Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Grapher v4.0 Aug 22 2019 783.4 KB a7967fd9878171af565ff1faf677ae14

Several changes affecting how you navigate in time.

Added the ability to change the configured duration view of the graph. Previously the default was a hard-coded 4 hours. Once you brought up the graph you could have used the mouse wheel to zoom out or zoom in. The graph would always load showing the past 4 hours.

In this version we removed the ability to zoom in and out using the mouse wheel. We also removed dragging the graph in the future or past using the mouse. This was done because it was noted that too often the mouse is accidentally being used to modify the graph view.

Since the mouse interaction was removed to zoom and pan, we added buttons below the graph the facilitate the ability to move forward and backward in time.

The fast step buttons move the graph forward or backward by the entire duration. If you are looking at today, as shown below, pressing the fast backwards button will show you yesterday. The single step buttons move by 1/4 the duration. Looking at 24 hours and pressing the single step buttons will move the graph by 6 hours.

MODBUS client is not able to connect to the JNIOR

The MODBUS server running on the JNIOR is a separate application from the Operating System. It does not run by default when the JNIOR is shipped. It is installed by default. It must be activated by the end user before the the MODBUS connection can be successful.

To activate it go to the DCP, click on the Configuration tab. Half way down the left side click on Applications. You will see a list of applications that are loaded on the JNIOR. Check the box next to Modbus Server. This will tell the JNIOR to run the application when the JNIOR boots up. You will need to reboot the JNIOR at this point to get the MODBUS Server to start.

To verify that the MODBUS server is running we can list the listening network sockets using the netstat command.

Lastly, you can change a few configuration parameters for the MODBUS server under the registry tab.

Port 502 is the default MODBUS port. Most likely this will NOT need to be changed. The Timeout setting is the number of milliseconds to wait for a MODBUS client to poll the server. If a request is not made within this amount of time then the JNIOR will close the connection. If any configuration needs to be changed it will probably be the Login setting. Not very many MODBUS clients implement a login. If they dont log in then you will see the following in the Modbus Server log…

Setting the Login key to false will allow this device to connect successfully.

The problem: You get the following screen when trying to go to the DCP or any web page on the JNIOR.

In this image we tried to go to the IP Address of the JNIOR.  This should present us with the DCP web page.  In this case we are presented with the “Page not found” response page.

This means that the file cannot be found in the filesystem for this page resource.

To troubleshoot this we need to look at the filesystem.  Since the DCP is not available we need to use FTP or a telnet session.

Using FTP

Open Windows Explorer. In the address bar type ftp://IP ADDRESS. You might see the message that Windows Explorer cannot access your folder.

Most likely this is because you need to provide credentials. To do that you need to right click in the white-space in the window and select Login As…

Once you log in navigate to the flash directory.

If the the DCP or default web page is missing then all of the following must be met:

  • is missing
  • is missing
  • www/ directory is missing or there is not an index.php file in the www/ directory
  • public/ directory is missing or there is not an index.php file in the public/ directory

Using Telnet

We can use Telnet to look at the filesystem as well. To do this, open your favorite Telnet application. Make a connection to the JNIOR. Log in. You will then use either the dir command or the ls command. Both commands are the same and will list the directory contents.

Use the command of your choice, whichever command is easier to remember, and add “flash” as a parameter. This wil cause the command to list the contents of the flash directory. If the the DCP or default web page is missing then all of the following must be met:

  • flash/www/
  • is missing
  • is missing
  • www/ directory is missing or there is not an index.php file in the www/ directory
  • public/ directory is missing or there is not an index.php file in the public/ directory

If you are having issues accessing your JNIOR’s webpage, please reach out to our support to get your setup working again.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.6 Aug 14 2019 334.6 KB d96d4ae9b9adc4f0b8cdaf9bd87518f3

+ Adding web handlers for getDevice without a device for internal io getAll.

Cinema.jar 3.5 June 2, 2019

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.5 Jun 02 2019 327.0 KB 57a834f2c5ac177b7b19b6dec52350ce

+ Added HTTP POST method to Macro Actions.

