script type="text/javascript">
            // our websocket communication object
            var _comm;
            var _loggedIn = false;

            // method called when the connection is successfully opened
            var onopen = function () {
                console.log("comm opened");
            // method called when our websocket object receives a message from the web server
            var onmessage = function (evt) {
                var json = JSON.parse(;

                if (json.Message === "Monitor") {
                    if (!_loggedIn) {
                    _loggedIn = true;

                else if (json.Message === "Reply Message") {
                    if (2000 === json.Number) {
                        alert("Your Random Number is " + json.Content);
            // instantiate our websocket communications object and wire up some methods.  lastly call connect!
            _comm = new Comm();
            _comm.onopen = onopen;
            _comm.onmessage = onmessage;

            // register an onclick method so that we can post a message to get a random number from our 
            // sample java application.
            document.getElementById('random-number-button').onclick = function (e) {
                var getUpdates = {Message: "Post Message", Number: 2000, Content: "get-random-number"};


To accomplish this we created a class to handle the get-random-number request. We could have handled this in our Main class but hey I like modularity.

package com.integpg.messagepumpsample;

import com.integpg.system.SystemMsg;
import java.util.Random;

public class RandomNumberMessageHandler implements MessagePumpListener {

    public void messageReceived(SystemMsg systemMsg) {
        // this sample uses message type 2000
        if (2000 == systemMsg.type) {
            String content = new String(systemMsg.msg);
            System.out.println("content: " + content);
            Random rand = new Random();
            int randomNumber = rand.nextInt();
            SystemMsg responseMsg = new SystemMsg();
            responseMsg.type = 2000;
            responseMsg.msg = String.valueOf(randomNumber).getBytes();


We also had to modify our init() method to attach our MessagePumpHandler.

package com.integpg.messagepumpsample;

import com.integpg.system.SystemMsg;
import java.util.Random;

public class RandomNumberMessageHandler implements MessagePumpListener {

    public void messageReceived(SystemMsg systemMsg) {
        // this sample uses message type 2000
        if (2000 == systemMsg.type) {
            String content = new String(systemMsg.msg);
            System.out.println("content: " + content);
            // get a random number
            Random rand = new Random();
            int randomNumber = rand.nextInt();
            // build our response
            SystemMsg responseMsg = new SystemMsg();
            responseMsg.type = 2000;
            responseMsg.msg = String.valueOf(randomNumber).getBytes();


Almost immediately upon clicking the button we get our response.

As you can see here the web page gives you an amazing ability to communicate with a Java application in real-time.

There are many times that you want to get a message from the system. You may also want to communicate between processes. To do either of these we employ the Message Pump.

In this example  we will monitor the messages that are going around the message pump inside the JNIOR.

We first need a class that will define all the message pump types

package com.integpg.messagepumpsample;

 * A class that contains an enumeration of values for each message type.
public class SystemMessageTypes {

    public static final int SM_SHUTDOWN = 0x01;
    public static final int SM_PROBE = 0x02;
    public static final int SM_GCRUN = 0x10;
    public static final int SM_WATCHDOG = 0x11;
    public static final int SM_SYSLOG = 0x12;
    public static final int SM_REGUPDATE = 0x40;
    public static final int SM_WEBSTARTUP = 0x60;
    public static final int SM_WEBSHUTDOWN = 0x61;
    public static final int SM_PROTCMDMSG = 0x70;
    public static final int SM_PROTCMDRESP = 0x71;
    public static final int SM_PIPEOPEN = 0x80;
    public static final int SM_PIPECLOSE = 0x81;
    public static final int SM_USER = 0x400;

     * @return a String definition based on the type parameter
    public static String getMessageNameByType(int type) {
        switch (type) {
            case SM_SHUTDOWN:
                return "Shutdown";
            case SM_PROBE:
                return "Probe";
            case SM_GCRUN:
                return "GC Run";
            case SM_WATCHDOG:
                return "Watchdog";
            case SM_SYSLOG:
                return "Syslog";
            case SM_REGUPDATE:
                return "Registry Update";
            case SM_WEBSTARTUP:
                return "Web Server Startup";
            case SM_WEBSHUTDOWN:
                return "Web Server Shutdown";
            case SM_PROTCMDMSG:
                return "Protocol Command Message";
            case SM_PROTCMDRESP:
                return "Protocol Command Reesponse";
            case SM_PIPEOPEN:
                return "Pipe Opened";
            case SM_PIPECLOSE:
                return "Pipe Closed";
                if (type >= SM_USER) return "User Defined Type " + String.valueOf(type);
                else return "Unknown Type " + String.valueOf(type);

Not only does the above class define the types but it gives us a nice helper function to get a nice textual description for the message type.

We will create a class that will monitor the message pump. The biggest note to observe is that we MUST forward the message once we receive it so that other processes can see the message. The message pump message delivery is also time sensitive. If we receive the message and perform a lengthy process before re-posting it the we could cause the system to assert as the message pump timing has been violated.

package com.integpg.messagepumpsample;

import com.integpg.system.MessagePump;
import com.integpg.system.SystemMsg;
import java.util.Vector;

public class MessagePumpEngine implements Runnable {

    private static final MessagePumpEngine THIS = new MessagePumpEngine();
    private static final MessagePump MESSAGE_PUMP = new MessagePump();
    private static final Vector LISTENERS = new Vector<>();

    private static Thread _thread;

     * Singleton constructor
    private MessagePumpEngine() {

     * adds a listener that will be alerted of all received messages. The listener will be responsible for determining
     * if the message has meaning to them
    public static void addListener(MessagePumpListener listener) {
        synchronized (LISTENERS) {

     * starts our message pump engine.
    static void start() {
        if (null == _thread) {
            _thread = new Thread(THIS);

    public void run() {
        System.out.println("open the message pump and start monitoring.\r\n");;

        for (;;) {
            // read all messages from the message pump
            SystemMsg systemMsg = MESSAGE_PUMP.getMessage();

            // we must repost as fast as we can

            // notify all of our listeners
            synchronized (LISTENERS) {
                for (int i = 0; i < LISTENERS.size(); i++) {
                    MessagePumpListener listener = (MessagePumpListener) LISTENERS.elementAt(i);


     * Exposes the postMesssage method of the System MessagePump
     * @param msg the message the will be sent to the system message pump
    public static void postMessage(SystemMsg msg) {

When the above class receives a message from the message pump it will want to alert any listeners.  Lets define the listener interface now.

package com.integpg.messagepumpsample;

import com.integpg.system.SystemMsg;

 * An interface that outlines the method or methods that all classes that implement this interface must define.
public interface MessagePumpListener {

    public void messageReceived(SystemMsg systemMsg);

Now that we have laid the ground work for the application lets glue the peices together.  Here is our Main class

package com.integpg.messagepumpsample;

 * HexUtils will give us access to the hex dump so that we can show a meaningful representation of the data in each
 * message
import com.integpg.janoslib.utils.HexUtils;
 * System classes pertaining to the message pump itself and the class that will be returned from the getMessage call
import com.integpg.system.SystemMsg;
 * A class that will format a date string quickly
import com.integpg.janoslib.text.QuickDateFormat;

 * A class to demonstrate the Message Pump feature in the JNIOR.
public class MessagePumpSampleMain implements MessagePumpListener {

     * the QuickDateFormat() class is part of a library of classes and are beyond the scope of this example.
    private final static QuickDateFormat QUICK_DATE_FORMAT = new QuickDateFormat("MM-dd-yy HH:mm:ss.fff");

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        // instantiate our main class
        MessagePumpSampleMain msgPumpSample = new MessagePumpSampleMain();

        // the main method has nothing left to do.  let it sleep forever.  Most if not all of our other threads 
        // are daemon threads that would not keep the process from sxiting if this main thread completes.  
        // Sometimes we might do somehting in this thread but for the sake of this example we have nothing to do.