+ Added the ability the use HTTPS for GETs and POSTs

Cinema.jar 3.4.1 May 29, 2019

  Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.4.1 [ May 28 2019, 320.47 KB, MD5: 74f51ea7ccb40962eb2118bf16457c50 ]

  • Released May 28 2019

! Fixed a bug where the watchdog was no longer working. If the Cinema application crashed it would not be restarted.


Cinema.jar 3.4.0 May 16, 2019

  Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.4 [ May 16 2019, 320.36 KB, MD5: 63b627ede9c8a79710ddb3d7fd3ca852 ]

  • Released May 16 2019

+ Allow you to query the temperature sensor via a HTTP Request.  A JSON representation of the device will be returned.

As of now the only available devices are Type28 and Type7E...

Type28 is the temperature probe and Type7E is the environmental sensor.

To enable this you will need to set the AppData/Cinema/WebServer/Port registry key. The JNIOR will need to be rebooted after this key has been changed. In this example I chose 8081. Port 80 or 443 is normally the default web server port. This web server port is an additional web server that cinema is hosting to handle these types of requests.

Security is a good thing. It is also hard. The IpConfig/Allow registry key will help you filter the connections permitted by the JNIOR.

The documentation for the use of the IpConfig/Allow key is as follows…

The IpConfig/Allow Registry key when present defines specific IP addresses and IP address subnets that are to be granted access to the JNIOR. All others are ignored. If undefined then all routable clients have access. For example, to restrict access only to your IP address (say and your entire local subnet (10.0.0.x with mask you would define the following:

reg IpConfig/Allow = “,” 

In this case you, using that specific address, and everyone on the local subnet would be able to see the JNIOR and access its functions while everyone else is blocked.

This therefore is a list of IP address/subnet specifications of the form:


Here the 4 octet IP address for IPv4 is specified and ‘/dd’ if present indicates the number of bits from the left that must match. If the ‘/dd’ parameter is omitted it is the same as specifying ‘/32’ and as if you used a subnet mask of In other words that IP address must match in its entirety.

Changes to this configuration setting take effect on reboot.

The IpConfig/Allow registry key can be powerful to help secure your JNIOR.  It can successfully thwart unauthorized access and prevent DOS attacks.

The danger comes in when the registry key is mis-configured. It can be a typo or not fully configured, something simple, but when this happens it can prevent legitimate attempts to access the unit.

If this happens a USB-to-Serial cable is needed to access the unit via the RS-232 port. Make sure to use the correct serial settings of 115200, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity. Once connected you can issue the reg command.

Above you can see that the IpConfig/Allow key is set for This states that the first 24 bits of the address must match for a network connection to be accepted. If, for some reason, this was mistyped then legitimate connections would not be allowed. This would basically render the network port useless. The user might not have noticed what the error was.

Using the Serial to USB cable is the only way to access the unit. The key can then either be fixed or removed to regain access over the network.

It is always a good idea to take backups of devices. Personal pictures, work documents, and even the JNIOR. There is another aspect of taking a backup of the JNIOR that can prove very useful. That is that a backup can become an update project. The update project can then be used to restore the same unit to a point in time or to clone a JNIOR. This means that you can take a backup and then make one or more other JNIORs appear and behave exactly the same.

Where can I find the backup feature?

The Backup feature is under the Snapshot tab.

How is a Backup different than a Snapshot?

The backup differs from a snapshot in a two ways. The most important difference is that an update project will be created. The other difference is that log files are not captured. A snapshot is used to capture log files to submit to INTEG to help debug any issue you may be having.

The Backup procedure

Click ‘Take Backup’ in the Snapshot Tab

Take Backup Button

You will be shown a prompt that lets you know what is about to happen and to make sure you want to continue.

Backup Confirm Info

Clicking ‘Yes’ will provide you with a dialog allowing you to select which unit you want to backup.

JNIOR selection dialog box

When the backup has finished you will be prompted for a name. Give the backup a meaningful name. That name might be the unit name followed by a date string or it may be a name describing the job function that the JNIOR is performing.

Backup Naming dialog box

Lastly you will be prompted to open the Backup or Update Project in the Update Tab.

Open Backup as Update Project

If you click ‘No’, you can open the Update Project at any future point in time. Just go to the Update tab and click ‘open project’ and select the backup.

The following is the backup update project that was created.

Edit Update Project

That, is the backup procedure. Congratulations, you can now use this backup to restore this unit back to this point in time or use it to configure other JNIORs to perform the same task.

NOTE: After successfully cloning a JNIOR configuration, since it will copy the EXACT configuration of the other JNIOR, make sure you go through and change any settings that shouldn’t be the same. This means any references to external devices should be checked for IP changes.

While we are always available one-on-one to answer any questions and/or discuss how JNIOR can help your company, we wanted to answer some of the more frequently asked questions.

Contact INTEG Process Group for additional assistance with your Technical Questions and General Questions.

General Questions

Where is the JNIOR manufactured?

The JNIORs and Expansion Modules are made in the USA. We purchase the PCBs from a company a company in the US. The components are sourced globally. The PCB and components go through surface mount assembly here in the office. Programming and testing is also performed in our office.

What does “JNIOR” stand for?

JNIOR (pronounced “junior”) is a Network I/O Resource utilizing the Java™ platform.

What are the JNIOR Certifications?

TUV Safety Mark (IEC, EN 60950), CE Mark, FCC Class B, CB Scheme Available, RoHS Compliant. A copy of the TUV Certification PDF can be obtained from the All Downloads page.

How much does the JNIOR weigh?

11 ounces (312 grams).

What is the warranty on JNIOR?

2 years. Here is the JNIOR Warranty

How do I submit an RMA?

If you want to return your JNIOR via an RMA, make sure you contact INTEG support first. They will try and review your JNIOR and if it is defective will help you with the RMA process. They can be contacted at or through our chat on our website.

How does the JNIOR internal time clock keep current?

The JNIOR has NTP (Network Time Protocol) capability.  You can enter an IP address (or URL) and the JNIOR will sync its time when it boots up with that computer. It will continue to sync it every 4 hours.

Do JNIOR Expansion Modules need power?

No. The modules draw their power via the Sensor Port on the JNIOR.

How many Expansion Modules can be connected to one JNIOR?

Multiple plug-and-play expansion modules can be daisy-chained to the JNIOR via the Sensor Port.  The exact number of modules that can be connected is a function of the mix of expansion modules being used.  Each module draws differing amounts of current. Please contact INTEG with your proposed mix of expansion modules.

What programming language do I use to program the JNIOR?

The applications on the JNIOR are developed using Java, but we have standard applications included with each JNIOR that meet a variety of needs so 99% of our customers do not actually do any programming on the JNIOR! But if you want to add your own software, we would be glad to help you get started.

What is the recommended power for the JNIOR?

We recommend 12 Volts DC at 1 Amp.  Although the JNIOR can handle 12 – 24 VDC or AC for the JNIOR power supply. The JNIOR digital inputs and relay outputs handle 0 – 60 volts DC or AC. 

Support Questions

How do you take a Snapshot?

To take a snapshot, you open the support tool and go to the snapshot tab. There you’ll click “take snapshot” and select the JNIOR you want to take a snapshot of.

How do you control external modules with a macro?

To control an external module with a macro command, you’ll create a macro in the support tool and send it to the analog presets program using cinema.

How do you close or pulse an output when the JNIOR boots?

In order to close an output on boot, you can open the support tool and go to the configuration page. On the configuration page in the outputs section, you can set the initial action of any channel to 0 which will close that output on boot. If any positive number is set in the initial action, that output will pulse for that many milliseconds on boot.

How do you invert an input?

Inputs can be digitally inverted on JNIORs to help test when they are triggered. Inverting an input can be done via the JNIOR Web Page, or by setting the ‘Inversion’ registry key through the command line.

How do you view the Environmental Monitoring Module data?

To view data from an environmental monitoring module in a graph, you use the Grapher and Tasker applications. You configure Grapher to read data from logs that will be created by Tasker. You then configure Tasker to log the data from the environmental monitoring module.

Can the JNIOR use the MQTT protocol?

The JNIOR can use the MQTT protocol. You can use the MQTT application to send information through the JNIOR message pump. You configure the MQTT application to a public broker and then send messages from another application on the message pump.