    public void init() {
        // the message pump engine is a singleton.  We do not have to instatiate another instance.  We can just 
        // use static methods to interface with it.  
        // first we need to add in any listeners that should be alerted when a new message is received.  It 
        // will be up to those llisteners to determine if it cares about the message.
        MessagePumpEngine.addListener(new RegistryMessageHandler());

        // we are ready.  start listening

    public void messageReceived(SystemMsg systemMsg) {
        // the QUICK_DATE_FORMAT.format() call is part of a library of classes and are beyond the scope of this 
        // example.
        String dateString = QUICK_DATE_FORMAT.format(System.currentTimeMillis());
        // so we have a message.  what kind is it?
        String messageName = SystemMessageTypes.getMessageNameByType(systemMsg.type);
        // print out what we know about this message
        System.out.println(dateString + " - Process Msg: " + messageName);

        // if there is data in the message then we should dump it so that we can see what it is.
        if (0 < systemMsg.msg.length) {
            // the HexUtils.hexDump() call is part of a library of classes and are beyond the scope of this 
            // example.
            String hexDumpString = HexUtils.hexDump(systemMsg.msg);


In the above lines 48 and 49 we add our listener classes.  Line 48 is the this object representing the Main class.  You can see what happens in the messageReceived() method starting at line 58.  The other listener is the RegistryMessageHandler class.  Here is the definition for that class.

package com.integpg.messagepumpsample;

import com.integpg.system.JANOS;
import com.integpg.system.SystemMsg;

public class RegistryMessageHandler implements MessagePumpListener {

    public void messageReceived(SystemMsg systemMsg) {
        // we only care about registry key updates
        if (SystemMessageTypes.SM_REGUPDATE == systemMsg.type) {
            // get the key name from the message data
            String keyName = new String(systemMsg.msg);
            // now get the new value
            String keyValue = JANOS.getRegistryString(keyName, "");
            System.out.println("Registry Update: " + keyName + " = " + keyValue);


Each time a message is received from the message pump each of our listeners is notified.  Each listener can check the message type to see if it cares about the message.  A sample output from the application shows three interesting events.  First, I opened the web page for the unit.  The web server is NOT always running unless the web server port is accessed.  Once the web server port was hit it caused the web server to spin up and send the Web Server Startup message.  The next two events were registry updates.  The Main class listener shows us that there was a Registry Update along with the HEX dump of the message payload.  Then the RegistryMessageHandler listener used the registry key that was updated to get the new value.  You can download the sample application JAR file below.

  msgpump-monitor.jar [ Jul 25 2018, 23.38 KB, MD5: 00eb2d3b97bbc67c5d1d13a9901e9fbe ]

The two files below need to be added to the project with the example above for it to run properly.

 * A Utility class for dealing with Hex
public class HexUtils {

    public static final char[] HexArray = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
    public static final char[] LowerHexArray = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };

    public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
        return bytesToHex(bytes, 0, bytes.length);

    public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes, int offset, int len) {
        if (null == bytes) return "null";

        char[] hexChars = new char[len * 2];
        int v, i = 0;
        for (int j = offset; j < offset + len; j++) {
            v = bytes[j] & 0xFF;
            hexChars[i++] = HexArray[(v >> 4 & 0x0F)];
            hexChars[i++] = HexArray[v & 0x0F];
        return new String(hexChars);

    public static byte[] hexToBytes(String hexString, int offset, int len) {
        if (null == hexString) return new byte[0];

        byte[] bytes = new byte[len/2];
        int i = 0;
        for (int j = offset; j < len; j += 2) {
            char c = hexString.charAt(j);
            int n = 0;
            if ('0' <= c && '9' >= c) n = c - '0';
            else if ('A' <= c && 'F' >= c) n = c - 55;
            else if ('a' <= c && 'f' >= c) n = c - 87;
            else throw new RuntimeException("error parsing hex");
//            System.out.println(String.format("%s, %d", String.valueOf(c), n));