Why can’t the JNIOR connect to a MODBUS server?

The JNIOR can connect to a MODBUS server, but you need the MODBUS application. This application is separate from the Operating System and needs to be activated or else you can’t connect to a MODBUS server. You can do this by going to the application section of the configuration tab in the JNIOR’s WebUI, and clicking the checkbox next to the MODBUS server application.

How do I reboot my JNIOR?

One way you can reboot a JNIOR is simply by pulling the power and plugging it back in. You can also go to the command line from the support tool or JNIOR web page and type “reboot” and then type “y”. This will initiate a reboot as well.

How do I reset my JNIOR back to its factory default?

WARNING: Doing this wipes all data on your JNIOR, be sure this is what you want to do before executing a factory reset. To do a factory reset, its similar to a normal reboot from the command line, but the full command is “reboot -eraseall” followed by “y”. This will NOT work for the Series 3 JNIOR. There is a post explaining how to factory reset a Series 3 JNIOR.

How do I transition from a Series 3 to a Series 4 JNIOR?

Series 4 JNIORS were made to be a drop in replacement for Series 3 JNIORs. While some applications are only usable on Series 3 JNIORs, typically Series 4 JNIORs have an application that provides the same functionality and can be switched to. While different setups may require different steps to upgrade, you can always reach out to JNIOR support for help performing said upgrade.

How do I look at the connections on my JNIOR?

In the command line of the JNIOR, if you type “netstat” a list of connections on the JNIOR will be displayed. A post about the netstat command is in the knowledge base.

How do I use the JNIOR’s WebUI?

The JNIOR’s WebUI (Previously called the DCP) allows you to access and control tons of setting on your JNIOR. It can be accessed by right clicking your JNIOR in the support tool and opening its web page or by typing its IP into a web browser’s URL.

How do I update a JNIOR with an application?

To put an application on the JNIOR, you’ll need to download the application from our website, then open it (Don’t Unzip) in the update tab of the Support Tool. You’ll select ‘publish’ and the JNIOR to update the application to, and once it completes your JNIOR should have that application on it. There is an example post on updating Cinema to a JNIOR as well.

How do I access a JNIOR application that has a webpage?

There are two ways to usually access an application on a JNIOR. One way is by opening the JNIOR’s WebUI and under the configuration tab, in the application section, clicking its pop-out link. If the application doesn’t have a pop-out link, it you can also be accessed by opening a web browser, and typing in the URL your JNIOR’s IP Address followed by /”application name”.

How do I set the time on my JNIOR?

To set the JNIOR’s date and time, you’ll want to access either command line from the support tool or JNIOR web page and login in. You can then enter “date” followed by the date and time you want on the JNIOR formatted as “MMDDYYYYHHMMSS”.

How do I take a backup of my JNIOR?

To take a backup of the JNIOR, you’ll need the support tool. In the Snapshot tab of the support tool, you can select the Take Backup button which can will copy the configurations and files from a JNIOR and create a backup of it that can be transferred to other JNIORs to clone the configuration or to revert to an older configuration if a mistake is made.

Why won’t my JNIOR’s web page load, or show in the support tool?

When the JNIOR is loaded on the network they have DHCP enabled, which checks the network the JNIOR is on and assigns it an IP available. If your network doesn’t support DHCP then your JNIOR will default to the address If another device on the network has, then the JNIOR will forgo the IP address and set itself to to avoid an IP conflict. Even if no other unit has the same IP as your JNIOR, this issue can also be caused from your JNIOR’s IP address not being compatible with your computers IP address. To fix this, you need to change the IP address of the JNIOR, which a post explains here.

Whats the difference between Tasker and Task Manager?

Tasker is a new application that was made to replace the Task Manager application. Task Manager was made for Series 3 JNIORs, and aren’t able to use Tasker. Tasker on the other hand was made for Series 4 JNIORs, which has improved functionality and is easier to configure. For more information, click here.

I have a system that declares the JNIOR as a device and connects on port 9200. Why is it not connecting?

When this happens its typically when a connection is initially being made to the JNIOR during setup. Give your system connecting to the JNIOR a reboot and the connection should establish itself. You can check which ports the JNIOR is listening on using the netstat command.