            int val = n << 4;

            c = hexString.charAt(j + 1);
            n = 0;
            if ('0' <= c && '9' >= c) n = c - '0';
            else if ('A' <= c && 'F' >= c) n = c - 55;
            else if ('a' <= c && 'f' >= c) n = c - 87;
            else throw new RuntimeException("error parsing hex");

            val += n;
//            System.out.println(String.format("%s, %d, %d", String.valueOf(c), n, val));

            bytes[i++] = (byte) val;
        return bytes;

    public static String hexDump(byte[] bytes) {
        return hexDump(bytes, 0, bytes.length);

    public static String hexDump(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((length / 16 + 1) * 83);

        char[] line = new char[81];
        line[0] = '0';
        line[1] = 'x';
        line[line.length - 2] = '\r';
        line[line.length - 1] = '\n';

        int endAddress = offset + length;
        for (int lineAddress = offset - (offset % 16); lineAddress < endAddress; lineAddress += 16) {
            int charPos = 2;
            line[charPos++] = LowerHexArray[(lineAddress >> 12 & 0x0F)];
            line[charPos++] = LowerHexArray[(lineAddress >> 8 & 0x0F)];
            line[charPos++] = LowerHexArray[(lineAddress >> 4 & 0x0F)];
            line[charPos++] = LowerHexArray[lineAddress & 0x0F];
            line[charPos++] = ' ';
            line[charPos++] = ' ';
            line[charPos++] = ' ';

            for (int linePos = 0; linePos < 16; linePos++) {
                int address = lineAddress + linePos;
                if (address < offset) {
                    line[charPos++] = ' ';
                    line[charPos++] = ' ';
                    line[charPos++] = ' ';
                } else if (address < endAddress) {
                    int c = bytes[address];
                    line[charPos++] = LowerHexArray[(c >> 4 & 0x0F)];
                    line[charPos++] = LowerHexArray[c & 0x0F];
                    line[charPos++] = ' ';
                } else {
                    line[charPos++] = ' ';
                    line[charPos++] = ' ';
                    line[charPos++] = ' ';

                if (7 == linePos) {
                    // add 2 spaces between each group of 8 bytes
                    line[charPos++] = ' ';
                    line[charPos++] = ' ';
            // add 3 spaces between the second group of 8 bytes and the ASCII output
            line[charPos++] = ' ';
            line[charPos++] = ' ';
            line[charPos++] = ' ';

            for (int linePos = 0; linePos < 16; linePos++) {
                int address = lineAddress + linePos;

                if (address < offset) line[charPos++] = ' ';
                else if (address < endAddress) {
                    char c = (char) bytes[address];
                    if (0x20 > c || 0x80 <= c) line[charPos++] = '.';
                    else line[charPos++] = c;
                } else line[charPos++] = ' ';
                if (7 == linePos) line[charPos++] = ' ';

            sb.append(line, 0, line.length);

        return sb.toString();

    public static long parseHexAsLong(String s) {
        if (s == null) return 0;
        int len = s.length();
        // get the address in two stages because some addresses can be too great for the parseLong method.
        long l = Long.parseLong(s.substring(0, len - 8), 16);
        l <<= 32;
        l += Long.parseLong(s.substring(len - 8), 16);
        return l;

import com.integpg.system.ArrayUtils;
import com.integpg.system.Timebase;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;

 * This class constructs a date string with a user defined format. it caches date and time locations to help construct
 * the string faster.
public class QuickDateFormat {

    private static final SimpleDateFormat TIMEZON_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("z");
    private static final long MILLIS_IN_HOUR = 3600000;
    private static final String[] MONTH_NAME_STRINGS = new String[]{ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
    private static final byte[][] AM_PM_STRING_BYTES = new byte[][]{ "am".getBytes(), "pm".getBytes() };

    private final Calendar _calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

    private final byte[] _dateStampBytes;
    public final int DATE_STAMP_LENGTH;
    public final int DATE_STAMP_LENGTH_WITH_COMMA;
    private final String _pattern;

    int _weekOfYearPos = -1;
    int _monthPos = -1;
    int _monthNamePos = -1;
    int _dayPos = -1;
    int _2yearPos = -1;
    int _4yearPos = -1;
    int _hourPos = -1;
    int _hourOfDayPos = -1;
    int _minutePos = -1;
    int _secondPos = -1;
    int _millisPos = -1;
    int _timezonePos = -1;
    int _ampmPos = -1;

    private final byte[] _buf = new byte[8];
    private long _lastTimeRef = 0;

    private long _nextHour = System.currentTimeMillis() - System.currentTimeMillis() % MILLIS_IN_HOUR;
    private long _nextMinute = 0;

    public QuickDateFormat() {
        this("MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff zzz");

    public QuickDateFormat(String pattern) {
        _pattern = pattern;

        _dateStampBytes = new byte[pattern.length() + 2];
        ArrayUtils.arraycopy(pattern.getBytes(), 0, _dateStampBytes, 0, pattern.length());
        _dateStampBytes[_dateStampBytes.length - 2] = ',';
        _dateStampBytes[_dateStampBytes.length - 1] = ' ';

        DATE_STAMP_LENGTH = _dateStampBytes.length - 2;
        DATE_STAMP_LENGTH_WITH_COMMA = _dateStampBytes.length;

        _weekOfYearPos = pattern.indexOf("WY");
        _monthNamePos = pattern.indexOf("MMM");
        if (-1 == _monthNamePos) {
            _monthPos = pattern.indexOf("MM");
        _dayPos = pattern.indexOf("dd");
        if (-1 == _dayPos) _dayPos = pattern.indexOf("DD");
        _2yearPos = pattern.indexOf("yy");
        if (-1 == _2yearPos) _2yearPos = pattern.indexOf("YY");
        _4yearPos = pattern.indexOf("yyyy");
        if (-1 == _4yearPos) _4yearPos = pattern.indexOf("YYYY");
        _hourPos = pattern.indexOf("hh");
        _hourOfDayPos = pattern.indexOf("HH");
        _minutePos = pattern.indexOf("mm");
        _secondPos = pattern.indexOf("ss");
        _millisPos = pattern.indexOf("fff");
        if (-1 == _millisPos) _millisPos = pattern.indexOf("SSS");
        _timezonePos = pattern.indexOf("zzz");
        _ampmPos = pattern.indexOf("aa");


    public String getDateFormatString() {
        return _pattern;

    private void updateTimezone() {
        if (-1 != _timezonePos) {
            String timezoneString = Timebase.getTimeZone(); //TIMEZON_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date());
//            System.out.println("timezoneString: " + timezoneString);
//            System.out.println("_dateStampBytes.legnth: " + _dateStampBytes.length);
//            System.out.println("_timezonePos: " + _timezonePos);
            ArrayUtils.arraycopy(timezoneString.getBytes(), 0, _dateStampBytes, _timezonePos, timezoneString.length());

    // 2.0
    public String format(Date date) {
        return format(date.getTime());

    public String format() {
        return format(System.currentTimeMillis());

    public String format(long time) {
        synchronized (_dateStampBytes) {
            if (time <= 0) time = System.currentTimeMillis();

            if (_nextHour <= time) {
                _nextHour += MILLIS_IN_HOUR;

            if (_lastTimeRef > time || time >= _nextMinute) {

            int delta = (int) (time - _lastTimeRef);
            int rSecond = delta / 1000;

            if (-1 != _secondPos) {
                stuffInt(_buf, rSecond + 100, 0, false);
                ArrayUtils.arraycopy(_buf, 1, _dateStampBytes, _secondPos, 2);

            if (-1 != _millisPos) {
                int rMillis = delta - 1000 * rSecond;
                stuffInt(_buf, rMillis + 1000, 0, false);
                ArrayUtils.arraycopy(_buf, 1, _dateStampBytes, _millisPos, 3);

            return new String(_dateStampBytes, 0, DATE_STAMP_LENGTH);