I’m sending a command to the JNIOR via a TCP/Serial connection, but why isn’t the JNIOR doing anything?

Something that commands need to include when being sent to the JNIOR is the termination string. For example, if your connecting to the JNIOR using Cinema the default termination string is \r\n. So when you send the JNIOR a command in Cinema, make sure the command ends with \r\n. To check what termination string you need for your connection, based off the application your using on the JNIOR, you can check in the application registry keys in the JNIOR registry of a JNIOR’s web page. (appdata/application name). If its a TCP connection, you may want to also check and make sure the JNIOR is listening on the port you are sending to. You can check which ports the JNIOR is listening on using the netstat command.

If your question wasn’t answered here, check out our knowledge base to see if it’s answered there.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
JNIOR Support Tool v7.16 Jun 12 2024 6.2 MB b75a95c649dd507e069591709265f793
JNIOR Support Tool Release Notes v7.10 Jul 15 2020 207.7 KB 2c0f4ddac3b4411c35dad07e706bfaab
JNIOR Support Tool Brochure May 02 2013 708.9 KB 79448af2468b0f7a92a314464e7a680b
JNIOR Support Tool Manual Jan 28 2020 2.0 MB 10beb9a941ab4ce963004505a634ad93
For Cinema Users
The JNIOR Support Tool also has special features to help users of the Cinema software application to configure Devices and Macros. The Cinema application is a software program that runs on the JNIOR to provide central control functionality for a theater implementing a digital cinema system. Please refer to the Cinema manual available in the downloads section for details on its functionality.
One or Many JNIORs
The Beacon tab will display multiple JNIORs (both Series 3 and 4) with mixed IP addresses. By ‘right-clicking’ on a JNIOR in the list, you can set the JNIOR IP configuration, hostname, reboot, open a Telnet or FTP connection, launch the JNIOR web page and a variety of other functions. The Beacon technology is utilized throughout the JNIOR Support Tool.

The JNIOR Support Tool is a Windows-based PC application that allows the user to enter the JNIOR IP address via our Beacon technology, configure a variety of JNIOR features via our Registry editor, easily load additional software and updates to one or many JNIORs, review logs, and back-up or duplicate your JNIOR configuration.

Main Functions

The JNIOR Support Tool has seven main functions (Tabs) as described below.

  • 1. Beacon Tab – identifies JNIORs on the Ethernet network for easy selection and configuration.
  • 2. Devices Tab – allows the user to define IP addresses and/or serial settings for ‘devices’ to be controlled via the JNIOR macros utilized with the Cinema.JNIOR and Macro.JNIOR applications.
  • 3. Macro Tab – allows the user to configure Macros containing a timed sequence of Actions to control JNIOR relay outputs, ‘devices’, and the JNIOR Control Panel.  The Macros are utilized in the Cinema.JNIOR and Macro.JNIOR applications.
  • 4. Update Tab – allows the user to execute an update package to transfer new software, software updates, configuration files, and registry settings to one or many JNIORs.
  • 5. Registry Editor Tab – allows the user to view and edit the Registry Keys for one or many JNIORs.
  • 6. Logs Tab – allows the user to aggregate, view, filter, and print the various logs being created by a JNIOR.
  • 7. Snapshot Tab – allows the user to download to their PC any or all of the files located on a JNIOR.  A filter feature is provided to download files selectively.  The user can also create a Backup which creates an ‘update project’ that will duplicate a JNIOR configuration on a new JNIOR.

One or Many JNIORs

The Beacon tab will display multiple JNIORs (both Series 3 and 4) with mixed IP addresses. By ‘right-clicking’ on a JNIOR in the list, you can set the JNIOR IP configuration, hostname, reboot, open a Telnet or FTP connection, launch the JNIOR web page and a variety of other functions.

The Beacon technology is utilized throughout the JNIOR Support Tool.