    // 2.0
    public byte[] toByteArray() {
        return _dateStampBytes;

    private void initRefBytes(long time) {

        int second = _calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        int millis = _calendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);

        _lastTimeRef = time - (1000 * second + millis);
        _nextMinute = time + 60000 - (time % 60000);

        synchronized (_dateStampBytes) {
            if (-1 != _weekOfYearPos) {
                int weekOfYear = _calendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR);
//        System.out.println("woy: " + weekOfYear);
                stuffInt(_buf, weekOfYear + 100, 0, false);
                ArrayUtils.arraycopy(_buf, 1, _dateStampBytes, _weekOfYearPos, 2);

            if (-1 != _monthPos) {
                int month = _calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                stuffInt(_buf, month + 101, 0, false);
                ArrayUtils.arraycopy(_buf, 1, _dateStampBytes, _monthPos, 2);

            if (-1 != _monthNamePos) {
                int month = _calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                String monthName = MONTH_NAME_STRINGS[month];
                ArrayUtils.arraycopy(monthName.getBytes(), 0, _dateStampBytes, _monthNamePos, 3);

            if (-1 != _dayPos) {
                int day = _calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                stuffInt(_buf, day + 100, 0, false);
                ArrayUtils.arraycopy(_buf, 1, _dateStampBytes, _dayPos, 2);

            if (-1 != _2yearPos || -1 != _4yearPos) {
                int year = _calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                stuffInt(_buf, year, 0, false);
                if (-1 != _2yearPos) ArrayUtils.arraycopy(_buf, 2, _dateStampBytes, _2yearPos, 2);
                if (-1 != _4yearPos) ArrayUtils.arraycopy(_buf, 0, _dateStampBytes, _4yearPos, 4);

            if (-1 != _hourPos) {
                int rHour = _calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR);
                stuffInt(_buf, rHour + 100, 0, false);
                ArrayUtils.arraycopy(_buf, 1, _dateStampBytes, _hourPos, 2);

            if (-1 != _hourOfDayPos) {
                int rHour = _calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
                stuffInt(_buf, rHour + 100, 0, false);
                ArrayUtils.arraycopy(_buf, 1, _dateStampBytes, _hourOfDayPos, 2);

            if (-1 != _minutePos) {
                int minute = _calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
                stuffInt(_buf, minute + 100, 0, false);
                ArrayUtils.arraycopy(_buf, 1, _dateStampBytes, _minutePos, 2);

            if (-1 != _ampmPos) {
                byte[] amPmBytes = AM_PM_STRING_BYTES[_calendar.get(Calendar.AM_PM)];
                ArrayUtils.arraycopy(amPmBytes, 0, _dateStampBytes, _ampmPos, 2);

    private void stuffInt(byte[] array, int value, int dec, boolean rjustified) {
        ArrayUtils.arrayFill(array, 0, array.length, (byte) ' ');

        if (value == 0) {
            array[0] = (byte) '0';

        int dig;
        int offset = 0;
        boolean leading = true;

        if (value < 0) {
            array[offset++] = (byte) '-';
            value = -value;
            rjustified = false;

        for (dig = 1000000; dig >= 1; dig /= 10) {
            if (leading && value < dig) {
                if (rjustified) {

            array[offset] = (byte) '0';
            while (value >= dig) {
                value -= dig;
            leading = false;

        for (dig = dec; dig > 0; dig--) {
            array[offset] = array[offset - 1];
            if (array[offset] == ' ') {
                array[offset] = '0';

            if (dig == 1) {
                array[offset] = (byte) '.';
                if (array[offset - 1] == ' ') {
                    array[offset - 1] = '0';