For Cinema Users

The JNIOR Support Tool also has special features to help users of the Cinema software application to configure Devices and Macros. The Cinema application is a software program that runs on the JNIOR to provide central control functionality for a theater implementing a digital cinema system. Please refer to the Cinema Knowledge Base for details on its functionality.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v6.9 Jan 03 2024 545.1 KB 0a2c670e461116768b75288e652c5253
Cinema.JAR Release Notes v6.9 Jan 30 2024 614.6 KB c0326f137bd9127bebddabe2d74047a8
Cinema.JAR Manual Jun 21 2021 1.7 MB dfc6ea373101fb93e4366d26308e2476
Event Manager v1.2 Jan 26 2018 214.0 KB 60a473b2d9ff88475d0291c3b98c0c62
Event Manager MSI (Windows Install) v2.6 Jan 29 2018 1.2 MB 37678a8c1f2a5d6a100c74324ba05a26
Event Manager Manual Dec 18 2020 1.1 MB 99817b47cdb329e3eeabead4caa45c22
Cinema.JNIOR - Update Project (Series 3) v2.47 Dec 09 2019 72.6 KB 973bd73a6df7b1845f981c87d6addf37
Cinema.jnior Manual (Series 3) Jun 15 2012 1.1 MB ed8c18bf161cfd91b463ff8af2c493f3
Cinema.JNIOR Release Notes (Series 3) v2.47 Dec 09 2019 60.5 KB 8d32f6a6fa60b880efcd2dfda0adf147

CINEMA.JAR is an advanced digital cinema automation program that runs on the JNIOR to provide central control functionality for a theatre implementing a digital cinema system. The Cinema program can also be used for other audio-visual applications because of its ability to control both I/O on the JNIOR and to send commands to devices on the network.

Controls Other Devices

Cinema.Jar software enables the JNIOR to interface with a variety of systems and devices by running ‘macros’ on the JNIOR. Devices that can be controlled include practically any device. INTEG has built-in some standard commands for some widely used devices, but by adding a RAW Ethernet or RAW Serial device, the user can add any command needed to the JNIOR macros. A sample of devices include:
  • Barco, Christie, NEC digital projectors
  • NCM, Screenvision, Broadsign and other preshow systems
  • Dolby, USL, QSC and other sound processors
  • Scalers
  • 3D Systems
  • Unique devices via a RAW Ethernet connection
  • Unique devices via a RAW Serial connection

The core JNIOR provides the capability to work with various digital cinema servers (Doremi, GDC, Christie, Dolby, Barco, Qube) to allow the JNIOR to act as GPIO (General Purpose IO) to control the lighting levels (low, medium, high), masking curtains (scope, flat), sound, doors and various other items.  The digital cinema server sends commands to the JNIOR to ‘pulse’ its relays to change the desired function.

When you add the Cinema.Jar application, it allows the JNIOR to become a central automation device capable of interacting with the digital cinema server, preshow systems, projectors, sound controllers, scalers and various other industry devices and systems.  The application integrates these devices and systems with the JNIOR via the Ethernet and/or serial ports. To see how to setup the serial connection for Cinema.Jar, click here.

Central to Cinema.jar is its ability to execute ‘macros’ on the JNIOR.  A macro consists of one or more ‘actions’.  An action can control a JNIOR relay or send a command to one of the external devices.  The external ‘devices’ and ‘macros’ are easily configured by using the JNIOR Support Tool.

Once the macros have been configured, the JNIOR is very flexible in providing a variety of methods to trigger a macro:

  • The digital cinema server or other client can send the ‘run macro name’ command.
  • A predefined ‘message’ can be sent by the client that will trigger a user-configurable macro name.
  • The JNIOR digital inputs can be configured to ‘trigger’ a specific macro when the input goes “high” (transitions from “off” to “on”).
  • A macro can be ‘scheduled’ to execute on boot-up of the JNIOR or at a specific time of day.
  • A macro can be triggered based on a ‘logical expression’.
  • The ‘switches’ on the JNIOR Control Panel can trigger a macro.

QSC released a plug-in to enable quick and easy integration with the INTEG JNIOR for the Q-SYSCore!  You can install the plug-in using the Q-SYS Designer Asset Manager.  This is a QSC Managed plug-in so the Author has a “Q” icon.

Please provide feedback so that INTEG and QSC can enhance the plug-in to give our users the best experience!

The plug-in requires JNIORs to be running JANOS 1.8 or greater.

--- Core ---
DCP 2.3

--- Bundled ---
FTP Client
MODBUS Server 1.7.236
Serial Control
Serial To Ethernet 6.0.48
Slaving Service 1.5.1810.225
Task Manager 7.0.351

When we want to reboot the JNIOR from our Java application we call the command line reboot command.  To call to the command line we use the ConsoleProcess class.  Since there will not be any user to confirm the reboot we need to use the -f command to force the reboot.

        try {
            // the -f option forces the reboot without the need for user confirmation
            ConsoleProcess consoleProcess = new ConsoleProcess("reboot -f");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new IOException("Error rebooting").initCause(ex);

Release Notes

We have released JANOS v1.8 which adds the JMP Protocol. The JANOS Management Protocol (JMP) is essentially the JSON message interface utilized by JANOS Websockets. The JMP Protocol has been exposed on its own TCP/IP port. This encloses the JSON messaging in a JSON array along with the JSON Object length making reception of the messages easy. The JMP Protocol will be used by the QSC Q-SYS JNIOR component.

  • Implements the JANOS Management Protocol JMP
  • Adds “Block” command to JSON interfaces
  • Web Server limits the effects of extremely slow connections.

JANOS 1.7.1 Released December 3, 2018

Release Notes

  • Watchdog no longer causes reboot from foreground execution
  • REGEX Alternation '|' has been corrected to properly work in Group
  • Corrected NULL Pointer write issue when a Group which employs alternation appears at the start of a REGEX expression
  • Resolved message pump memory issue relating to process termination
  • Expand the channel range for setOutputRelay() from 0-11 to 0-15
  • Corrected network capture filtering when an IP address is to be excluded
  • Supports networks using Jumbo Frames
  • Eliminated assertion associated with improper use of '%n' in System.out.printf.

JANOS 1.7 Released July 26, 2018

Release Notes

  • Added ability to load single CA Certificate to be supplied on TLS connection
  • Support TLS Client Certificate Verification on outgoing connections
  • Added legacy PKCS1 support for externally generated certificates
  • Corrected array issue with processing of deferred email transmissions
  • Corrected memory issue with TAB use on the Command Line

JANOS 1.6.5 Released May 22, 2018

  • Corrected FTP listing issue created by the v1.6.4 release
  • Corrected getRegistryList method memory leak
  • Corrected 412DMX light Flickering
  • Corrected 412DMX NAND Flash processing issue
  • Corrected FTP transfer restart issue

  Utility.Jar v3.0 [ Jun 14 2019, 1.32 MB, MD5: ]

Utility version 3.0 has been released

  • + Added cycleevents.dat log for each input in flash/utility/storage/by-hours/
    The format of this line will be:

For example, the following file contains the cycle events ending in the 8am hour on July 23rd, 2019. Only the first 5 minutes are shown.

Sometimes you need to find out what the IP Address of the JNIOR is that is sitting on your network.  Sometimes someone else set it up and are no longer working with you or maybe you programmed it but years have passed and you haven’t needed to access the JNIOR because it is performing its job and no attention has been needed.

There are a couple of different ways to find out the IP Address.

By far the easiest way to find the JNIOR IP Address is the use the JNIOR Support Tool.  The JNIOR Support Tool only works on Windows systems. will have links to the latest, as well as previous, versions of the JNIOR Support Tool.  Once loaded and started you will be presented with the Beacon tab.  The Beacon tab will show all the JNIORs that are present on your LOCAL network that have reported.  When the Support Tool launches a broadcast is sent out asking for all the JNIORs to report their information.  Some network configurations can either help or hinder this operation.  In most cases it works as intended.  Here is a picture of the Beacon screen.  If you have more than one JNIOR shown you can use the Serial Number of the JNIOR to identify which row corresponds to your unit or you can use the identify feature to pulsate the amber LED next to the power indicator.  To perform that function you can right click on a row and select either Query | Identify or Configure | Identify from the menu.

The other way to determine the IP Address of a unit is to directly connect a serial cable to the RS-232 port.  Computers do not come with serial ports anymore so a USB to Serial adapter will be needed.  You can find them at Amazon.  Once the cable is connected, select your favorite terminal application or use the Command Line application included with the Support Tool.  The serial settings must be 115200, 8, 1, none for the baud rate, data bits, stop bits and parity respectively.  Now that the connection is set up you can press enter and the login prompt will be presented.  The default credentials are username: jnior and password : jnior.  You can now enter ipconfig to see the current network setup.









Lastly, for those who know Morse code, you can unplug the network cable and the status LED will flash Morse code representing the value of the last octet.  You must know the first 3 octets of your network.

    0 --- --- --- --- ---
    1 - --- --- --- ---
    2 - - --- --- ---
    3 - - - --- ---
    4 - - - - ---
    5 - - - - -
    6 --- - - - -
    7 --- --- - - -
    8 --- --- --- - -
    9 --- --- --- --- -
Name Version Release Date Size MD5
Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.5 Jun 02 2019 327.0 KB 57a834f2c5ac177b7b19b6dec52350ce

+ Added HTTP POST method to Macro Actions.

+ Added the ability the use HTTPS for GETs and POSTs

Cinema.jar 3.4.1 May 29, 2019

  Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.4.1 [ May 28 2019, 320.47 KB, MD5: 74f51ea7ccb40962eb2118bf16457c50 ]

  • Released May 28 2019

! Fixed a bug where the watchdog was no longer working. If the Cinema application crashed it would not be restarted.


Cinema.jar 3.4.0 May 16, 2019

  Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.4 [ May 16 2019, 320.36 KB, MD5: 63b627ede9c8a79710ddb3d7fd3ca852 ]

  • Released May 16 2019

+ Allow you to query the temperature sensor via a HTTP Request.  A JSON representation of the device will be returned.

As of now the only available devices are Type28 and Type7E...

Type28 is the temperature probe and Type7E is the environmental sensor.

To enable this you will need to set the AppData/Cinema/WebServer/Port registry key. The JNIOR will need to be rebooted after this key has been changed. In this example I chose 8081. Port 80 or 443 is normally the default web server port. This web server port is an additional web server that cinema is hosting to handle these types of requests.

  Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.4.1 [ May 28 2019, 320.47 KB, MD5: 74f51ea7ccb40962eb2118bf16457c50 ]

  • Released May 28 2019

! Fixed a bug where the watchdog was no longer working. If the Cinema application crashed it would not be restarted.


Cinema.jar 3.4.0 May 16, 2019

  Cinema.jar - Update Project v3.4 [ May 16 2019, 320.36 KB, MD5: 63b627ede9c8a79710ddb3d7fd3ca852 ]

  • Released May 16 2019

+ Allow you to query the temperature sensor via a HTTP Request.  A JSON representation of the device will be returned.

As of now the only available devices are Type28 and Type7E...

Type28 is the temperature probe and Type7E is the environmental sensor.

To enable this you will need to set the AppData/Cinema/WebServer/Port registry key. The JNIOR will need to be rebooted after this key has been changed. In this example I chose 8081. Port 80 or 443 is normally the default web server port. This web server port is an additional web server that cinema is hosting to handle these types of requests.

Available in JANOS 1.8.

Name Version Release Date Size MD5
JMP Protocol Manual v2.0 Mar 14 2024 230.0 KB 905f124811e438ea93ccd542bdd66f41

The JMP protocol shares the messaging JSON structure that is used by the DCP (Dynamic Configuration Page) and the web-socket protocol but on port 9220, by default.

To make processing easier we wrapped the JSON message in a two element JSON Array.

[ number, object ]

Where number is the size in bytes/characters of the JSON object that follows.

Doing this relieves us of needing to count braces to see when an entire JSON message was received. To parse the structure we can do the following:

  1. Look for the opening ‘[‘.
  2. Then process numeric values until a ‘,’ is found. White-space is ignored.
  3. White-space is again ignored and N bytes are read.
  4. Finally remaining white-space is ignored and the trailing ‘]’ confirmed.

If the numeric value is invalid, the comma missing or the trailing ‘]’ bracket not found, the entire message is to be ignored. The extracted JSON Object can then be validated as well.

Wireshark example from JNIOR network capture